Story: ...:Lily Flower:... (chapter 1)

Authors: ALLjapan

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Chapter 1

Title: Finding A Flower

Carla Severini ran down the street along the edge of a building and slipped silently into the library. She shut the side-entrance door quietly behind her and heard the heavy boots of her pursuers go trampling by. She let out a sigh of relief, then sneaking past the library staff she made her way out of the "staff only" section and into the main area of the library, she ran down one of the isles of the vast library shelves, but not looking where he was heading ran straight into another person in the library. The girl she had run into was named Lily, Lily had been walking innocently through the rows of books and rather shyly had clutched the book which she had been waiting for weeks to borrow, as she collided with head-strong Carla, she fell over because of her petite size, and blushed when she looked up. “O-oh, I'm sorry....”

"I'm sorry!" Carla said almost at the same time so shocked she quickly rose taking the petite girls hands in her own and helping the other girl to stand.

The girl stands up quickly and brushes herself off, which is when Carla realised, she look very upset, Lily respond distantly, “it's fine...” and turn to continue other way.

Carla takes Lily’s hand and steps forward to block the smaller girl’s path. "H-hey, I said I'm sorry, are you alright?" Carla hated to think that she had upset the stranger. She was a cute girl after all.

“I'm fine,” my hand going limp a little, losing all tension, “ just problems....”Lily’s face blanks over a little and looks to be pondering deep in thought. Then blushes at the feel of Carlas touch on her hand, but not sure why, everything had been so stressful for her, With Carlas questioning eyes on hers she blurts it all out, “my boyfriend’s cheating on me and I am leaving home, I have exams, is all just becoming too much.” Lily sits down, not wanting to stand no more. She leans her back against the books on the shelf. “But it’s fine,” she lets out a sigh, “everything’s fine.”

Carla had decided to sit by the girl, her hand brushing against Lily’s. She decides that seeing that it was her fault that she had run into the girl. She should try to make up for it somehow. Besides now that she was no longer being followed and she was safer <i>and</i> had some time to herself She may as well talk to this girl she had so rudely knocked over. "Are you sure everything's okay?"

A tear slowly forms in her eye, as she tries to say “I'm fine,” but as she silently starts to cry, the only words she can make out are, "hug me."

Seeing Lily looking so vulnerable and hurt Carla is taken aback but opens her arms in kindness to the younger looking girl. She brings her into her arms and holds her softly to her chest as she tries to comfort the girl a little. Lily looked up at Carla softly and staring deep into Carlas crimson eyes, being so naturally alluring, no one would blame Carla if she tried to kiss Lily, who was unsure of what to say to Carla who had so kindly allowed Lily to have a comforting hug. Lilys eyes were wet and her cheeks were flushed with emotion. The girl before Carla had eyes which drew her in; they were already so close so when their lips connected in a chaste kiss, well, it was only a matter of time before that happened! Lily was shocked, but too vulnerable and upset to pull away and deal with awkwardness, she needed happiness, and kissing this girl made her happy, though, she wasn't sure why, she wrapped her arms around Carla and deepened the kiss, involving her tongue, trying to be as silent as she could, having enough sense at least… to remember they were in the library. Carla felt the kiss be deepened by the other girl and as she was held closer she wrapped her arms around the small frame of the other girl, making her tongue meet with hers. Then Lily suddenly realises what she is doing and pulls away, panicking with wide eyes, “w-why did I...?” She looks around frantically for an explanation. As if trying to remember what had happened that had led to her kissing a total stranger.

Damn and the kiss was just getting....arousing...when suddenly Lily had pulled away abruptly. "S-sorry." Carla said, panting a little from the intimacy of the kiss. She dropped her arms a little but kept the other girl close still, seeking the warmth. "I'm Carla...Sorry I knocked you over."

Not sorry that I kissed you. She added silently in her mind.

Lily was feeling a mixture of emotions, and couldn't understand what she was feeling, but she hugged so tightly into the girl and fell asleep, exhausted from all of the hormonal reactions of the day, like a small child, looking adorable in Carla’s arms sleeping soundlessly. Carla awkwardly glanced about and saw a quiet sitting area in the library corner she picked the girl up, it strained on her arms a little but she went to the seat and placed the girl there. She looked at her for a moment. Thinking of what to do...She didn’t want to draw attention to herself. But she couldn’t leave the girl like this. She felt the other girls head it was a little clammy and the girl was a little paler now. Carla took her pulse. It was steady and Carla looked at Lily’s face again. It seemed as though she had passed out a little, but intstead of pulling straight out of the faint the younger one had gone to sleep. Waking up slowly, feeling a little sleepy, not remembering much, Lily ends up asking Carla sweetly, “where am I? Who are you?” Carla immediately realised that this could be a chance to manipulate the situation with ease.

