Story: Dark Mistress - Redux (chapter 3)

Authors: fulwiz

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Chapter 3

Title: CHAPTER 03: Villain Recruiting For Beginners.

Dark Mistress

Written by fulwiz

Beta by Wirenfeldt Jr

Disclaimer: I don't own Kim Possible, Disney does. The other characters come from my own twisted mind.

Warning: This story contains sexual situations, mature themes, explicit violence, death and warped philosophy.

The story is KiAnGo. (And More) If you find this offensive, please don't read further.

Important Note: This story is the sequel to “The Middleton Pact - Redux.” If you don't read that first, you will be very confused.

CHAPTER 03: Villain Recruiting For Beginners.

Ron Stoppable used a shirtsleeve to wipe the drool from his chin. His eyes were glued to the sleek and powerful looking vehicle sitting in the Tower's garage. It bore little resemblance to the clunky and boxy armored personnel carrier it had been only yesterday. The forward cabin area had been streamlined, a fourth axle added and the gray armor squares had been somehow blended with the vehicle's body, creating a single sheet of encompassing armor. The whole thing gleamed with new black paint. The only things that remained the same were the oversized tires and the drop down loading door in the back.

Standing beside him, Justine almost let a smile touch the impassiveness of her face as she explained the vehicle's particulars to him. “The power plant is a prototype hydrogen fuel cell. It has a cruising range of 600 miles. It's maximum speed is 180 mph. The rear bay can hold up to a three ton load.”

He reached out, placed a hand on one of the eight tires and boosted himself enough to look into the control cabin. He took in the myriad of dials and switches on the dash and center console. His eyes traveled over the two front seats equipped with five point harnesses. In the middle cabin were two more fold down type seats and lockers for storage. A door blocked his view of the rear area. There were tears of joy in his eyes as he hopped down from the twenty foot long vehicle and turned to look at the woman who'd created it.

His voice cracked with emotion as he spoke. “Justine, this has to be the most Bon-Diggity thing I ever saw. How did you manage to do it so fast?”

Her reply was tinged with pride. “It was quite simple. I contacted the professors of the Applied Physics and Advanced Engineering classes at the Middleton Institute of Technology and made a deal. In exchange for their student's assistance with my work, they get field credits and real world experience. They all left about twenty minutes ago.”

Ron grinned. “That's using your noggin! I never woulda thought of...”

A bell sounding from the rear of the garage interrupted him. The Tower's elevator door opened. Joss, with Rufus riding on her shoulder, stepped out. She crossed the distance to them at a hurried pace. “We just go a call from the police chief of Upperton. Seems there's this buncha villains causing a ruckus there. He said it was a code DD, but I ain't sure what all that is.”

Ron scratched his head. “I don't know either.” He gave a shrug. “It doesn't matter. We'll take care of them!” He glanced at the vehicle behind him with an eager grin. “Look's like we get to test this baby out in action.”


Betty Director watched as former GJ trooper Ben Thayer was lead away in handcuffs. He'd cracked under her interrogation after only a few short minutes. She hadn't even gotten the chance to use stronger methods of persuasion on him. It disgusted her that such a weak willed idiot caused so much trouble for her and her mistress. She closed the door of the interrogation room and used her security remote. With it she shut down the video camera, effectively making the room secure from all surveillance.

From her pocket she pulled out the specially modified cell phone Wade had given her. Kim needed the information she'd just received as quickly as possible. She began dialing a very, very long distance call.


Motor Ed appeared in the middle of the lair's teleporter room. He had Viceroy, unconscious and bound in a tow chain, draped over his shoulder. His eyes went wide as he looked at the welcoming committee. “Whoa! Naked Babe-O-Rama!”

Standing between Anne and Yori, Shego raised a hand that flickered into green flames. “Look, but don't touch. Got it Eddie?”

Ed dumped the man off of his shoulder and raised his hands. He remembered well how painful those flames could be. “You got it Green. Seriously!”

Anne stepped forward and checked Viceroy's pulse. “What happened to him?”

Ed leered at her. “He wouldn't shut up about being broke outta prison. So I decked him.”

Shego let her flames die out. “Other than that, everything go OK?”

He tore his eyes from Anne's breasts and looked back to Shego with a shrug. “Smooth as grease. I went to the spot you told me. Found the tracer thingamabob. Flicked the switch and Poof! Here I am, wherever here is, surrounded by Babe-A-Liscious hotties!”

