Before entering the chat room, please read the rules; failure to follow them may result in you being kicked and/or banned.
This chat room runs on IRC. If you have an IRC client, you can connect to the following server:
Server: chat.serenia.net (port 6667)
Channel: #shoujoai
If you don't have an IRC client, you can click here to connect using a Java applet (requires browser Java support).
Weekly Chat: Friday 10:00PM EST (but feel free to drop in any other time as well!)
Unofficial Chats
There are currently two unofficial shoujo-ai chat rooms available. Though they are both run by ShoujoAi.com staff and members, please keep in mind that this site is not affiliated with either of them and the views expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of ShoujoAi.com.
This chat room can only be accessed by using an IRC client (such as mIRC).
Server: irc.max-evolution.com (port 6667)
Channel: #shoujoai
Description: These rooms are run by Tanaku, former administrator, and Taloon, former moderator. Many regular ShoujoAi.com chat members moved to these rooms after the server hosting the official chat began experiencing difficulties. They are the larger of the two unofficial chats.
Weekly Chat: Friday 10:00PM EST (but feel free to drop in any other time as well!)
Rules are the same as ShoujoAi.com's official chat rules.
This chat room can be accessed through the java client or by using an IRC client (such as mIRC).
Server: irc.darkmyst.org (port 6667)
Channel: #shoujoai
Description: These are a new set of rooms started by Cryogen, the Yuri Image Board moderator, in an effort to create a friendly and inclusive atmosphere. They are often quieter, and are networked with Lililicious and the DarkMyst community as well.
Weekly Chat: DarkMyst is most active from 7:00PM to 2:00AM EST but people are welcome at any time. Activity peaks on weekends.
Rules are the same as ShoujoAi.com's official chat rules.