Story: The Closet (chapter 8)

Authors: Janine

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Chapter 8

Title: Eight

Part Eight

"Leave her," Nicole stated emphasizing each of her words clearfully, "you'll be doing us all a favor. Rose petals and doves await you…besides, don't feel bad, Spam'll fit in perfectly with the freaks and fringe loners that inhabit the city. You'll be helping her out, finally she will have found her people," Nicole continued trying to guide Brooke towards the exit of the Museum. She wanted to get back to the Plaza, "Shakespeare in Love" was coming on Cinemax.

"I won't be able get on the bus, we have to sign in at the same time," Brooke responded craning her head back around trying to catch some glimpse of Sam. "Don't worry, you go, I'll find her and meet you outside," Brooke said removing her arm from Nicole's grasp.

Upon extracting herself from Nicole's sphere of influence Brooke looked around her trying to figure out what direction she had seen Sam go off in. Finally, she just settled on left and started to head in that direction, she hadn't passed the Pollack exhibit or the Etching demonstration so she decided that she should start with those places. Stopping on the ramp that would take her to her first destination Brooke carelessly turned the corner.

"Oh, I'm sorry," the blonde exclaimed as she bumped into someone. Her hands immediately stretching out as she tried to steady whomever it was she had just crashed into.

"I'm o…Brooke?" Sam asked, uncomfortably aware of Brooke's hands brushing over her body.

"Oh it's you," Brooke said finally focusing on Sam for the first time. "I've been looking for you."

"You have?" Sam asked rather incredulously before she had to time to think better of it. "I mean, you have," she corrected herself, her tone far more civil.

"Yeah, I have," Brooke responded shaking her head. "It's time to go, Glass is going to flip. We were suppose to be out there about five minutes ago," Brooke continued subtly trying to usher Sam towards the exit. Sam looked down at her watch, surprise covering her feature.

"I didn't realize…"

"Yeah, yeah, time flies when you're having fun," Brooke muttered as she continued to gently shove Sam towards the door. "By the way your bags open," she added distractedly as she concerned herself with whether it would be faster to go left or right.

"Wha…" Sam began looking down at her bag. "Uh no," she muttered her face screwing up in frustration. "I can't believe I left it behind," she continued stopping dead in tracks and turning around.

"Whoa, where do you think you're going?" Brooke asked hurriedly making an about face.

"I forgot something," Sam mumbled as she hurriedly made her way through the crowd. "You go ahead, I'll find my way back to the hotel," she said turning around to face Brooke before returning her focus forward.

"I can't get on the bus unless you're there," Brooke said catching up to Sam and placing her hand on her shoulder halting her progress.

"I have to go get it," Sam said. "Glass will let you on, just say that you couldn't find me. Nobody'll blame you," she continued before working herself out of Brooke's grasp and continuing back down the hall.

Once again Brooke quickened her step to catch up with Sam.

"What are you doing?" Sam asked turning her head to the side as Brooke began to power walk beside her.

"I'm coming with you," Brooke responded meeting Sam's eyes.

"Why?" Sam asked genuinely confused.

"Because I'm not going to leave you to wonder around by yourself at night to be raped or murdered by some psycho," Brooke responded.

Sam stopped and turned to look at Brooke, her mouth opened and closed a couple of times but no words came out of her for the first few seconds. "I…you don't have to," she said chickening out before she even got started. She had planned on expressing surprise and gratitude for Brooke's concern with her safety, but that didn't end up happening.

"I know," Brooke replied meeting her gaze. She stared at Sam for a second longer, then gave a short little laugh as she shook her head. "Well?"

"This way," Sam said and with that they wondered off back into the depths of the Museum.

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