Story: The Middleton Pact - Redux (chapter 29)

Authors: fulwiz

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Chapter 29

Title: CHAPTER 28: Under the Siege.

The Middleton Pact - Redux

Written by fulwiz

Beta by Wirenfeldt Jr

Disclaimer: I don't own Kim Possible, Disney does. I make no money from this story. The other characters come from my own twisted mind.

Warning: This story contains explicit sexual situations, mature themes, explicit violence, death and warped philosophy.

The story is KiAnGo. (And More)

If you find any of the above offensive, please don't read further.

CHAPTER 28: Under the Siege.

Betty's pubic hair tickled Kim's nose as she licked the one eyed woman to yet another orgasm. She pulled her head back and watched her new lover shake and moan beneath her. It still amazed her how much pleasure she derived from the give and take of sex with her lovers. All three of them. She only wished she could have let herself admit how much she loved women long ago. Now, as Betty panted from her ministrations, she could look back and see how she'd hidden the truth from herself.

For as long as she could remember, she admired her mother's slim graceful figure, but never did she let herself consider it might be more than that. All through high school she would look at her fellow cheerleaders in the showers, but always she excused it with the lie of just 'comparing' their bodies to her own developing one. She could now admit she loved watching them, even Bonnie. For such a bitch, the girl always did have a very nice ass.

Only since she'd fallen for Shego, was she able to let herself face her real desires. Only since accepting her darker side, was she able to fully enjoy her new found lusts. If only she could convince the entire world, such things were not as bad as some people made them out to be.

Betty saw an odd look come over Kim's face. “Mistress? Is something the matter?”

Shaking he head, Kim smiled at her. “Just a passing thought. I...” Kim paused. She reached up and stuck a couple fingers into her mouth. From between her teeth, she pulled a short, dark, curly hair. Her eyes rolled. “I love eating your pussy Betty, but the hair has to go.”

Betty, still tasting Kim in her mouth, thought about how much she enjoyed eating the redhead's bare slit. She could easily understand why Kim preferred it that way. “Consider it gone Mistress.”

Kim laughed as she pulled her new sidekick up from the sex soaked bench. “Let's get dressed and get back to the party. We can discuss passing thoughts and shaving later.”

A few minutes later, they walked down the corridor toward the lounge together. Kim spoke just before they reached the door of the lounge. “Oh yes. About you quitting GJ and telling the Council? Don't.”

Betty gave her a puzzled look. “Why?”

Kim stopped and gave her a truly evil smile. “Because I have plans. Plans, I want you to be in the right position to help me make happen.”

The lounge door opened. Kim and Betty found themselves facing an inebriated Señor Senior Senior. He was leaning on his cane as if it were the only thing keeping him upright. Just behind him, Bonnie and Junior were supporting each other. Bonnie's tail was swishing and splattering drops of water all over the place. The three Seniors moved with drunken staggers into the passageway.

The elder Senior's head tilted slowly as he spotted Kim. “Ah, Kimberly. It's is time for us to take our leave. It has been quite the stimulating experience.” He paused, swaying in place for a moment. “I, however, must say once again. It would be entirely less risky if you were to just kill all the ninja. I find the idea of marooning them on some barely habitable planet, around a distant star, to be wasteful. Not only that, there could be serious repercussions. I know that, if it were I, sent into such an exile, I believe I would become quite vengeful indeed.”

Kim laughed as Wade joined them in the hall. “I agree. But since I'm working under truce with Global Justice, that's not really an option.” She gave him a sly smile. “Besides, it's unlikely they will ever be in a position to do anything about it. Dad's rocket will only have enough fuel for a one way trip.”

He nodded. “Indeed. Perhaps, if we ever work together in the future, we will not have to limit ourselves to such expensive and humane tactics.”

Wade stepped up and took the man's arm. “I'm going to teleport them and Dr. Drakken home. Then hit the sack. Anything you need me to do before that?”

Kim thought for a moment. She shook her head. “I think were good for the night. Sleep tight Wade.”

She and Betty watched as the four stumbled down the hall. Bonnie appeared too drunk for coherent speech, but she managed to flip Kim the bird, in way of goodbye. For a moment, Kim considered catching up and breaking Bonnie's finger, but she was distracted.

Steve's voice sounded from behind them. “Coming through people! Make a hole!”

Kim turned to see him carrying a blissfully passed out Drakken in his arms. She couldn't help but chuckle as she imagined Drakken waking in his own lair with no idea how he'd got there. She called out to him as he was about to get on the elevator. “Go ahead and take the night off when you're done, OK?”

Steve called back, as the elevator door closed. “Sure thing Kim.”

She turned to Betty. The one eyed woman was rubbing her temple, next to her eye patch. “Headache?”

Betty nodded. “Sometimes my implant acts up. It's nothing serious.”

Kim took her hand and led her into the lounge. “We'll get Wade to take a look at it tomorrow. Can't have my sexiest sidekick running around with hinky parts.”


