Story: The Middleton Pact - Redux (chapter 35)

Authors: fulwiz

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Chapter 35

Title: CHAPTER 34: The Truth About Circus Folk.

The Middleton Pact - Redux

Written by fulwiz

Beta by Wirenfeldt Jr

Disclaimer: I don't own Kim Possible, Disney does. I make no money from this story. The other characters come from my own twisted mind.

Warning: This story contains explicit sexual situations, mature themes, explicit violence, death and warped philosophy.

The story is KiAnGo. (And More)

If you find any of the above offensive, please don't read further.

CHAPTER 34: The Truth About Circus Folk.

A rusty hinge screeched as the Global Justice troopers pulled the door open. Candida Du peered into the gloomy interior of the warehouse. So far, everything was exactly as Steve described to her. They'd found the warehouse near the center of the old Lowerton industrial park, exactly where Steve said it was. A sense of foreboding crept up her spine. She was pretty sure she knew what she would find inside.

She motioned for the troopers to hold their positions as she turned on her high powered flashlight. It's beam pierced the clouds of dust and loose flakes of rust stirred up by their intrusion. There it sat. Near the far wall. A large wooden crate. To most people it would have seemed like it belonged in this setting. Candida knew differently.

She called out to the squad. “Spread out. Check the entire building. Keep your eyes out for traps.”

The troopers began moving through the large empty space. Within seconds, one called back. “Trip wire!”

Candida nodded her acknowledgment. Again, it was as her boyfriend told her. Kim Possible was not going to make it easy to retrieve the contents of the crate. Seven more traps were found by her troops over the next ten minutes. It took another 20 minutes for them to be rendered harmless. Her impatience grew the entire time. Finally, the squad leader gave the all clear signal. She walked across the large empty space.

Once the crate was pried open, what looked like a chest freezer was revealed. There were two differences from it's more common cousins. One, was a large window in the lid. The other, was the complex control panel covering the rest of the top. She heard gasps from her troops as she shone her light inside. Through the frost edged window she could see the immobilized figure of Betty Director.

Turning her eyes to the control panel, Candida tried not to think of brutality the woman had obviously suffered. Even as she manipulated the switches and dials, she couldn't suppress the image from her mind. Betty Director had been severely beaten. Her one good eye was swollen and black. From her empty eye socket hung the broken cybernetic orb by it's cable. Bruises covered her bare body. Worst was the missing fingernails on her left hand. Candida shook her head, beaten wasn't the right word. The only word that fit was tortured.

Fighting to retain control of her emotions, Candida set the controls to the exact placement Steve told her. Moments later, a hissing sound came from the container. A display began showing numbers, signifying the rise of the internal temperature. With a pop and hiss, the lid opened. No time was wasted as her troops pulled the shivering, barely conscious, woman out.

As a blanket was being wrapped around her damaged body, Betty's eye cracked open. Through chattering teeth she whispered. “Please... No more...”

Candida gently wrapped her arms around the chilled woman. “Shh. It's OK. You're safe now.”

Betty let out a sigh as her eye closed again. “Thank goodness!”

With a shake of her head in the direction of the arriving medics, Candida lifted and carried the woman to the waiting GJ ambulance herself.


The room looked like it belonged in one of those old TV shows like 'Father Knows What's Good For You' or 'Give It To The Beaver'. One wall was filled with bookcases. They contained everything from the latest scientific tomes to classics of science fiction. The opposite wall was filled with shelves of trophies and awards. Only two doors broke the blankness of the third wall. One led to the hall, while the other to a small half bath.

The last wall contained a large window. Rich burgundy colored drapes hung closed over it, blocking out the night. On one side of the window were pictures of a single man. In most he was posing with dignitaries, scientists and presidents. On the other side, were numerous pictures of his family and friends. The only furniture in the room were a couch and two leather upholstered chairs sitting on either side of a large antique wood desk. Some might have called the room an office. It wasn't. It was truly an anachronism in the 21st century. It was a Den.

