Story: Dark Mistress - Redux (chapter 18)

Authors: fulwiz

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Chapter 18

Title: CHAPTER 18: Truth.

Dark Mistress

Written by fulwiz

Beta by Wirenfeldt Jr

Disclaimer: I don't own Kim Possible, Disney does. The other characters come from my own twisted mind.

Warning: This story contains sexual situations, mature themes, explicit violence, death and warped philosophy.

The story is KiAnGo. (And More) If you find this offensive, please don't read further.

Important Note: This story is the sequel to “The Middleton Pact - Redux.” If you don't read that first, you will be very confused.

CHAPTER 18: Truth.

For over an hour, Joss Possible had been riding and thinking. The entire time, both her horse and her thoughts had been going in circles. It wasn't helping. She needed to talk to someone. Nudging the robotic horse toward the highway, she headed for her uncle's house. That where her Pa was. She could talk to him about anything.

When she reached the house, she immediately saw a problem. His horse, Ol' Tornado, wasn't anywhere in sight. She knew he didn't travel without it. Maybe it was just in the garage or out back. What gave her pause was the pink VW convertible in the driveway. She was pretty sure nobody in the family would be driving a car with a vanity plate that read “NUDIE ME.” That left her only one conclusion. They had company.

This could be a problem. By now Justine and Junior would have told Ron what they'd found out. The connections had all been there, all laid out and easy to spot. Just as Kim intended they be. By now Ron knew who was in charge of NRI, and who had been previously. That meant he knew just who was actually on Kim's side, and how badly he'd really been duped. Joss didn't exactly know why, but she knew it was all part of Kim's larger plan.

It circled back around to her problem. She wasn't sure if she really wanted to walk away from her relationship with Ron. He'd done and said so many things. Things that finally made her blow her top. Until she was sure of what she was going to do, she had to be careful. Letting a complete stranger see her at her uncle's house now wasn't a good thing. Not if there was the slightest chance she'd to go back to Ron.

She realized, even sitting out here on the street was bad enough if there were any nosy neighbors. Going up to the house and ringing the doorbell was out of the question. That left her with two choices. Leave, or find out who was in the house. There really wasn't any choice. She turned Spitfire and rode him between the houses. Once they were out of sight, she dismounted. She told him to stay put, then she cautiously made her way through the bushes back toward the front of the house.

Figuring the living room was the most likely place for a guest to be, she headed for the large window near the door. Slowly she crept, until she was right beneath it. Raising her head as little as she could, she tried to peek inside. The sight that met her eyes through the tiny gap in the curtains was one that would remain burned in her mind for the rest of her life.

Joss Possible knew she wasn't very worldly when it came to sex. She'd been raised on a ranch in the middle of nowhere. A ranch with no real animals on it, from whom she could learn the basic in's and out's. Robotic one's didn't need to breed. Her Pa had explained the birds and bees to her, even told her about the bees and bees, and the birds and birds. She'd heard about thing's people did with each other, but up until now she'd only experienced the actual act itself with one person. It hadn't prepared her for this.

Maybe it was the fact that she knew two of the three people writhing on the carpeted floor. Maybe it was what they were doing. She didn't know. All she knew was she couldn't decide if she was disgusted, curious, outraged, or getting turned on. Five minutes later, she knew curiosity had won out. Ten minutes after that, when she realized she had her hand between her legs, she knew turned on had taken the lead. Somewhere deep in her lust fogged mind, she also realized the three teenagers she was spying on were the only ones in the house.

A half hour later, still shuddering from three self induced orgasms, Joss climbed back on her horse. She still needed to find her Pa. She also had to get away from the temptation to continue watching what was still going on in her uncle's house. She needed time to think too. Her aunt's place seemed to be the best choice. There she could collect her thoughts and maybe find out where her Pa was.

Riding off into the night, new thoughts kept picking at her brain. Thoughts that made her question her relationship with Ron even more than before. She'd thought Ron loved her, and she him. It wasn't just about the sex, but that was a part of it. Unbidden, images of what she'd seen her cousins doing with that girl floated through her head. One thing stood out the most. Unless Jim and Tim were physical freaks, she'd been getting the short end of the stick with Ron.


Anne was the last to leave the elaborately set table when dinner was done. It had been a pleasant meal, filled with small talk, and some naughty under the table toe action from Shego, who'd been sitting directly across from her. The distractions had been welcome, as they kept her from letting worry take hold. It was well past time for Kim's discipline session to be over. Even though she hadn't expected her to join them, she was worried about how it had gone. On top of that, she wondered how she was going to break the news about Tara to her daughter.