"Oh..." Carla recognised a sleepy manor in the girl’s eyes and smiled slowly to the side as her heart rate rose. "Oh, well, we are in the library. You passed out, I'm Carla...” she pauses thinking whether or not to go through with her wild idea. Ah, screw it! “We were just about to go to my place for the afternoon." Carla placed a hand suggestively on Lily’s thigh and smiled playfully. No harm in having the girl over her place for the night, Carla thought wistfully to herself. A night of relaxation is just what the doctor had ordered, she decided. And what better way was there to relax then to bed a complete and utter stranger who had a good bod and sweet face?

Lily was vaguely aware of something being off btu she brushed the feeling aside and Lily stood, the hand leaving her thigh to wrap around her waist instead, she didnt really notice it because the way her clothes fell. “We were? Okay, then let's go!” she smiles at Carla very trustingly.

Carla snaked her arm around Lily’s waist as they continued out of the library and she guided the other girl back to her house. The walk was short and they soon arrived at Carla’s apartment and Carla smiled at Lily as she locked the door and dropped the keys on the kitchen table. "Would you like a drink?"

Lily had walked with Carla quietly, chatting about the weather and a little about the clothes she was wearing until they reached the house, it was a warm day and Lily decided to take her coat off as they entered the house. She put it neatly on a sofa nearby, before sitting at a stool by the kitchens bench, “water please!”

"Okay, here let me get it for you." Carla pulled out a clean glass from the drying rack then proceeded to fill it with tap water. She bought the cup to Lily then made her way over toward the hall smiling at Lily, “here you can have it in my room.” She began to walk down a short dark hallway toward her room.

Lily followed Carla to her bedroom, softly sipping at the water at the appropriate times, when they got to Carla's room Lily stayed standing, feeling a little confused but not showing it.

Carla sat on her bed and patted a spot beside her. "Don't be so stiff, come, sit with me." Carla leant over to a mini fridge by her bed, there wasn't much in it and she pulled out a flask of vodka tipping some into a shot glass on top of the mini fridge. She put the flask back on top of the fridge and downed the glass. She sighed in relief at its coolness and her head rolled back a little as she closed her eyes.

Lily walks over to the bed slowly, and rather rigidly, as soon as she sits down she smells the whisky. “Why are you drinking that? It's bad for you.” She says it as ‘matter of factly’ and looks at Carla disapprovingly.

"Bad for me?" Carla lets out a small laugh. "Honey, with a day like the one that I have had, you would be having a drink too. Don't get me wrong. I ain't no alcoholic. But after a tough day a little shot is good....Say you know what-" Carla took the nearly finished water from Lily and got out the vodka flask again, she poured some in the shot glass and held it up to Lily. "You have had a tough day too. One shot won’t kill know."

Lily takes the shot of whisky timidly and looks at it, spins it in the glass a little, feeling a little intimidated, “I don't know, I've never drunk before, are you sure I should?”

Looked like the little Lily needed some convincing, "Lily hun, I know we just met...but, you can trust me okay? I really like you." Carla readjusted her position on the bed placing her arm so that she could be closer to Lily. She brings her hand gently to the hand Lily was using to swirl the glass about and began guiding the hand toward Lily’s mouth. "Besides, I only gave you little more than half a shot, you will be fine." Carla uses a gentle voice, as though the girl were a deer which would startle if you spoke too loudly. Lily listened to the older woman intently, and because she had spoken in such a slow calming voice, and gently started to move the shot glass towards her mouth, Lily couldn't help but open her mouth and drank the vodka; she swallowed it and felt the burning sensation in her mouth, and coughed a little.

Carla smiled and let out a bubbly laugh as Lily coughed a little on the strong flavour, she took the glass and placed it on the fridge top and she soothed Lily; rubbing her back as she nuzzled her nose against Lilys smooth cheek. "You okay there?"

Lily is still coughing a little, but she starts to relax when you start to rub her back, she enjoys the nose rub and giggles like a small child. Reminding Carla subtly that her companion was really quiet younger than she was. Not for the first time she wondered at Lily’s age but brushed the thought aside as she smiled. Getting excited Carla boldly pushes Lily back on the bed and crawls over her, her hands are placed on either side of Lily’s head and with dark rubicund eyes that burned with desire Carla leans down and places a small kiss on Lily’s lips.

