Story: The Middleton Pact - Redux (chapter 41)

Authors: fulwiz

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Chapter 41

Title: CHAPTER 40: The Plan.

The Middleton Pact - Redux

Written by fulwiz

Beta by Wirenfeldt Jr

Disclaimer: I don't own Kim Possible, Disney does. I make no money from this story. The other characters come from my own twisted mind.

Warning: This story contains explicit sexual situations, mature themes, explicit violence, death and warped philosophy.

The story is KiAnGo. (And More)

If you find any of the above offensive, please don't read further.

CHAPTER 40: The Plan.

The Sun was reaching it's zenith over the rolling green hills. Row after row of tombstones, some dating back to Middleton's founding, stood out brightly as the autumn light made the pale marble shine. A large group of mourners, many of which were young women, bowed their heads as the casket was carried into the recently built mausoleum. As the pall bearers passed through the tall arched door, many looked up. They could see the inscription carved in the marble above the entry, just beneath the family name.

The first line read. “Here lies our dearest Hope.”

The second line was in Latin. Only a scattering of those gathered there could read it. Of the ones who could, few took solace in it's message. None doubted it's accuracy.

It said. “She was properly avenged.”

On a nearby hill, two figures stood beneath the branches of a gnarled old oak. Both wore black cloaks that covered them from head to toe.

One spoke. “Well K. It looks like everyone who was ever on the squad with her showed up.”

Kim replied, as she looked toward so many familiar faces. “Yeah B. I figured they would.” One of the faces was looking in their direction. She ignored it and shifted her eyes to the mausoleum. “They did a good job getting it built in time for her.”

Bonnie half shrugged. “Ric... Pops payed enough extra to make sure it was. It was lucky there was space open for it.”

Even though Kim was trying to avoid looking, she could feel the eyes still on them. “Not luck. I had Wade make a few changes in the cemetery's books. A few pre-purchased plots were moved.”

The staring eyes finally caught Bonnie's attention. “We should go before he makes a scene.”

The two of them moved toward the limousine parked well away from the rest of the cars.


Ron stared at the cloaked figures disappearing over the hill. His face showed the disgust he felt inside. He couldn't believe his eyes when they first appeared at the start of the service. It didn't matter they were hiding under those cloaks. He knew who they were and of all people he couldn't believe Kim would dare show up here. It was all her fault Hope was dead. He could feel the urge to go after them rising in him.

A delicate hand touched his arm. “Don't Ron.”

He realized he'd stood and started walking in their direction without consciously thinking about it. His head turned and he looked into a pair of pale blue eyes. “Tara. I...”

She gave him an almost smile. “Not here. Not today. They only came to mourn a friend. Just like we did.”

He shrugged his arm away from her touch. “They came to gloat! Hope's dead because of her!”

Tara looked away from him. “Think what you will.” She walked away. Her voice carried back to him on the chilly breeze. “You've changed Ron. I'm not sure if it's for the better.”

Ron frowned as he watched her walk away. Only now that the service was over, did she pull the whip like weapon out and attach it to her fashionable belt. He didn't understand why she didn't agree with him. Didn't she take being a hero seriously at all?


Candida Du flipped open her phone. She scrolled down to the email she just received. It was only a time and address. There was no indication who might have sent it. She knew who it was from and exactly what it meant. Excitement made her fumble as she put the phone away.

Will Du grinned as he looked at his sister sitting across the restaurant table. He was glad he'd thought to ask her to join him for lunch. They didn't get to see each other enough anymore. “Still a klutz I see sis.”

She stuck out her tongue at him. It was a well rehearsed reply to his jibes. She'd been using it since she was five. As was her verbal reply. “Am not!”

His return was just as time worn. “Are too!” His grin got wider. She was one of the few people who could bring out this side of him. “So, what's got you all jittery? Got a hot date?”

Her smile hid her real thoughts. She had a date, but not the kind he meant. The message was from Betty Director. She would finally be meeting Kim Possible this afternoon. “If I did, I wouldn't tell you. Not after you scared away the last guy who looked at me.”

Will remembered the guy she was referring to. He'd felt it was his job as a big brother to get rid of him. The guy just wasn't right for her. So far none of them had been. “He was a musician. He didn't even have a real job.”

