Story: Dark Mistress - Redux (chapter 14)

Authors: fulwiz

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Chapter 14

Title: CHAPTER 14: Down By The Old Lair.

Dark Mistress

Written by fulwiz

Beta by Wirenfeldt Jr

Disclaimer: I don't own Kim Possible, Disney does. The other characters come from my own twisted mind.

Warning: This story contains sexual situations, mature themes, explicit violence, death and warped philosophy.

The story is KiAnGo. (And More) If you find this offensive, please don't read further.

Important Note: This story is the sequel to “The Middleton Pact - Redux.” If you don't read that first, you will be very confused.

CHAPTER 14: Down By The Old Lair.

In Fashion Police headquarters, two men sat side by side on a stylish divan looking at the main communication screen. Behind them stood every member of the FP, but one. She was the one everyone was staring at on the screen. When the call first came in, it was to their great relief. Now they were just confused.

Tara shrugged her bare shoulders. “I don't know what you thought you saw, but I'm just fine. Kim would never do something like that to me, we've been friends for years. In fact, it's thanks to her I'm no longer in the clutches of that nasty little Dementor guy. He didn't play nice at all.”

Twill stammered. “B..but how can you..? She's evil...”

Tara laughed. “Oh now that's just dumb. Slapping labels one someone just because they're different? You guys should know better.” She paused to adjust her bikini top. “Anyway, back to the reason I called. I've decided I'm just not cut out for the life of a crime fighter. So I'm like quitting. See you all later.” With a cheery wave, she smiled. “Bye!”

Tweed ignored the babbling that broke out behind him as the screen went blank. “I wonder if any of us are? We let ourselves be fooled, used.”

An odd look crossed Twill's face as he looked at the man beside him. “Are you thinking what I'm thinking?”

Tweed nodded slowly. “The little boutique we discussed for our retirement? Down in the garden district?”

Twill smiled. “Yes. I think it's a good time.”

Taking his long time partner's hand, Tweed nodded. “Time indeed.”

Together the men stood and looked at the people they worked with for so long. Tweed said. “The time has come for us to move on. Goodbye and good luck my friends.”

Still holding each others hands tightly they, for the last time, exited their former workplace.

By the end of the week, the rest followed suit. The Fashion Police went on to become just another footnote in history.


Barry watched as the last worker bot carried a crate into the teleporter room. As it was whisked away to the lair on the Moon, he turned to head to the command center of what had been the old lair. Supervising the work of removing all the stored villain tech, and finishing the restoration of the old lair had taken most of the morning. With only a few minor changes, it was as good as new.

Technically they had jumped the gun on clearing out the old lair. I didn't really matter anyway. No matter which way things had gone, Kim had already planned to appropriate the things stored here. Having the Pact dissolved just made it easier. The lair itself was another matter. It couldn't be used as such anymore. Not with Team Stoppable knowing about it. The use Kim came up with for it was something that still made him chuckle.

He entered the command center and flicked on a view screen. Through a security camera, he could see the area directly above the lair. To one side, he could see Team Stoppable's headquarters. On the other side, was the security building formerly belonging to Global Justice. In the middle was the shared parking lot and the road leading through the trees toward town. Soon there would be two groups arriving. The first would be a contingent of Global Security guards, who would be stationed in the security building. The other group would be the lair's new residents.

Zooming in the camera, Barry saw there was another group of people in the parking lot. Team Stoppable. A black sedan was driving away from them. He couldn't tell what they were discussing, but at a guess, he thought they weren't happy about something. Another car, a red limo, was approaching. It wasn't the black van's of the GS guards, nor the bus he was expecting. He concluded it was somebody visiting their heroic neighbors.

Barry watched as a man in a red suit got out of the limo and joined the group. A few minutes later the group split in two parts. Ron, the red suited man and Joss entered the letter shaped tower. For a moment he couldn't tell what the rest of Team Stoppable were doing, then he noticed the vehicles approaching on the road. His fangs gleamed in the light as he grinned. Apparently, they were curious about the new arrivals. He shut off the screen and headed for the elevator. They would have their curiosity satisfied soon enough.


Justine crossed the parking lot with Junior by her side. She was glad the arrival of a half dozen black vans gave her an excuse to beg off accompanying the others on the tour. She made a mental note to reassess Junior too, since he'd had the same idea. It seemed to her, that maybe, he wasn't a complete idiot.

By the time they got to the shorter building, the vans were parked alongside it in a neat row. Men in black and silver uniforms were getting out and heading inside. One man stopped and turned as they approached. It only took Justine a second to recognize him. He was the Global Justice agent who'd been in charge of the building's construction.

Don Tatt smiled. “Good afternoon Ms. Flanner, Mr. Senior. What can Global Security do for Team Stoppable on this fine day?”