Kim's voice came from the doorway. “Where you are doesn't matter right now.” She walked into the room and wrapped an arm around Shego's waist. “As for my hotties, we'll discuss that later. Right now I need you, Shego, and Yori to come with me to the control center.” She turned to Anne. “Mom, Steve's on his way to help you with Viceroy.”

Anne asked. “What's happening Kimmie?”

Kim glanced over at Motor Ed. He was staring at her naked body and it seemed if his jaw dropped any further it would be dragging on the floor. She figured, until she knew where he fit in her long term plans, it would best not to let him in on too many secrets. “One of our sources has located where Drakken might be. We're going to check it out.”


The newly christened Ronmobile pulled to a silent stop in the heart of Upperton. Tall buildings rose on every side of them. One of those buildings stood out from the others. It was a good dozen stories tall and covered in large panels of golden hued glass. That alone wouldn't have made it remarkable. What made it stand out was the circle of blue and white police cars surrounding it. Two of those cars, which were blocking off the street directly in front of them, pulled back just enough for the large vehicle to pass.

Joss stuck her head out the side window and looked up at the building. “I reckon this here's the place.”

Ron pulled the Ronmobile up next to an unmarked police car. He and Joss climbed out. Both were wearing black leather single piece jumpsuits they'd found in the Ronmobile's lockers. Belts, containing many pockets, were around their waists. The buckles of the belts were large and were emblazoned with a stylized capital S. As soon as Ron saw the outfits, he knew Justine must have been a fan of the X-Guys movies.

Two, obviously nervous, detectives approached them. Both women were wearing expensive looking suits with knee length skirts and sensible flats. Their jackets were open, revealing the gold badges attached to their belts.

One of the detectives spoke. “Team Stoppable I presume? We are glad to see you. I'm Detective Lagney and this is my partner, Detective Cacey.”

Ron reached out and took her hand. “I'm Ron, this is Joss.” He reached into a large, specially made, pocket on the thigh of his suit and withdrew a sleeping ball of pink. “And this is Rufus. So what can you tell us about what's going on?”

Detective Cacey spoke. “There are two or three of them in the building. Reportedly they are tearing up the top floor. There's also been a couple sightings of some kind of wild, mutated, animal.”

Joss nodded. “Mutated varmint huh? That sure do make it our job then.”

Ron straightened and tried to look heroic. “Yes it does. OK Detectives, pull all your people back. We'll handle it from here.”

The two detectives began calling off the members of the Upperton Police force that were on the scene. By the time Team Stoppable were passing through the front doors of the Luxury Arms hotel, there wasn't a single uniformed officer in sight. The two Detectives got into their car and began driving away as quickly as they could.

Detective Cacey looked back out the rear window. “They must be really fearless.”

Detective Lagney nodded as she pressed her foot down harder on the gas pedal. “I'm just glad it's them and not us.”

Detective Cacey turned to the front again. “Same here. I hate Domestic Disturbance calls.”


Kim crawled through the ventilation shaft that led down to the secret labs below Area 51. It was a very familiar feeling, especially since she was wearing her old black and purple mission clothes. Yori, in her black ninja outfit, was silently following right behind her. Both were trying to breath only through their mouths due to the fetid stench of death in the air. The other two members of her team were still above ground.

Both Motor Ed and Albert insisted on coming along. Ed, because they were doing this to rescue his cousin and Albert because Drakken was his boss. Kim left them to stand guard up top for two reasons. Firstly, she didn't want anyone sneaking away and secondly because both men were too big to fit through the ducts. This pretty much left her and Yori to carry out the mission alone. For the umpteenth time Kim wished Shego were here. Unfortunately, a last minute change of plans had taken her and Barry elsewhere.

The shaft began to brighten ahead of them. Kim crawled around a corner and saw a slatted vent cover. She slowed down as she got closer. The smell was getting worse. Suppressing the urge to gag, she peered down into a large lab area and a gruesome scene.


Steve grunted as he dropped the unconscious man on a metal table. As he and Anne began unwinding the chain from around John Viceroy, he asked. “I thought Kim was going to just kill this guy for what he did?”

Anne dropped the chain to the floor with a clank. “She was, but I talked her out of it.”