She pulls away a little, thinking Carla was just playing, not drunk enough to just do anything just yet, she giggles and starts to tickle the other woman, laughing with her for a little while. “Why do you drink Carla?” She asks with a naive look on her cherubic face.

Carla laughed along with Lily and rolled over pulling Lily on top, she took hold of at least one of the hands, which were tickling her and placed her other hand resting it on Lily’s lower back. "Well, like I said, I just have one after a hard day. In my line of work you have that every now and then."

Looking down deep into Carla’s eyes, her hair falling across Lilly’s face and being  close to Carla’s, “well, if you say it's safe, then I don't mind drinking a little bit.” She smiles at Carla, trusting people too easily was always Lilly’s weak point.

Carla ‘inconspicuously’ slid her leg up, her thigh pressing to Lilly’s soft centre, she smiled up at Lilly and one of her hands rose to cup Lily’s face in her hand. "A little bit of variety in life is healthy for the soul my friend."

Lily sits there enjoying Carla stroking her face; she enjoys Carla’s soft hands, but shivers when Carla moves her thigh and starts to feel a little uncomfortable and says, “can I have some more vodka please?”

Carla is stopped, her smile falters; fearing that Lily wanted her to end everything immediately. But her smile returned quickly and she felt relief as she sat up. This made Lily be positioned sitting in her lap and Carla kissed Lily’s neck . "Of course flower." She leant to get the bottle and poured some vodka in the glass. "Not too much, I'll give you a standard drinks worth. But probably best not have no more after that."

As Lily is moved onto Carla's lap she takes the drink from Carla thanking her for it, and then sips it a little, “I should think I won't have anymore!” She drinks a little more and tenses up as she feels Carla kiss her neck again, feeling a little awkward, but the alcohol loosening the younger girl up, ‘variety in life is healthy for the soul’, is fresh in her mind, so Lily sits back and decides to just sit and take Carla’s kisses.

Carla holds Lily in her arms gently she watches Lilly sipping the glass and takes the small shot glass from her once she is done, she fills it with a second drink for herself as she talks to Lily. "This is a shot glass; vodka is strong which is why it is so little, it's best to have it in one shot." Carla puts the rim of the glass to her lips and tips her head back as she downs the shot. She lets out a breath and puts the glass back on the fridge top. She then turns her attention back to lily, bringing the younger girls body closer and pressing it to her own sexually.

Lily watches Carla down the shot glass, then says, “give me another, i wanna do it right.” Before Carla can even make a move Lily makes a grab for the vodka and carefully pours a glass, it spills over the edge a little but Lily barely seems to notice she picks the shot up eagerly then downed it in one as she was shown, the warm passionate feelings fill her up. She puts the glass away and turns her attention back to Carla she turns and starts kissing her neck whilst hugging Carla super tightly licking her neck if ever she thought she was being too rough.

Carla begins moaning in pleasure; FINALLY, She could not help but think to herself. She flipped their position so that Lily was laying beneath her. She kissed back fervently. Lilly starts to kiss Carla deeper, open to this, but not really sure what she was doing, Lily had never been with a girl before, she pulls away for a second smiling coyly,  “you'll have to show me the ropes” She starts kissing Carla’s neck. Carla returns the kisses and switches their positions straddling Lily as she pulls up to listen.

"Oh? Well, don’t you worry," she winks, "I have done this a few times before. Trust me, you'll feel amazing once I am done with you." She slipped her hands under Lily’s top watching Lily through slanted eyes as she began to slip the shirt off of Lily.