The man sitting behind the desk knew most of his friends thought the room was a silly affectation. He didn't care. All his adult life he surrounded himself with the trappings of the bygone era he held an reverence for. It had been that way since he and Anne had moved into their first, and until this one, only home. The house itself was in a retro style and all the furniture was purchased to fit it.

Most of the furniture and the home had been replaced many times over the years, but always in the same style. Now that he was in a new home, he was working toward giving it the same feeling. It gave him a sense of comfort. Perhaps because he'd been raised most of his life by his single mother. He longed for a time when his father was still alive. A time when they had been a complete family. It was what he tried to give his own children.

He looked across the desk at his daughter. She was a young woman now. A married woman who was following her own path in life. Despite what others might say, or how he was compelled to act toward her in public, he felt he'd done a pretty good job raising her. While it was true she'd chosen to follow a dark path, he could still see the core values he'd tried so hard to instill in her underneath.

He'd encouraged all his kids to strive to do their very best. To follow their dreams. He felt pride in the knowledge Kim was doing both. Right and wrong, and how to decide for themselves the difference, was another thing he wanted his children to understand. He'd always felt it should be up to the individual what each meant. In his mind, the concept of letting others define those ideals for you was the height of stupidity.

Another thing he endeavored to teach them was not to judge people by race, heritage, where they lived, or who they chose to love. If you had to hate someone, it should be that person alone and with good reason, not some generalized group. It was a joy to him to see Kim had learned that lesson well. Had she not, she might still be trying to fit herself into society's mold. She might still be trying to find Mr. Right instead of realizing her true love in the arms of her chosen woman. She would also have never found the delight of taking her own mother as a lover. Nor would she have ever thought to express her love for him the way she did this afternoon.

With his own eyes, he'd seen the delight she had taken and given. There had also been passion, love and pure carnal lust too. That it was considered taboo by society, concerned him not in the least. He could easily scoff at words like perverse and unnatural after what happened. Certainly, he couldn't fault Kim for her taste. After all, he'd known for years how wonderful a lover Anne was.

Then there was Shego. Kim's legal wife. She was mean, sarcastic, and proud to proclaim how evil she was. All through dinner, Shego regaled them with stories of her crimes, and more interestingly, her sex life. He and Vivian had been enthralled by it, and he was sure his sons picked up more than a few naughty ideas. He knew he'd been wrong to try to shield them from such things. Vivian told him everything she'd done for them this afternoon. They were obviously growing into young men now.

In Shego he could see the perfect mate for his daughter. Possibles didn't settle for doormats. Just like him, she needed a partner who was a challenge. Shego had the same zest for life as his Kimmie-Cub. She was willing to explore and push the limits of their relationship. She proved that by embracing Anne as their lover. More so, she'd shown she was fine with Kim having not one, but two intelligent and strong women in their own right as her willing and devoted pets. He'd yet to meet Betty in person, but from what he'd seen of Yori, he knew Kim needed their devotion as much as they needed her to give their lives meaning and purpose.

His thoughts were interrupted when Kim asked. “Daddy? What are you thinking about?”

He noted the pensive look on his daughter's face. They were here in his den because she'd asked to speak to him alone. He wasn't sure what she wanted to talk about, but he could tell it was something important. His thoughts had been wandering while he waited for her to broach the subject. It was obvious that she was still reluctant to speak. He decided to do what always helped in situations that were a bit too serious.

He leaned back in his chair and let a smile form. “Well Kimmie-Cub. I was just thinking about how glad I am that you're following my advice.”

Her look went from pensive to puzzled. “Advice?”

He gave her a wink. “Yes. No Boys.”

Kim felt her mood lightening. For years now her father had been repeating that phrase, or a variation of it. She never really thought of it as advice. It always seemed more like a commandment. She considered her current situation for a moment. As much as her father seemed absent minded at times, he did seem to understand her better than he let on. Perhaps in it's own way it really had been advice all along.