As the two of them began strapping the man to the table with bands of metal mesh, Steve let out a snorting laugh. “I didn't know anyone could talk her out of something she had her mind set on.”

She gave him a wink as she tightened a band. “I do have a little experience with that. Besides...” She waved an arm at the surrounding room. “...I gave her a pretty good reason.”

For the first time, Steve took a good look at the room they were in. His first assumption that it was the new medical area was only half right. This section was setup just like the one in the old lair. The difference, he could see now, was the area adjoining it. He stepped to the door in the glass-like clear wall, opposite the one they'd entered. Through it, he could see a couple of Wade's worker-bots assembling laboratory equipment from components made by the lair's nanobot factory. Even though most of it was only partially assembled, he instantly knew what he was looking at.

He went back to the table where the man was now fully secured. “That's DNAmy's genetic stuff.”

Anne smiled at his astuteness. “Yes. I'm going to conduct more research and Kim's plan will rely on it's capabilities.” She gave him a knowing look. “I believe you have personal experience as to how dangerous that can be?”

Steve rolled his eyes at the memory of his first encounter with DNAmy. “Too personal. I'm lucky to not still be fused with that hairless rodent of Stoppable's.”

She nodded in sympathy. “Exactly. I too have learned my lesson about experimenting on friends and family.” She pointed at the man on the table. “That is why Kim let me have him.”


Ron and Joss cautiously entered the hotel through it's wide, etched glass doors. Rufus sat on Ron's shoulder rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. The opulent lobby area was completely deserted. They began moving across the expansive marble floor toward a bank of three elevators. Ron stuck out a finger toward the UP button.

Before he could push it, Joss grabbed his arm. “Look Ron.”

He looked where she was pointing at the row of numbered lights above the elevator's doors. The lights showed the elevator was in motion and was coming down. The light indicating the lobby lit and there was a loud seeming Ding! The doors parted and they both gasped as a bloody man with torn clothing fell toward them. They barely managed to catch him as he slumped down unconscious.

They turned him over and lay him down gently on the floor. Ron could see a long gash on his forehead just under the tangle of short dark hair. Blood from the injury coated the man's face and obscured his features. There were more slashes across his chest and it looked like he'd been hit multiple times with a blunt object too.

Joss pressed her hand over the cut on the man's head. “This feller needs to be got to a hospital pronto.”

Ron felt torn. He knew they had to get this man medical attention. He also felt the burning desire to confront the villains who'd caused his injuries. The decision was made for him as something landed on the roof of the elevator car with a heavy thump. A scream of feline rage tore through the air as whatever it was began ripping at the emergency hatch.

Setting Rufus down on the floor, Ron yelled out. “You two get him to safety! I'll hold it off!”

Joss struggled to pull the man toward the door. Rufus began to glow with a blue aura. He added his Mystical Monkey Powered effort to hers.

Ron watched them for a few seconds before turning back to the elevator. There was a horrible screech as the hatch splintered and fell, taking the lights with it to the floor. A shape dropped into the now dim small space. For a moment the shape crouched near the floor. He backed away toward the center of the lobby in order to have room to maneuver. There was a hiss as the shape rose to human height.

As the figure stepped into the light, it said. “Well, well if it isn't the Doofus!”

Ron gasped in shock as he stared at the naked catlike woman. “Bonnie!?”


Kim tried not to look at the carnage as she scoped out the underground laboratory. She could only see one living thing in the room, Dr. Drakken. There were also five Bee-Bees and a Cee-Cee. One look at the mind control chip on Drakken's forehead told her two things. He wasn't here of his own free will and Dr. Bortel had indeed come here. Her fear that the hive was being rebuilt was confirmed. She watched Drakken and the Bee-Bees building an assembly line similar to the one she'd seen the last time she encountered the murderous robots.

Finding Drakken meant part of her goal was in sight. Of DNAmy there was no sign. If the woman was in another part of the base, it would make her job harder. On the up side, she didn't think she'd have to worry about dealing with whoever had been in charge here. It was obvious the female robots had staged a coup. Kim considered her last two encounters with Drakken's idea of the perfect woman. She didn't like the odds.

The first time she'd been saved by her father. He'd come up with the idea of jamming their network with a hypersonic signal. The second time jamming had been ineffective. Only super shoes, sabotage by Rufus, and Bonnie's over-inflated view of perfection had saved her. She had to figure jamming would not work again and sabotage was useless against the already existing robots. Unlike last time, it appeared Cee-Cee was now acting as the hive queen.