She looks at the girl atop of her and cheekily winks back, “I should hope so.” She smiles and giggles, and helps Carla with the removal of her top, usually lily noted; she would have felt so awkward in a situation like this one, but she felt fine, looking at Carla with such lust -admittedly not sure why- that even she was shocked, she found herself hoping Carla will make me feel as amazing as she says she will. Carla saw the teenage girls lust laden eyes and smiled at how cute she was when she flirted. Once the shirt was removed, Carla beheld the sight of the girls womanly figure she raised her arms above her head removing her own shirt before she leant down to begin trailing kisses from the centre of the girls chest and up her throat toward her mouth. Lily wasn't used to this kind of attention, she was a virgin and before Carla she had only ever kissed one person, her (she decided) now ex-boyfriend who she had been with for 3 years, and as such, her breathing started to speed up, wishing she knew what to do. Oblivious to Lily’s inner turmoil Carla finds Lily’s mouth and their tongues are soon sliding against one another, Carla begins to search for the girls turn on spots trailing her fingers a long Lily’s sides feeling her up and testing for a reaction as she rubbed her leg against Lily’s soft centre once again. As soon as Carla’s leg touches Lily’s centre spot, her kissing becomes a lot more passionate, and deep, as though she had been given a bag of energy. The fiery passion is a reaction that drove and fed Carla as though she were a hungry beast. She continued to kiss with burning fire and swiftly unclasped Lily’s bra freeing her breasts, she clasped onto one of the tender breasts with her hand giving it a small massage and flicking her thumb over the nub which had begun to become erect.

As Lily feels herself become more and more aroused, she started to speed up her breathing, taking in all of Carla’s passion, feeling surprisingly calm about her chest out and being touched, moaning into the older woman a little, very softly as their tongues entwined. Carla breaks the kiss, licking and biting down on a lovers path to one of Lily’s magnificent breasts. She kisses the supple flesh with integrity and sucks a nipple into her mouth tasting it with her tongue as she continued to massage the other breast with her free hand. Lily let out moans of pure pleasure, she stroked Carla’s hair as she licked and sucked on her chest, all the while wondering if she would be able can pleasure Carla right now, but those thoughts go as she is plunged into a sea of pleasure. Lily’s flavour seems sweet on Carla’s tongue and she pleasures the breast in her mouth thoroughly before moving onto the other one and pleasuring that one as well. All along Lily moans, gasps and whines in pleasure, turning Carla on more and more, by the end of it she's feeling so hot that the pants felt as if they were constricting her.

Lily then does something that shocks both women, she reaches her hand down and begins to work on undoing Carla’s cargo pants. They slip off with ease, Carla heling alont he way. Not knowing what to expect but wanting the pants off as soon as possible as well. Once the pants are off Carla is surprised when Lily slides her hand into her pants for a few seconds, stroking and caressing, but the adrenaline eases up for moment and then she gets embarrassed and pulls out, going back to just moaning from the amazing attention which her breasts were getting.

The other girls bold action had made her shudder with the lightest onset of an orgasm, it had been so unexpected. She quietly gasped in a little breath when Lily’s hand left and she guiding it down again moaning, “no...please don't stop."

Lily gasps as she feels my hand in there again, slowly she caresses and rubs Carla, then slowly, building up confidence as Carla shifts above her, her breath catching, Carla inserts a finger, trying to be so gentle. Carla continues to pleasure her breasts and they both moan. But the biting begins to hurt and Lily gasps, her body moving  beneath Carla’s discomfortingly and she cubs Carla’s sex in her hand, her head being thrown back, “y-your biting a little can you please be a bit softer?”

Carla stops momentarily with her assault on Lily’s breasts a trail of saliva the only thing connecting her to Lily’s breast. She moans and when the fingers enter her pulsing centre she could have passed out from pleasure, she moaned again and hardly, but only just heard Lily’s soft voice in her ear. "S-sorry. You just make me so...excited," but she heeded Lily’s plea and began to kiss Lily’s neck gently in apology.

Lily finds herself getting turned on when she sees Carla and the trail of saliva, she shows this by speeding up her touch, pushing two fingers in now, barely noticing Carla’s words. The pleasure is so good, so over powering, to give Lily more control Carla makes a swift movement to place Lily on top, her panties slipping down and giving more access. She bought Lily’s mouth hard over her own kissing with lust and fire which burned within. Lily could feel Carla's passion and returned it, her pleasure giving inside of Carla, getting faster and pulling more fingers in, making it so pleasurable, kissing the other back with an equal fire. This causes a shudder to course through Carla. As experienced as she was the natural ability of pleasure giving from this younger girl was amazing. She had said that she'd pleasure Lily, but not had she expected to be pleasured so thoroughly in return. She held Lily close thrusting her hips to create more of that friction, that wonderful friction. Then as if to tease lily decides to stop, she pulls her fingers out and moves away, and with a look of pure lust says, “keep those legs open,” getting on all fours she starts to lick and suck on Carla’s clit, licking and kissing all over, trying so hard to bring her to orgasm, to gain her wonderful juices.  Carla complied to the command, she kept her legs divided, her body trembling with pleasure at the long wet strokes of Lily’s tongue on her womanhood. Her hands balled the bed sheets into her fists as she arched her back. She was on the edge another push, and she was sure she'd topple. Lily opens Carla’sr legs a little wider and plunges her tongue inside her, licking and sucking all that she could to bring Carla to her full orgasm. And that is what did the trick; Carla wouldn't have been able to sit on that edge any longer any more even if she had wanted to. And as if she'd want to stay on the edge, for as tantalising as it was, the fall was so much more enthralling, mind numbing that she had to yell out in pleasure her whole body arching as she rode the orgasm.  As soon as Carla comes to orgasm, Lily starts to swallow her juices, she licks and tastes Carla’s flavour, the taste more intoxicating then the vodka she had had earlier. After this, she curls up into Carla’s arms.