She let out a laugh and winked at him. “I guess I am, with the exception of a few men sprinkled in with my women.”

James smiled and decided to take the initiative. He opened a drawer in the desk and pulled out a bottle and two glasses. After pouring two fingers worth of his favorite scotch in each, he slid one glass across the desk toward his daughter. “Kim, I can tell you have something important on your mind. I want you to know there's nothing you can't talk to me about.”

Kim stared at the glass. “I do have something to tell you. Before I do, there's something I have to ask.” She picked up the glass. “It's very personal.” She sipped. “I wouldn't ask if I didn't have to. Do you know who this is?”

He watched as his daughter sat a folder on the desk. From it, she drew a photograph. The image it showed was grainy. Apparently it was a still from a dashboard camera. He immediately recognized the building in the background. The were no other buildings he knew of shaped like a giant letter R. There were two people standing in the foreground. A man in his forties wearing a uniform and a figure wearing heavy armor.

The glass he was holding slipped from his trembling fingers. “Kim. How did you get a picture of the monster that murdered my father?”

Kim leaned over the desk. She took his hands in hers. “Dad. I'm sorry, but I have to know. What happened that day?”

Patiently she waited, as he visibly pulled himself together. When he spoke, his voice was as shaky as his hands in her grip. “I was six years old...”

--[October 12th 1973]--

Jimmy hated his mittens. He wished he could have real gloves like his big brother did. Right now he was glad for their warmth, not that he'd admit it to anyone. The wind was very cold as he stood in front of his school. He stuffed his hands into his coat pockets as he waited for his brother and sister to come and walk him home. Up until a couple weeks ago he'd been allowed to walk home by himself. That all changed when Mr. Trips came to town. He was a bad guy who went around squirting funny dust in peoples faces that made them go crazy.

He thought it was silly. Everyone knew the town had it's own hero to protect them from bad guys. Middleton's hero was Miss Freedom. She was tall and pretty and had long black hair, just like his mom did. It was his mom that made the rule about him waiting for his brother and sister to walk him home. She'd said Miss Freedom couldn't be everywhere at once. She told him it was up to good citizens like them to help protect each other when she wasn't around.

Ten minutes later and there was still no sign of Slim and June-Bug. Another ten minutes passed. Jimmy was getting mad. He could have been home watching his favorite TV show, Captain Constellation, by now. All warnings from his mother forgotten, he began to walk toward home. A couple blocks later he heard a car's tires squeal. He saw a big blue car going really fast. It swerved off the road and ran right into a tree.

He stared as the man who was driving the car got out. The mans face was all bloody and he was laughing a lot. The man started to walk toward him. Jimmy had never been so scared before. He turned and ran as fast as he could. He ran and ran and ran. He had no idea how long or far he'd run, but finally his legs couldn't go any more. Slumping down on the sidewalk, he struggled to catch his breath. After a few minutes, he began looking around. He was in a part of town he'd never been in before. He was lost.

Jimmy had no idea what to do. He didn't want to get more lost by walking around. But he didn't want to stay here and let the bloody laughing man find him. He knew he should try to find a policeman like his parents told him he should if he ever needed help. Way off in the distance he heard sirens. With many looks over his shoulder, he began to move in the direction of the sound. Soon he was approaching a line of police cars.

As he got closer, all thoughts of fear were replaced by awe. There on the other side of the police cars were two costumed people fighting. He ran forward. From between the cars he could see a woman wearing armor fighting a man who could only be Mr. Trips. The top hat and swirly colored mask were just like they said he wore on TV. Even though he was excited to see a hero fighting a bad guy, he wondered where Miss Freedom was.