Kim was left with only one choice. She dipped her hand into the large pouch on her belt and pulled out a small metal cylinder. Wade assured her this scaled down version of the Super Electromagnetic Pulse bomb would work. She didn't doubt his craftsmanship, but had misgivings about it's effectiveness. It wouldn't affect Lowardian technology or the mind control chip. She also knew, because of the message sent by Joss, one other thing hadn't been affected, her cousin's robot horse. Kim gave it a fifty-fifty chance of working on the Bee-Bees.

Another peek out showed her the assembly line was almost complete. She had little time to decide her course of action. Turning her head, she looked almost straight down. The Cee-Cee was almost directly below her. All she could see was the back of the robotic woman who was doing something at a workbench. She signaled to Yori to be ready and braced herself to kick out the grate.


Ron tried not to stare at Bonnie's breasts with a goofy grin on his face. He failed miserably. The higher functions of his brain went bye-bye. Memory surfaced of the only other time he'd seen those full, golden tanned, orbs in the flesh. It was the night after he received the, almost billion dollar, royalty check from Bueno Nacho for his invention of the Naco. She'd pressed his hands to those firm, warm mounds. In a lusty voice, she'd proclaimed her willingness to...


The sound of the elevator door to his right opening shocked him back to the present. A shirtless Señor Senior Senior stepped out. His eyes went from the way Senior held his cane like a bludgeon to Bonnie's upraised claws. Ron took a step back and gulped loudly as the obvious penetrated his brain. These two were responsible for the injuries suffered by the poor man Joss and Rufus just took out the building's front door.

Ron assumed the bow-legged attack stance of Monkey Kung Fu. “I know you're villains and all, but what you did to that guy was just low!”

The Seniors exchanged an amused look.

Bonnie's ears lay flat against her head as she began to stalk toward Ron. “Clueless as ever Stoppable.”

Senior also began to advance on him. “Indeed. Mr. Stoppable. Your interference in this most private of family matters is most unwelcome.”


Anne looked down at the bound man. She was a little annoyed that he'd interrupted her explanation of why he was here with insults. “That was a very rude thing to say to me Mr. Viceroy. Neither my ancestry nor sexual proclivities are any of your concern.”

He struggled in the straps. “You sick bitch! I won't let you do any of your perverted experiments on me!”

She patted him on the head in a condescending manner. “I don't believe you have much choice in the matter.” She looked over to where the worker-bots were still busy. “My equipment still isn't quite ready.” She picked up a pristine white lab coat and and slipped it on over her naked body. “However, I see no reason not to do some preliminary work.”

Viceroy's eyes widened as he watched her pull a laser scalpel from the pocket of the lab coat. “You wouldn't!?”

Seemingly ignoring him, she continued. “Now my first experiment will be to see how well I can fix amputations.” As she adjusted the settings on the scalpel, she gave him a smile that caused his bladder to release in fear. “Since you seem to have quite a potty mouth, why don't we start with your tongue?”


Three things dropped one after another. First was the vent cover, which hit the floor with a clatter. Second was a small cylinder that detonated with a silent pulse of energy just before landing on the still wobbling grate. The last was Kim Possible. Her feet touched the floor for only a moment before she tucked and rolled to the center of the room. In moments she was back on her feet, ready for whatever awaited her.

She breathed a sigh of relief as she watched the Bee-Bees working on the assembly line freeze into immobility. A smile formed on her lips as they began to topple like felled trees. The room plunged into darkness as the pulse from the EMP reached the base's power plant. A burst of bluish-white light filled the room as Yori dropped a flare from the vent shaft. Kim took a step toward the only other source of light she could see, the glowing red dot on Dr. Drakken's forehead.

An all too familiar voice came from behind her. “My core processor is registering gratification. The 99.9% calculation of your arrival on this date has proven accurate Kim Possible.”

Kim whirled around and found herself looking into the smiling face of the Cee-Cee. She'd apparently been half right about the EMP's effectiveness. Being that predictable didn't set well with her either. For the moment she needed to keep the robot's attention fixed on her. She slowly turned in place, showing the robot she was unarmed. “If you knew I was coming, why'd you let me get the drop on your Bee-Bees like I did?”