Carla’s breath comes out chaffed at the edges. She lay for a little while regaining her breath to a regular rhythm. Then she crawled over Lilly and smiled devilishly, "if you're up for it Flower, then I think I'd like to repay to for such prime services." She murmured flirtatiously.

Lily smiles at the offer, “it depends on how you'll pay me.” She winks cheekily.

"Trust me Lilly. you will enjoy this." With that said and permission so willingly and obviously granted Carla removed the rest of her clothes quickly before beginning to pull at the remaining clothes of Lilly. Soon they are both naked and Carla begins building up the atmosphere yet again. Their bodies were already hot still from the previous climax. So it wasn't long until Lilly was panting beneath her. Carla kissed Lilly again and again rubbing her body hot against Lily’s. She starts to pant so loudly, the feeling of Carla’s body run all over hers, Lily kissed Carla full on the lips passionately, trying to signal that she wanted more; running her fingers through Carla’s hair, getting so hot. To Carla hot was an understatement, Carla felt as if there was an inferno burning within her. She kissed Lilly roughly and then feeling as if she had worked Lilly enough she rubbing her pelvis against Lily’s, making their womanhood rub against each other causing the girls to shudder as one. Lily starts to moan with pleasure, feeling the inferno that Carla was making. It was making her so hot; she started sucking Carla’s breasts, sitting on the edge herself now, so close. Carla thrust her hips grinding her sex to Lily’s, Lily quivered with pleasure beneath her and Carla continued feeling a ticklish sensation begin creeping over her body making her shudder. "Oh, Lil-"

Lily was pushed over the edge at this point, diving straight into a sea of orgasm, which felt amazing, she panted for a while trying to get her breath back.

The effect of the orgasm was rippling Carla shuddered above Lilly and collapsed atop of her their sweaty body’s fitting together comfortably. She was the first to get her breath back, "that was amazing."

Still panting from the orgasm, sweat trickling on Lily’s cheek, “I didnt want to tell you, but that would be my first orgasm,” and now she was exhausted.

Carla rose just enough to stare into Lily’s eyes. "This is a lot better than just having a drink after a tough day." She kisses Lilly tenderly. "Can I keep you, Flower?" Carla says in a half-joking tone as she rubs her nose on Lily’s.

Lily kisses her back and once she has her breath back, she says, “that was my first time, and my first orgasm,” looking embarrassed, “keep me? What do you mean?”

Carla chuckles her face still rosy from their previous activities. "Your first? Well I was guessing that, that was the case. I am glad that you enjoyed it." Carla giggle a little lying down on her side she brang Lily into her arms in a caring embrace. Before answering she takes Lily’s hands in her own and kisses her fingers lightly. "Well, I was wondering if we could do this again someday...for starters."

Lily looks at the girl, and as she is pulled into her arms, she feels her heart skip a beat, she watches her kiss Lilly’s hand and smiles. “For starters? Then what’s next?”

"Hmm, small steps baby. You know," Carla yawns a little her eyes drooping as she smiles at Lilly, "crawl before you walk or run, y'know?" She snuggled into Lily’s soft body some more. "I really think we may have something here. I hope it ain't just the whisky speakin' " She chuckles at this.

            Lily smiles softly at this, Carla’s sleepiness becoming infective as she too yawns, her eyes begun to droop but she does nothing to stop them as she snuggles cosily into Carla’s arms. “I hope not too. I really like you Carla.”

            But the other woman had already fallen into a drunken slumber, content with having Lily in her arms, the room warm with the afternoon heat. And their bodies pressed close, Lily fell asleep too. Even though as she begun to sleep the recollection of Carla running into her in the library flickered at her minds edge. She would deal with that when she woke up she decided. Right now, she was happy.

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