Justine examined the man and his uniform. He appeared to be in much better spirits than he'd been before, when he was assigned to the building and the task of guarding the abandoned lair beneath it. The biggest change was in what he was wearing. The cut of the jumpsuit was the same as he'd worn before, but it was all black, with silver piping. A patch on his arm was emblazoned with the words Global Security and the letters NRI. His last name was stitched above a pocket on his chest, and small metal bars adorned his shoulder epaulets.

She couldn't help returning his smile, it was almost infectious. “Good afternoon agent Tatt. Global Security?”

He tapped the bars. “It's Captain Tatt now. Since Global Justice was disbanded, many of us have gone to work for a new organization.” He reached into his shirt pocket and extracted a business card. As he handed it to her, he said. “Global Security does just that. We provide security systems and guards for businesses and private citizens worldwide.” He waved a hand behind him at the building. “This is now a guard post for our parent companies newest project.”

Junior glanced over at the building. “I am not understanding. I was told this was the place where all of the dangerous villain technology was stored?”

Tatt nodded. “It was, but GS doesn't deal with that kind of thing. All that was removed. The underground facility is now a part of the NRI Compassionate Reintegration program.”

Not liking his almost casual dismissal of what she understood was a large amount of dangerous materials, she asked. “Where was it all removed to? And what is this program?”

Smiling again, Tatt said. “No need to worry. Our chairwoman, Betty Director, felt the stuff was too dangerous to be just left where it was after the dissolving of the Pact. She arranged for it to all be distributed to research labs like the Middleton Space Center. There it could be studied and hopefully put to use for the good of mankind. As to the CR program, I don't know much about it my...”

All three of them turned at the sound of approaching footsteps. While Justine and Junior gasped at the sight of the person approaching them, Tatt continued. “Well that is good timing. Here is one of the project managers now. I'm sure he can give you your answers.”

Barry Long smiled wide enough to flash his fangs as he approached. Rather than his usual attire, he was wearing a three piece business suit. His horns, tail and red skin looked very out of place. “Hello there. I understand you have some questions?”


Betty peered through the glass portal into the round pod. Inside the Genetic Zipper lay a young blonde woman. The claw marks where Kim slashed her were healing before Betty's eyes. “I would never have known it wasn't her.”

Behind her, at the machine's console, Anne smiled. “Thank you. It wasn't too hard. Not once I had a sample of Tara's DNA to work with.”

Betty turned. “You're too modest. Changing a useless little man like Fen into this... Well it's a work of art.”

Anne felt heat rise in her cheeks at the praise. She began readjusting settings on the console. “It turned out well. It's too bad I can't keep him like this. We can't have two Tara's, especially when we have to keep one locked up.” She pointed toward the pod. “But at least I don't have to put him back the way he was.”

Returning her gaze to the portal, Betty watched as the the figure's features began to change. Cheek bones moved, the shape of the mouth changed, hair became a darker color and lost it's waves. Once the changes stopped, it was a completely different looking person. “Who's DNA did you use for this?”

Anne moved up beside her. “Nobody's. Those are all just cosmetic changes.” She opened the door and began checking the unconscious figure over.

Betty could see even the eyes had changed to a dark brown. “Pretty, but not my type.”

As Anne pulled the naked body out of the pod, she grinned. “Mine either. But it's the perfect type for somebody else.”

With her good hand, Betty helped move the body to a gurney. “Who?”

Anne began strapping the pseudo woman down. “Motor Ed. Kim and I decided he needed something to keep his mind, and greasy hands, off our bodies.” She pulled a leather device out and began attaching it to the girl's mouth. It was a type of gag usually found in places that provided S&M equipment. “He can have all his fun with this.”

Betty's eyes widened as she realized the implications. “But it's still Fen's mind in there? Oh Anne, that's so nasty! But don't you think Ed would be a bit put off by that?”

With a negative shake of her head, Anne replied. “Nope. He was here just before you arrived. All he cares about is the body. That's the reason for the gag.” Pushing the gurney to the side of the room, she turned and looked a Betty. “Now, come with me. It's well past time to get you fixed up.”

Puzzled, Betty followed the red headed doctor into the more conventional medical area. “Aren't you going to use the..?”

Anne stopped at what at first appeared to be a large crate. It seemed big enough to hold a refrigerator. “No. You get to be the first person to use the new version.” She pressed a button on the side of the large box. A control panel opened on the side, as a door big enough for a person opened on the front. “Go ahead and get in.”

Betty started for the opening, then paused. “You did test it right? I wouldn't want to be turned into a frog or something accidentally.”

Anne laughed. “Of course. And there is no way that could happen with this anyway. All of the mechanisms for modifying or combining DNA have been removed. That is why it's so much smaller. All this can do is repair what is already there.”

Assured, Betty moved to the opening. “You know there isn't a hospital in the world that wouldn't give it's annual budget for one of these?”

As the door slid shut, Anne replied. “I know. As a matter of fact, we are counting on it.”


Tara tossed the FP videophone into a small waste basket beside the bar. She turned to the two people laying on lounge chairs by the pool. “I feel so... Free!”

“Of course you do.” Bonnie said, with a smile. “It's what you wanted right?”