Candida rolled her eyes. She was very glad her brother knew nothing about the guy she was currently seeing. The one she knew was The One. She'd be seeing him tonight too. She knew her life was taking a direction her heroic brother couldn't know about. Someday, she hoped, he'd understand. A glace at her watch told her it was time to get back. “Lunch was great. I got to go though. Dr. Director is being a slave driver these days.”

Will smiled knowingly. He'd worked for the woman enough years to know how she could be when things were not going well. “Sure thing sis. If she gives you too much trouble let me know.”

She smiled. “Will do.”


Betty sighed with frustration as she listened to the scientist on the giant screen in the GJ briefing room. He was babbling excitedly about the scans she'd asked him to analyze. Unfortunately, the babbling was in techno-geek-speak. “Dr. Freeman... Dr. Freeman!” She finally managed to get his attention. “I'm sorry but my doctorate isn't in cybernetics. Could you please repeat that so I can understand?”

The scientist adjusted his glasses. “Forgive me doctor. I'm just so excited. You folks at GJ seem to be always coming up with such interesting things. I'm really glad you asked for my help examining this data. If it's correct, and knowing Ms. Flanner, it is it's an accidental achievement of astounding proportions. I've spent a good portion of my life creating Artificial Intelligences. My greatest dream is to create one that can actually learn and adapt. It's simply amazing that through a series of botched programming errors, one or more now exist.”

Although what he was saying was understandable, Betty could not help feeling a sinking feeling at hearing it. “You're telling me that robot was capable of mimicking human intelligence?”

Freeman chuckled. “No. I'm telling you it was a real sentient being. Capable in every way of thinking and learning, making decisions and using reason.”

She asked. “You said there were more like it?”

He began nodding so hard his glasses almost flew off his face. “Yes I did. The data shows it was originally designed as part of a hive mind. The wireless network design is fantastic. I'd say it could connect to any other sufficiently advanced and networked cybernetic or robotic unit and make it part of it's hive.”

Betty really didn't like the sound of that.


Cee-Cee sat down the tool she was using to reassemble one of the destroyed Bee-Bee's. A sensory input was causing her computational process to be randomly interrupted. She looked around the lab, searching for it's source. Her visual receptors noted the results of the battle which put her in the position of dominate intelligence of this facility. That was not the cause of the sensory input.

She used her auditory system. She heard the sounds of the two remaining intact Bee-Bee's collecting parts of their sisters for rebuilding. There was also the sound she understood was called snoring. It was coming from the two lesser controlled interfaced beings she was keeping for study. One of whom she remembered had a part in creating her. This was also not the source.

It was not tactile either. After a few microseconds of thought, she decided it was olfactory. That was the source. She searched her incomplete memory files, but found nothing corresponding. Sending a signal, she connected to the facility’s primitive computer system. 1.2 seconds later, she had her answer. The sensory input was called smell. The type of smell was called rotting meat. She concluded the corpses surrounding her were beginning to stink.

With this knowledge integrated, she resumed her work. Now that she knew what it was, she could easily ignore it.


The two women stared at each other.

Moments before, Kim returned to the lair and went to the control center looking for Wade. Now she stood frozen in place. She stared into the eyes of someone she hadn't expected to see here. Guilt fleetingly surged through her. She'd been putting off this meeting. Apparently Wade had decided it was time.

Monique was shocked at Kim's appearance. Wade warned her, but seeing those slitted green eyes, pointed horns, and waving tail in person was another thing. She had no idea what to do. All this time, she'd been wanting to talk with her very best friend. Now that she was here, it was like her mouth refused to work.

The two women stared at each other some more.

The tension was building until there was nothing left for it to do but snap. The silence and stillness were broken as they lunged toward each other with shrill cries.



The friends raced into each others arms. They hugged as if it had been years, instead of only weeks, since they'd last seen each other.

Kim squeezed her friend tightly. She was so glad to see her again. Even so, the reality of the sitch hit her. “Oh Mo. It's great to see you, but what the hell are you doing here?”

Wade's voice preceded him as he entered the room. “She lives here now. So do I for that matter.”

Kim pulled back slightly so she could look at him. There was an odd look on his face. She looked back at Monique. Under the happy smile, she could see something was wrong.

A lack of understanding caused Kim to fall into an old habit. “OK guys. What's the Sitch?”

Monique stepped back and sat down in one of the newly made chairs. She waited until both Wade and Kim also sat. “Girlfriend, I GABINTO!”