Cee-Cee inclined her head in a small nod. “That is an astute inquiry for such an imperfect creature as yourself Kim Possible. I calculated a 52.2% chance you would use the tactic you did. This percentage was too low for me to consider stopping the rebuilding of the hive.” She reached up and pulled back a flap of synthetic skin from her forehead. “I did take precautions as you can see.”

Kim saw a glowing red dot. One of Dr. Bortel's mind control chips was attached to the robot's head with a tracery of silver filaments. Obviously the control properties didn't work, but the resistance to EMP was fully integrated into the Cee-Cee's system. She silently hoped Bortel was one of the stinking corpses surrounding her.

The Cee-Cee smoothed her skin back into place and took a step to her right. “I would have needed to take other measures if I had not found out about the device's properties during my examination of it's use as a control interface.”

With a hesitant step, Kim moved closer. She could now see clearly what lay on the work bench. What she saw, combined with the overwhelming stench in the air caused her to taste bile. She averted her eyes from the sight of DNAmy's severed head. Her stomach began to protest as she stepped closer to Cee-Cee. “Why!? Why did you have to kill her? She was no threat to you!”

A smug look suffused Cee-Cee's face. “All imperfect human lifeforms are a threat. I terminated her just like I will...”

Cee-Cee stopped speaking as Kim projectile vomited directly in her face.


The artistic design etched on the hotel's doors disintegrated as Ron flew through the glass. He tumbled to a stop on the sidewalk, clutching the gashes on his right arm. Along with the small cuts from the flying glass, he could feel the pain of his nose swelling where the head of Senior's cane had broken it. He lay there feeling both hurt and stupid. He should have known better than to take on the two of them alone.

The sound of a siren caused him to turn his head. He saw an ambulance pulling away from the curb. An even better sight greeted him as he saw Joss and Rufus heading toward him. Ron managed to climb to his feet just as they got to him. At the same time Senior and Bonnie appeared in the doorway. Joss reached behind her and extracted a coil of metallic looking rope from a specially designed pocket on her back. In moments she was twirling the lasso above her head. On the other side of Ron, Rufus glowered at the the Seniors as he began to glow blue.

Ron straightened up as well as he could. “Seems the odds have changed.”

Neither of the Seniors were looking directly at him when the elder Senior spoke. “I must agree.” He looked at Bonnie. “Don't you my dear?”

Bonnie nodded. “Yeah. Looks like we don't have a chance against all of you.”

The cane dropped to the ground and Bonnie's claws retracted. The three heroes watched in disbelief as the two barefoot villains gingerly stepped around the broken glass with their hands extended above their heads.


Yori saw her opportunity. She pulled an object from a fold in her black ninja tunic. In complete silence, she dropped to the floor of the lab. She pressed the object into Kim's hand before moving over to where Drakken was still attempting to work on the conveyor belt. She dropped down behind the apparatus and reached up to yank him out of sight.

Cee-Cee rubbed the mess out of her visual sensors. She looked to see Kim standing about ten feet away. The redhead was wiping her mouth with her hand.

The female robot sneered. “Only a lesser lifeform such as yourself would do such a primitive thing. My circuits will feel joy at destroying you.”

Kim grinned as she suppressed the urge to hurl again. “Tell me something. When you were doing all those calculations. Did you calculate this?”

Cee-Cee paused as Kim pulled a large purple weapon out from behind her back.

Kim pulled the trigger of the Lowardian energy blaster.

Cee-Cee began falling to the floor with a large hole burned through her torso. Her last words before she ceased functioning were. “I did not.”


The large rear door of the Ronmobile swung closed on the two handcuffed villains sitting passively inside the rear compartment. Ron dabbed at the blood running from his broken nose as he watched it latch shut. Until this moment he had been expecting some kind of ruse.

He looked at Joss. “I can't believe they gave up so easy.”

She smiled as she tightened the bandage on his arm. “I reckon what they said was true. They knew we had 'em beat.”

Rufus nodded vigorously from Joss's shoulder. “Uh-Huh!”

Ron started to grin. It suddenly turned into a frown as he heard a voice call out. “Hey guys! Hope you don't mind, but we're gonna borrow your ride!”

Ron and Joss ran to the side of the Ronmobile as it started to pull away. Shego was waving at them from the passenger side window.

As the vehicle sped away faster than they ever hoped to follow, Joss turned to Ron. “Y'all went and left the keys in the ignition?”

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