James and Vivian were just ahead of her as the group made it's way to the lounge for the upcoming demonstrations. With a pat on the butt, James sent Viv on ahead. He stopped and turned to Anne. “Is something the matter dear? You seem a bit pensive.”

Anne wrapped her arms around him and laid her head on his shoulder. She had to smile. He'd always been able to read her moods. “I'm concerned about Tara. I don't think Kim's going to take it well. And well...”

He rubbed his cheek against hers. “And...?”

“I had to punish Kim. That's why she isn't here tonight.”

“Did she deserve it?”

Anne simply nodded.

James tilted her head back and look in her eyes. “I wouldn't worry too much. Our daughter is a sensible girl. I'm sure she understands it was for her own good.” He glanced at the group in the lounge. “Tell you what. Why don't you go ahead and head back to the lair? You can talk to her and put your worries behind you.”

“But what about the demonstrations?”

He chuckled. “I think Shego, Jack and myself can handle things. You go on. I'll make your apologies to everyone.”

Anne smiled at the man she loved. “Alright. Thank you dear.”

She watched him walk toward the lounge. As usual, he'd known just the right thing to say to put her at ease. Feeling better, she sent a thought to her nanosuit, activating the teleporter function.


Justine was putting the finishing touches on the flow chart she'd assembled when Ron returned to the Tower's control room. The fact he was alone, and the fading hand print on his face, told her the Team was most likely now one member smaller. Though she'd never had much of a dating life, even she could see the signs of a shattering relationship. She decided not to mention it. Not until Ron was ready to talk about it.

Junior turned toward the door and asked. “Where is Joss? She should be seeing this also.”

If looks could disintegrate, the one Justine sent in Junior's direction would have reduced him to his component atoms within a microsecond.


Slim Possible's robotic horse stood in the driveway of her aunt's house. This brought feelings of relief and puzzlement to Joss. She was glad she'd found her Pa, but she didn't understand why he'd be here. Her entire life, she'd known there was something odd about her Pa's relationship with his sister. He never spoke of it, but she knew something was up all the same. They were cordial when the family got together, but they always maintained a cool distance. As she dismounted Spitfire and walked to the door, she had to wonder. Maybe the death of their mother had provided a reason for them to finally mend whatever the rift was that came between them.


Kim, Betty, Wade and Monique sat around the holographic display of the island nation. It's every hill and valley, road and city spread out before their eyes in complete topographical splendor. Tiny dots glowed on it where strategic targets were placed. Kim, deciding against going down to Ricardo's island for the party, had chosen to get a start on planning the revolution. After a celebratory quickie with Betty, that is. For the last hour, things had been coming together with the plan.

Wade manipulated the controls. The image closed in on the capitol city. “Are you sure you don't want me to outfit some of my worker bots with weapons to help with the assault?”

Much as she liked the idea, Kim knew it would be courting more problems than it was worth. “Can't take the chance Wade. If anyone got a whiff of super tech being involved, we'd be up to our eyeballs in heroes before we got started. It has to look to the rest of the world like a legitimate revolution, that means real people.”

Wade nodded. He understood the reasoning, but still had the yearning to see what his bots could do in action. “I'm just worried we won't have enough people. GS can only provide 200 at most. Hench said he only had 300 trained Henchmen...”

Kim shrugged. “More than enough, especially when we add in the recruits Hench's people are gathering in Florida.” She looked at Monique. “Any word on how that's coming along?”

Monique checked the data on her comp pad. “Hench called in just before he left for Senior's place. The numbers he had put it at about 900. Mostly ex-pats and exiles with little to no military training.”

Betty chuckled. “Training won't matter much.” She pointed to a few of the dots that represented what she considered low risk targets. “They will be used for police stations and government buildings for the most part. Plus they'll be better armed.”

Kim turned her gaze to the higher priority targets. “It will be the Henchman and GS troops that take on the military.” She ran her finger through the holographic landscape. It landed on the biggest dot. “That leaves just the main target for the rest of us to handle.”

Wade zoomed the image in until the country's military headquarters and presidential compound were easily seen. “The generals and El Presidente shouldn't be hard to deal with. They are mostly weak old men. Rumor has it El Presidente is also ill. He hasn't been seen in public for a while now. The biggest worry you'll have is Comrade, the hero of the people.” His fingers danced over his keyboard. A video began to play on one of the control center's screens. It showed an armored man posing and waving from a balcony while the country's leaders preened beside him. “Other than what's been seen in propaganda films, we just don't know all that much about him. All I can say with certainty is, he uses a jet pack to fly and he's strong, maybe as strong as Hego.”

