Love and War (part 3 of 4)

a Advance Wars fanfiction by C. Bois

Back to Part 2
"Sami! Sami?! SAMI!! Where are you...?" Nell was both 
furious and frustrated. "Those bastards... This is so unfair..." 
She saw Sami's shredded wristband on the ground, collapsed 
and let out a sob. 

"Sami... I'm so sorry..."

Sami finally ventured out onto the beach. There was little cover 
there and she didn't want to walk out into a trap, so she had 
stayed in the cave until Black Hole had passed by. The fog of 
war had lifted by then, and she could see the tanks moving on 
into the distance, and the sleek black battleship coasting along 
beside them. The battleship... The one that had demolished her 
troops... She silently vowed to return the favour when she had 
the chance, but put the thought in the back of her mind for the 
time being. She had more things to worry about right now, like 
getting back to HQ. They probably thought she was killed in 
the blast. 

She started up the mountain slope. It was a slow start, but it 
became easier as the mountain curved towards its flat peak. 
Fairly soon she was at the top, scanning the area. It was sunny 
now, with blue skies. The plains looked especially green with 
the water from the fog glistening. Nature seemed oblivious to 
war...Sami could see the HQ in the distance. Sami thought to 
herself, "There doesn't seem to be much activity outside... 
Maybe they're still-" 

"SAMI!" Sami was suddenly wrapped in Nell's arms from 

"Geez, Nell, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" Sami gasped. 
She smiled as Nell loosened her grip and turned around to face 
her. Nell hugged Sami again and Sami hugged back. Only then 
did Sami realize Nell was crying.

"It's okay Nell, I'm fine. We'll be alright. I'm sorry things didn't 
turn out as we planned."

Nell continued sobbing. "Sami... I thought I lost you. I tried to 
tell you, but-"

"Don't worry, Nell. These things happen, it'll be okay." Sami 
held the embrace until Nell settled down. She was glad 
someone cared for her so much, and felt warm inside as the 
crisp, cool wind blew around them. As Nell was letting go, the 
girls' eyes met and locked. 

Slowly, almost carefully, they leaned forward and kissed.

Onwards to Part 4

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