Kim shook her head as she tried to figure out what that meant. In all the years she's known Monique, she'd never heard that one before.

Seeing her friends confusion, Monique said. “I got a bun in the oven! I'm pregnant!”

Kim's reply was one of excited confusion. “Wow. Mo. That's like. Wow.” She tried to wrap her mind around it. It took her a few seconds to get it. Then she remembered her original question. “That's wonderful, but it doesn't explain why you're here...” She looked over at Wade. “Or what you mean by her living here.” Her gaze returned to Monique. “You should be home so your dad and Wade's folks can help...”

Tears burst from Monique's eyes. “NO!”

Kim felt her spine tingle from the vehemence of that one word. “What's..?”

Monique sniffed and wiped her eyes. “No Kim. I can't go home. I'm a wanted criminal.”

Wade hung his head down and stared at his feet. “Kim. It's my parents. They freaked out when we told them. They said they couldn't look the other way anymore. I guess this was sorta the last straw. They demanded we stop seeing each other. They...”

Monique's voice quavered as she finished what Wade couldn't bring himself to say. “They demanded I get an abortion. They said Wade was too young to be a father. When we said no, they called the police. Told them I'd taken advantage of Wade's youth. They said I was a rapist!”

Anger flared behind Kim's eyes. She stood and turned her back to her friends. She started walking to the door.

Wade's voice pierced the haze of hated building inside her. “NO! Kim stop!”

Kim whirled. “They have no right!” Her voice went from rage filled to a silky calm that was even more terrifying. “I'll take care of it.”

Her friend approached her and fell to his knees right in front of her. “Kim, please don't. They are wrong, but they're still my parents. I don't want them hurt.”

Her anger faded at the sound of his pleading. “Dammit Wade! What am I supposed to do?”

Monique stood and walked over to her. “Kim, there is one thing you can do...”


(September 6th 2007, 6:00 pm)

The room was a larger version of the conference room in the old lair. Over the black and red walls were hung tapestries of red, blue, and green. The table was triangular, with two sides longer than the third. Behind the shorter side was a large view screen covering almost the entire wall. The people gathered around the table couldn't help noticing there were more chairs than people, or that some of the face's were new.

Kim sat in the center of the shortest side. To her right sat her mother, lover, and wife. On her left was her other wife and lover. Down the right side sat her father, brothers, Vivian, Wade and Monique. On the left side were Yori, Barry, Steve, Betty and Candida.

None spoke as they waited for her to tell them the plan she'd put off speaking of until now. She felt tension inside her. All afternoon she'd spent her time arranging what Monique and Wade asked of her. The rest she'd spent interviewing Candida Du, both verbally and magically.

Now that the time had come for her to speak, she felt no hint of the trepidation she'd experienced before. Anticipation seemed to hang over the room. “I know you all want to know what I'm planning. Tonight you will. First though...” She paused to let the groans and eye rolling stop. With a grin, she continued. “First some introductions and explanations are in order.”

She pushed her backless chair back and stood. Walking around the table, she stopped between Wade and Monique. She placed a hand on each of their shoulders. “For those of you who don't already know, this is Monique. She's my best friend and Wade's girlfriend.” She gave Monique's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. They'd talked about how Kim was going to tell the rest. “She's 19 years old and pregnant with Wade's child. At this time, she's a wanted fugitive. Charges of statutory rape and child molestation have been leveled against her.”

Kim again paused to let the murmurs die down. “All of that will disappear very soon. The Council has been informed by a certain hero of her and Wade's association with me.”

Betty smiled. “If they haven't decided yet, I'm sure they will quite soon. Both of them will be declared villains, in Wade's case probably supervillain.”

With knit brows, James asked. “But I thought you were trying to avoid being declared a villain Wade?”

Wade nodded. “I was. Things change. I'm giving up my legitimate pursuits. Speaking of which, I have some papers you will need to sign later.”

James asked. “Papers?”

A mischievous grin spread across Wade's face. “Yeah. I'm naming you the new chairman of Nerdlinger Research Institute. I won't be able to run it any longer, both Kim and I want it in the hands of someone we can trust.”

Visions of special projects danced before James Possibles eyes.

Kim giggled. “You two can talk about it later. Now as you all know, once someone had been declared a villain, all normal criminal charges against them are wiped away. Monique will only have to worry about heroes from now on. It's going to be up to all of us to see that she's protected from those.”