John Viceroy watched Miss Freedom stride into the office. She gave him barely a nod of acknowledgment as she approached the desk. Picking up a pen, she scribbled on a notepad. She tore off the paper and handed it to him. “Have someone go to this GJ long term storage locker. Bring me the contents.”

He took the slip of paper. “Ma'am?”

She motioned him out of his chair. “It's something I left here a long time ago. I'll be needing it. Now. Let me see what you've put together.”

He stood and let her take the seat. “Here is the transcript our lip reader made. It's not much, but he says he got what he could.”

She waved him away as she leaned in to study the screen. He stepped out to the assistants office, handed the paper to a trooper on guard duty, and instructed him to retrieve what was in that locker. When he came back, she was frowning at the computer. He watched as her eyes scanned the text and her frown deepened.

Eventually she leaned back. She turned her attention to him. “What plan of action have you come up with?”

He tucked his hands behind his back. “Usually, when attacking a villain's stronghold, we employ a small infiltration team. They sneak in, past the villain's external defenses. Then they enter through an unguarded point, usually a ventilation shaft. Once they engage the enemy, a larger force could then attack the outside defenses and enter in a more conventional manner. Although, most of the time, the second part is not necessary. The infiltration team, in most cases, manages to defeat the villain by themselves.”

She nodded. “That sounds like an acceptable plan.”

Viceroy gave a sullen shake of his head. “At this time, the only team we have who could conceivably attempt it is Team Impossible. If it were any other villain, they could do the job. In this case, that simply isn't feasible. You see, there is no way this will work on Kim Possible.”

Her eyebrows raised. “And why wouldn't it?”

He sighed. “Because Kim Possible is the one who created the strategy in the first place.”

Miss Freedom pursed her lips in disgust. “You're telling me Global Justice has been relying on a teenager, one who wasn't even a part of the organization, to be their main tactician?”

Folding his arms in front of his chest, he nodded. “It galls me too. I can't dispute the results, however. In the last four years that strategy has resulted in more villain captures, and fewer injuries and deaths of GJ agents, than at any time in the past. The next best plan is sending in Team Impossible, backed by GJ troopers, in a full frontal assault. The chances of success are slim however.”

She gave him an inquiring look. “How slim?”

He brought up graphs on the computer screen. “An estimated 70 percent chance of failure. Losses of over half of the troopers, and possibly Team Impossible, just from the outer defenses themselves. Then more losses in the attempt to subdue the villains.” He changed the screen again. Pictures of the targets appeared. “We are talking about confronting a group of the most dangerous people in the world at once. They have tactical expertise, super powers, and an intimate knowledge of our inner workings. That's not even considering their sidekicks and minions. We are not going to catch them off guard.”

She asked. “What do you propose then?”

He cleared the screen. “I think we should wait. Try to capture them when they are away from their base. The chances of success are higher and, if we're lucky, we won't have to face them all at once.”

Miss Freedom shook her head. “No. It's too risky. If an attempt should fail, they will be tipped off and go into hiding somewhere even more ingenious, we could loose any chance of locating them again. We have to go in now.”

Viceroy rubbed his forehead. “It's not as risky as trying to lay siege to their hideout. Even with Team Impossible leading the way with a couple hundred GJ troopers, we're simply outclassed. Stun guns, batons, and Stop-Watches are no match to the kinds of defenses they could employ.”

She looked at him incredulously. “You have whole warehouses full of confiscated super technology. Surely you...”

His head shook. “Global Justice isn't authorized to use any of it. It would take...”

Miss Freedom cut him off. “...Special orders from the Council. You forget. I am on the Council. I'm authorizing Global Justice to use any and all means at their disposal.”

His brows rose. This was unprecedented. “In that case, I believe there's an excellent chance of taking them down with a minimum of effort.”

Miss Freedom nodded. “Very well. Let's put it all together and get a working plan in motion. We will lead the attack together. I want this done before morning.”

He started to protest her inclusion. “But Ma'am...”

A knock at the door interrupted. Viceroy opened it to allow two troopers to enter. They placed a large plywood footlocker on the desk and left. He looked at the name and serial number stenciled on the top of the locker for a few moments. It suddenly became clear to him why this woman was so adamant about taking part in the operation.

He looked back at her. “Very well Ma'am.”

She stood. “Now, please give me a few minutes of privacy?”

He glanced at the box. “Yes Ma'am.”

Nancy Possible waited until he was out of the room and the door closed. She reached out and ran her hand over the box. She'd never expected to set eyes on it again. She dialed the lock's combination from memory. It had been decades and she still knew it by heart. The lid raised at her touch. Dull, unpainted, metal barely reflected the light. She caressed the armored power suit. Her late husband, who had designed and built it for her, never got the chance to paint it in her signature colors.

