Story: Cognitive Process (chapter 4)

Authors: Fang

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Chapter 4

Title: Four

Disclaim: Refer to chapter 1
Cognitive Process
Chapter 4: Dinner table manners

Shinobu sighed as she headed towards the roof. 'At this rate I'll never get to supper. I should devise a system. Maybe a bell system or maybe I could get Su to create something for me.' She reached the roof landing and saw Motoko and Tsuruko sitting peacefully on the roof under the stars. Their eyes were closed, and they both had a contented smile on their face. Shinobu took a moment to take them in before she began to speak softly, "Motoko. Tsuruko. It's time for dinner."

The two women nodded and stood up in concert. The three women walked down to the dining room, where everyone else already sat. Even Mutsumi and Haruka had joined them this evening. The late comers took their places, and everyone enjoyed dinner.

Supper was a silent affair, except for Naru making a strangled 'eep' noise every once in a while. Her face turned an odd shade of beet and whenever anyone asked what was wrong, her face would just turn redder while she shook her head from side to side.

Mutsumi and Haruka were both wearing similar smiles, and with the exception of Tamago, everyone was clueless as to why. "Miyuu. . . "

Motoko dropped one of her chopsticks, and leaned down under the table to pick it up. Just as her head went under, she heard Naru eep, which caused Motoko to look in the direction of Naru's legs. What she saw caused her face to turn crimson. Motoko hurriedly sat up and stared at Naru, who noticed the glance and her face went from beet to a purple tinted puce.

Motoko shifted her eyes from Naru, to the left, and saw Mutsumi still with her smile in place. Motoko looked at Haruka and saw that her smile changed from what it was to a barely perceptible mocking one, making it obvious that she knew; she knew and thought it was amusing that Motoko now knew.

"Motoko-han, are you alright? Your face had gone all red." Motoko snapped her head towards her sister, her cheeks flaming more then previous.

"I just. . . was reminded about something embarrassing," Motoko's voice held a slight lilt at the end, almost as if she was asking a question.

'Please believe that, it's not like I can tell you I saw Mutsumi run her hand up Naru's thigh, or that for just a brief moment it was under the skirt she was wearing!' Motoko's face went a deeper shade of red the longer she thought about this revelation, and the longer her sister remained silent.

Tsuruko's eyes narrowed, she knew when her sister was lying; regardless of the situation. Right now, for whatever reason, Motoko was doing exactly that. The decision was to punish or not to punish?

'Should I? I don't like being boldly faced and lied too, especially not by family.' Kou let out a small screech that caused Motoko to focus on it and sweat.

'Oh no. . . she can tell. . .' Motoko began to pray, to whom she did not know, but pray she did. 'Please don't do anything, please don't do anything!'

Tsuruko allowed the demon glint to enter her eyes, 'I think I shall wait. Yes, let her ponder and worry.' Tsuruko's demon like eyes took on a more fiendish look as she smiled sweetly at Motoko before she began to eat again.

Mitsune stared at Tsuruko, and the expression on her face. Shuddering, she cast a pitying glance at Motoko, who was gloomily eating her rice. 'Poor gal, it's so obvious she's going to get it, but the question is why?' Mitsune looked at Motoko a little longer before she decided she had to hear whatever was said when Tsuruko took action.

Meanwhile, Naru had an internal dialogue running, and it went something like this.

'Oh no! Motoko knows, and I just know that at the very least Tsuruko will know about this before the end of the day. It's bad enough Haruka walked in on us. ARGH! If Mutsumi hadn't attacked me in Haruka's Teahouse earlier today, nobody would know.

Yeah, well it's not like /you/ were doing very much to stop her, now were you?

So what? It's not my fault I like her. Besides, I didn't see /you/ doing anything!

What did you want me to do? It's not like /I'm/ the Brain.

If you're not then who is?

Eh heh, that would be me.' The Brain said in a meek voice, obviously not wanting to get into the argument.

'Well, where were /you/ when all of this happened?!

I short-circuited, what else do you think would happen without blood flow?! Blame the libido.' There was a pause of silence.

'What? I'm not going to get into this! Isn't it a /bad/ thing to have /two/ voices? Let alone four?' There was more silence, before the original three began to argue again.

'What about Keitaro?

What about him? /You/ are the one who always runs away from him!

/You're/ the one always beating him up, so you guys are even. Besides, does Keitaro even want us? No, who cares about what Keitaro wants. Do /we/ want him? No! He's so much of a screw up around everybody.

Except for maybe Haruka, mind you she'd probably whap him harder than we do.

Yo! All's y'all shut it!' A new voice bellowed.

'Who're you?' The first three asked.

'I'm crowd control, now buzz off! Someone's trying to talk to us.

And now back to your original paid programming.' The Brain said, which caused snickers from within.

"Naru! Naru are you there? C'mon are you listening?" Naru blinked her eyes to see Keitaro's hand waving in front of her face. Still half thinking about her reverie, Naru absently punched him away and a smile of relief crossed her face.

"Geez, won't he ever leave me alone?" Everyone at the table stared at Naru. Naru stared back in return; at least until she eeped and her face went red, which caused Motoko's face to follow suit, which finished it for Tsuruko.

"Time for your punishment, dear sister!"

. . . . . .

End Chapter 4

And now, for the illustrious author's comments.
I hope that I can get the next chapter out within the next week or so, but school has many pressing end of semester assignments. . . besides them fruit flies won't count themselves.

*walks off muttering about fruit flies, the next chapter, and wondering if there are any muses that could possibly inspire something other then crap for it*

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