She leaned down and hugged her smiling friend. Kim then made her way to the other side of the table. She stopped behind Du. “Your turn now.”

As Candida stood, Kim went to her chair and sat.

Candida looked around at the curious and expectant faces. “My name is Candida Du. I'm second in command of Global Justice and a scientific researcher. I'm also Steve's girlfriend.” She glanced over to see him smiling at her. She looked over to see Kim patiently waiting for her to continue. Her mind replayed the conversation they had earlier. “I'm here because I discovered Kim's ruse to keep Dr. Director in charge of GJ even though she is now working for Kim. I used this information to try to find out what Kim's plans are. My intention being the recording of those plans. To be a part of history in the making.”

She walked to the head of the table and stood next to Kim's chair. “Kim and I had a long discussion this afternoon. During our talk I learned some things about myself. I found that simply watching history being made wasn't enough for me.” She dropped to her knees. “I want to be a part of it. I want to do things that matter.” She took a deep breath. “Before you all, I give my fealty to Kim Possible.” She looked up into Kim's eyes. “I am yours to command...” Her eyes lowered. “Mistress.”

Shego gave her wife a bemused smirk. “Damn Princess.”

Kim gave her a shrug. She reached down and lifted Candida's head. “I accept.”

From down the table came Steve's question. “Umm Kim. Does this mean... Well you know..?”

Looking at the apprehension in his face, Kim knew what he was asking. She looked around the table. From the looks she was getting, it was pretty obvious most of them knew. There were a few, Monique and her brothers to be specific, who didn't. Some things she'd explained to Monique. Her friend seemed to accept that she was evil. Kim was pretty sure Monique's understanding came from her own recent experience. The temptation to not answer and discuss it with Steve and Candida later in private was there. She knew it was time to make a decision. No longer would she try to hide what she'd become.

Her gaze landed on Steve. “Know what?”

His lips twisted. He wasn't sure if this was the right time or place. He looked across the table at the young boys.

Kim saw where he looked. “Ask Steve. I think everyone here can take it.”

He let his shoulders sag slightly. “Does this mean you will use Candy like you do Yori and Betty? Will you make her your sex slave too?”

Kim saw the reactions around the table. They ranged from knowing to shocked. She took Candida's arm and helped her stand. She led the young woman back to her seat. She could feel the slight trembling in her body. Once Candida was seated, Kim turned to face Steve. “To answer your question, no I won't. You two are a couple and I respect that. Betty and Yori freely gave themselves to me. Not just their loyalty. Everything.”

She went back to her seat. “I want you all to understand this. If I want to take someone as a lover, or just as a quick romp, I will. What I won't do is force any of my friends into my bed. Any who come willingly will be warmly welcomed.” She looked directly at Steve. “If Candida wants to and it's OK with you, then it's good with me.” Her head turned to her BFF. “That goes for you too Mo.”

Monique cocked her head to the side and grinned. “I knew it! I just knew you couldn't resist this fine black ass of mine!” Her laughter mingled with that of the others that broke out around the table. “You know how I roll girlfriend.”

Kim nodded. “I know.” She turned her attention to the two people at the table who were following the conversation closely, while pretending not to. “That goes for everyone here. If someones willing, then go for it.” Her eyes drilled into the shocked eyes of her brothers. “Yes, that means you too Tweebs. You're the same age as Wade so I don't see a problem with it.” She picked up a remote from the table and raised it toward the giant screen. As it came to life, she looked back at her brothers. “Besides, you both seem to be plenty interested in sex. Interested enough to spy on me and mom.”

Everyone looked at the image on the screen. It clearly showed the two redheads in a passionate 69. All eyes turned to the boys who were attempting to make themselves disappear into the chairs cushions.

Shego laughed. “They did a good job picking a camera position. You can see everything.”

Kim raised the remote again, but a glance at the boys made her change her mind. She sat it down and let the video play on. She was really enjoying their discomfort. It as the perfect payback for the many times they'd messed with her. She also was liking that everyone could see her debauchery.

Anne smiled at her daughter. She'd known Kim planned to show the video. Just like Kim, she was enjoying this immensely.

Kim could see the effect it was having on everyone. She let the video run for a few more minutes. When she felt the time was just right, she clicked it off.

Their eyes were on her as she stood. “Now. I think it's time to reveal my plan...”


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