Almost skipping with joy, Tara moved toward her. “Yes! I'm sick of all their rules and stuff. I just want to have fun!”

Ricardo leaned over and whispered in Bonnie's ear. “You have done an excellent job with her my dear. I believe Kimberly will be quite pleased with the results.”

Bonnie grinned. “Whatever. I'm more concerned with our pleasure. Watch.”

As Tara got to the lounges, Bonnie asked. “What kind of fun Tara?”

Sitting down next to Bonnie's legs, Tara laughed. “Any kind you want Bonnie. You have the best-est ideas!”

Sitting up a bit. Bonnie looked into Tara's bright, twinkling eyes. “Yes I do. I know, why don't you take off your bikini and show Ricardo how happy you are to be here with us?”

Squealing with delight, Tara clapped her hands together. “Goody! More sex games!”


Barry leaned against the side of one of the GS vans. He folded his arms across his chest. “There is no need to look at me like that Mr. Senior. As a reformed villain yourself, you can surely understand what we are doing, can't you?”

Justine watched the two men glare at each other. She could see Junior wasn't buy the explanation. She wasn't either. “Let me get this straight. You have given up villainy. Joined up with this NRI group and are opening a halfway house for other villains who wish to reform?”

Barry grinned. He could tell they didn't believe a word of it, but that didn't matter. “Exactly. NRI choose this place with that very thing in mind. As a former lair, it will provide them with a sense of comfort and familiarity while they adjust to their new way of life. Also, they will have the shining example of Team Stoppable right here to show them how good it is to be good.”

Junior heaved a heavy sigh. “Ron is going to be shitting the bricks when he is hearing of this.”


Ron led Father Phred, as he'd said he preferred to be called, through the door leading to the control room of the Tower of Ronatude. “...And here is the place where we run the whole show.”

He watched as the man of God looked around the room. His mind, however, was still dwelling on all the problems in his life. Not only had he been duped into getting rid of the Pact, he also had the new worries about how to keep Team Stoppable together without finances. He didn't want to seem rude, so instead of canceling the tour, he'd been trying to just get through it as quickly as he could.

It didn't help that Joss bailed on him either. Not even a few minutes after they started, her phone rang. After a quick conversation, she told them she needed to go see her father about something important. After that, he'd been on his own. Rufus wasn't even awake to give him some support. All he could hope for was this to be over soon, and he could get on with trying to fix things.

Swaggerson turned to look at the young hero. “This is very impressive. I had no idea how much went into fighting the good fight against the legions of evil. It is something we have in common. I fight Satan's minions with my ministry, while you take the fight directly to them, like the Paladins of yore. Though we use different methods, we have the same goal, ridding the world of those who have fallen into darkness and sin.”

For a moment, Ron envisioned himself atop a white horse, his body clad in shining armor. “I guess so. I never really thought about it that way before.”

With a, well practiced, beatific smile, Swaggerson went on. “You should think of it that way. Only through our unceasing vigilance can we ever hope to bring good and light to all the people of the world.” He stepped right up to Ron and placed a hand on his shoulder. “It is our destiny. Even though we are not worthy, we carry the banner of righteousness. It is a heavy burden. Evil is always seeking to place obstacles in our path. With the lord on our side, we can win through.”

Ron sighed. “You make it sound so easy. I wish it were.”

Seeing the boy's not very well hidden misery, he asked. “It seems to me that there is something bothering you? Perhaps if you told me, I could help?”

Ron looked into the older man's face. He could see the concern written there. With a mental shrug, he thought that maybe talking about his problems couldn't hurt. “Well you see, it's like this...”


Joss sat astride Spitfire, as the robotic horse galloped through the woods. She reined him to a stop and stroked his silver mane gently. “I am just so durn glad to be outta there. That preacher fella sure gave me the willies.”

The horse gave a short snort in reply.

She grinned. “Yah I know. I shouldn't a gone and lied about needin' to go see Pa. But y'all wasn't there. I guess I could go see 'em anyways, but if'n he decided to have that talk he planned on with uncle James, I don' wanna go disturbing them.”

Giving a pull on the right rein, she turned the horse. “I reckon we'll jus ride around fer a bit. Maybe by the time we get back, he'll be gone. I sure hope so. Maybe then I'll be getting the chance to convince Ron to give up this hero stuff once an fer all.”

The whinny he gave her, as he began to trot, sounded almost disparaging.


Yori stood up front her seat as the bus turned onto the road that led to their destination. She looked down the aisle at the group of villains. She'd spent the whole trip from the prison explaining to them the changes that had occurred with the dissolution of the Pact. “It is again my honor to thank you all for accepting our invitation. Please to remember what I have told you of the circumstances at our destination.”

From one of the front seats, a bearded man in a kilt spoke with a thick Scottish brogue. “Not to be worrying lass. For the chance to thumb our noses at Stoppable, we'll be being on our best behavior.”

Cheers and laughter erupted throughout the bus. Along with a yelled out exclamation of... “Freaky!”

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