The hero kicked at the bad man. He fell back toward the gathering crowd. There was a poof and a yellow cloud hit the onlookers. Screams and laughs rang out. People began running around. They hit each other. They attacked the police men. One person came running toward him. Jimmy called out as he recognized his dad. He pushed his way past the distracted police and ran toward his father.

He ignored the fight that was still going on almost right next to him. He only wanted to get to his father. Just as he was about to dash into his father's arms, he noticed the look in his father's eyes. It was madness. He saw his father's hands make fists. He saw those fists swing out toward him. There was a harsh mechanical yell from behind him. The armored woman flew over his head. She swung her arm out. Her fist connected with his daddy's head.

The whole world seemed to stop as Jimmy stood staring at the body of his father. He turned to see the woman who killed him. She stood unmoving as he looked at her helmet covered face. He screamed and screamed and screamed.



James possible clenched his eyes closed. “They never found out who it was. She ran away only a few moments later.” His eyes opened and looked with great sadness into his daughter's eyes. “The police took me to the station. A little while later, mom showed up. She was crying so much.” He shook his head, trying to banish the memory. “My father's killer was never brought to justice.”

Kim felt anger build within her. Blood burned hot through her veins. She understood now. Her father still suffered after all these years. All because one woman kept her silence. The information Wade dug up was all true. The fact her father still didn't know, made it all the worse.

James gave Kim's hand a squeeze. “Kim. I think I know what you have to tell me.” He released her and placed a hand on the picture. “You know who she is don't you?”

Kim nodded slowly. “Yes dad I do. I can tell you she is about to get the justice she deserves too. She's killed another innocent person and the Council has declared her a vigilante.”

He stared at the picture. “I get the feeling you'd rather not tell me.”

Kim sighed. “Daddy, if you want me to I will. I don't want to hurt you. If I tell you, it will hurt. A lot.”

Taking a deep breath he clenched the picture in his hand. “I have to know. I can't keep going on like this. I'll never be free until I know.”

Kim reached into the folder and extracted another picture. It was the same location, but this time the woman was alone. She was looking up into the trees. Her helmet was tucked under her arm.

Shock rode his face as he stared into eyes he knew so well. “Oh God! Mom. How could you?”


Joss lay in bed staring at the dark ceiling. Her feelings were mixed about what the man laying beside her just said. “What went an made her change her mind?”

Ron grinned into the darkness. “Wade. I was sure she was going to tell me to stuff it, in multi-syllable words, until I mentioned him. I swear I haven't seen that look since I saw her at the robot rumble that one time. Sharks have looked less hungry for confrontation.”

The girl frowned. She didn't like the idea of another female on the team. All she knew is that Justine Flanner had better not give any hungry looks at her man. She snuggled closer to him. “That's jus fine. But how's 'bout we change the subject?”

He felt her nude body move against his. “What did you have in mind?”

She climbed on top of him. “Y'all plowin my field, that's what.”

Ron ran his hands over her tiny breasts. “I think I'm up for it again.”

Rufus blinked himself awake. He shook his head and grabbed up his tiny pillow. Holding it tightly, he hopped off the bed. He wasn't ever going to get a good nights sleep if those two kept it up like this. He headed to the next room. Hopefully he could sleep there. A mumble escaped his lips as he went through the door. “Three times!”


Kim strode into the living room. There was a look of grim determination on her face. She looked around at the people assembled there. “Mom? Vivian? Dad is a bit distraught right now. I think you two might want to look in on him.”

She waited until they left the room. Her eyes fell on her wife's face. “Shego. I have to go. I'm taking Yori with me. I should be back before noon tomorrow.”

Shego nodded. She'd been expecting this. “Got it Princess. I'll take Steve here with me to Dr. D's in the morning.”

Steve glanced at Kim's face before nodding to Shego. “Works for me.”

Kim turned to Yori. “Get changed. That outfit isn't made for sneaking.”

Yori gave her a bow. “As you wish my Master. May I know where we are going?”

Kim looked her in the eyes. “Over the river and through the woods...”

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