Kim scowled as the video changed. It showed the hero picking up a length of railroad track and bending it effortlessly into a pretzel. He was one of the few unknown factors they would have to deal with. “I showed the video to Drakken. He thinks Comrade's armor is a powered exoskeleton. That's what gives him his super strength.” She suppressed a shudder as she remembered the last time she'd gone up against such an armored foe. Her Nana. It had been a close thing. If it hadn't been for Yori... She banished the memory. This time she wouldn't be going into the fight alone. “We'll be prepared for him.”


It wasn't rocket science, but James Possible had the feeling he'd done well in explaining the contents of the vials laid out before the group assembled in the lounge. They looked innocuous, but each one contained a substance that would affect the human body on a genetic level. All that was left for him to do was give the closing pitch and seal the deal. “Each and every one has been thoroughly tested. There are no side effects whatsoever. Just a few micrograms added to any food or drink will have the desired results.”

Pop Pop Porter knew the spiel was aimed primarily at him. He understood the reasoning behind it. Even with his daughter's encouragement, there were a couple very important things he still wanted to know before he agreed to the deal. “I get where you are going with this, and I certainly don't see any harm, but why me, and more importantly, what's in it for me? As far as I can tell you could distribute all this stuff in any number of ways.”

James knew Porter had taken the bait. Now all he had to do was set the hook. “We could use other methods, that is true. Time is a factor though. Your snack products are sold worldwide. Adding it to your snacks would achieve the fastest and most complete distribution. As for what's in it for you, that's simple. We are prepared to provide you with brand new processing facilities free of charge. Said facilities will be located in a country that will not be taking any business taxes. Along with that, we'll throw in free transportation and shipping for all your products for the period of one full year. Just think of what that will do for your bottom line.”

Dollar signs appeared in Pop Pop's eyes.


Joss didn't care that her aunt was there listening. All she cared about was being in the comfort of her father's arms as she blubbered out her problems to him.

Slim stroked his daughter's hair as she finally wound down. “I reckon I can see why y'all is upset. Matters of the heart can be mighty tricky things sometimes. Love ain't always where you is looking fer it. Fact is, there's times it gets sneaky and takes y'all places yer not supposed to be a going.” He wiped the tears from her cheeks. “I got a lil' story to be tellin' ya. I'm of a mind it'll be helping ya ter understand.”

With a gentle kiss to his daughter's forehead, Slim Possible told her the secret that had been kept hidden away for so many long years.


Wade glanced over at a console on the other side of the room. He noted the tiny blinking light. “Hey Kim. The teleporter has just been remotely activated. It's Anne's signal, she's back early.”

Kim drew here eyes away from the hologram. “K, Betty, take over here.”

She exited the room in search of her mother.


Ron smacked his hand to his forehead. “Nerdlinger Research Institute! I can't believe it! How could I have not seen that?”

Justine was puzzled by his reaction. She'd only just begun explaining the data she'd found after sending a chastised Junior to his room. She hadn't even gotten to any of the connections they'd made yet. “What do you mean by that Ron?”

He kicked at the base of the table in frustration. “Nerdlinger. That's the nickname Shego hung on Wade a while back. That means he's behind it. But you said Mr. Dr. P. is in charge of it now. That can only mean he's in on it. He's just as evil as Kim and the rest of them!”

Nodding her head in understanding, Justine said. “I'm afraid there is more.”

She gestured at the chart. Explaining the connections as she went down level by level. All the while keeping one eye on Ron as he became more and more angry. Once she was done, she took a step back. From the look's of it he was about to erupt.

Erupt he did. The computer screen smashed as his foot went through it. Chairs flew against walls. The briefing table was overturned. By the time he'd calmed enough to realize what he'd done, the entire room was a shambles. He slumped to the floor. He was alone. Both Justine and Rufus had fled sometime during his rampage. He didn't blame them. He too wanted to flee. He wanted to run away from the knowledge of how badly he'd been used. Lied to. Deceived.


The two redheads lay in each others arms in the middle of the gigantic bed. Both reveled in the aches their fast and rough lovemaking had left them with.

“Oh Kimmie. I'm so glad you aren't mad.”

“Silly mommy. I'm glad you did it. It was just the perspective adjustment I needed. Even though I didn't know I needed it.”

Anne laughed as she fondled her daughter's butt. “Well I certainly didn't expect the side effects.”

Kim joined in the laughing. “I prefer to think of it as a bonus. Now I can understand and appreciate why you like it so much. It hurts sooo good!”

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