She slipped out of her dress and began to don the armor. She had only worn it once before. It had only seen one battle. That was on the last day of her active career as a hero. As she strapped the armor in place, she remembered. The fight had been going well until innocent bystanders were brought into it by the villain. She pulled her hair up and slid the helmet over her head. Two images sprang into her mind as she once again looked out of the dark visor. The first, was the sight of her armored fist crushing in the head of of those bystanders. One who, if not for a twist of fate, wouldn't have been anywhere near the fight. The second, was the look of shock and horror on her young son's face.


Shego awoke to complete darkness. She was in bed, but couldn't remember how she got there. Usually she wasn't a heavy drinker, but she'd let herself indulge last night. At least she thought it was last night. She tried to turn and look at the clock. The naked bodies pressing against her, gave her no room to move. She could tell Anne was cuddled up against her back. One of her long, slender legs was curled over her own. In turn, she was pressed up against her wife. Her arm was wrapped around Kim's body and her hand cupping one of her small, firm, breasts. She couldn't resist giving it a playful squeeze.

Kim's voice whispered out of the darkness. “I didn't know it was time for my 2 am groping already.”

Shego snickered. “Only two? Feels like morning already.”

Kim turned to face her wife. “I'm surprised you are even capable of moving. You passed out a couple hours ago.”

Shego reached out and ran her hand over Kim's thigh. “That explains why I don't remember going to bed.”

Kim chuckled. “Betty and I carried you and mom both to bed. She only managed to stay conscious a little while longer than you did.”

Shego smirked into the darkness. “Great! My reputation is ruined now. Out drunk by a milf, a teenager, and a one eyed hottie.”

Another voice came from the dark. “Hey. I resemble that remark.”

Shego recognized it as Betty. “You sure do Bets.”

Kim stroked her wife's cheek. “It's really all your fault anyway. You're the one who insisted on doing body shots to celebrate Betty's conversion to evil.”

Betty added. “And insisted they be doubles. Isn't that right Mistress?”

Shego gasped. “Mistress?”

Kim laughed. “I guess you missed that part. After we put you two to bed, Betty and I had a little talk.” Kim began climbing out of the bed. “Tell her Betty. I need to go take a pee.”

Moments later, the bathroom light came on. Shego and Betty saw Kim disappear inside. By the faint light from the partially open door, Betty saw Shego staring at her. Betty sat up in the bed. “You know I pledged my loyalty to Kim. There's more to it than that. When I gave myself to her, I gave everything. Not just my loyalty, but my life and my body too. I am truly hers in every way. She is, and will always be, my Mistress.”

Shego rubbed her head. The whole idea of someone wanting to belong to another person like this was totally alien to her. “You really want that?”

Betty reached out and clasped Shego's hand in both of hers. “Yes Shego. More than anything. At first I didn't realize it myself. The more I thought about it, I understood it's what I need and want. I've spent my entire life trying to be the best. Fighting to be the winner. Until today I didn't realize, no matter how hard I tried, or how much I won, there was a sense of being unfulfilled. When I gave myself to Kim, I gained purpose. I can still have my goals, but now I'll be achieving them for a worthy reason, a worthy person, my Mistress Kim.”

Anne lay with her eyes closed. She'd been listening for a while, ever since Shego's milf comment. She'd been half tempted to give her a playful swat on the butt for that. It had been more fun to just listen. Unlike Shego, everything Betty was saying made a good bit of sense to her. She understood how Betty felt, in a way Shego didn't. She flexed her leg, using it to draw herself closer to Shego. Opening her eyes, she spoke. “Betty's doing what's best for her. It's good for Kim too.”

Both women were slightly startled at her comment. Shego half turned to look at Anne. “How so?”

Anne propped herself up on one elbow. “Some people need more in their lives than they can achieve on their own. They need something, or someone, to help them become the person they were always meant to be. Betty needs to belong. In Kim she found the person she can truly belong to. I understand because, in many ways, I'm much the same. I gave up my old life to find what I really wanted. What Betty said clarified my own feelings. In a very real sense, when I decided on a life of villainy, I was also 'giving' myself to both you and Kim.”

Shego's eyes widened. “You're not going to start calling us Mistress or something now are you?”

Anne laughed. “No dear. It's not that way for me. You girls have my loyalty, my respect, and my love. Anything you ask of me, I'll gladly give.”

Shego felt tears welling in her eyes. She hugged Anne to her. “I feel the same way about you.” She looked Anne, seeing the inner beauty that matched the outer. “If I wasn't already married to your daughter, I'd be putting a ring on your finger right now.”

Anne's eyes sparkled. “Oh! Shego.” She pressed her lips against the younger woman's.

Betty smiled as she watched the two women embrace. She could tell this was the right thing for them. Just like it was right for her to belong to Kim. The thought of Kim made her look toward the bathroom. She saw her Mistress standing in the doorway.

Kim watched her wife and mother kiss. Her love for them swelled in her breast. She walked to the bed and embraced them both. She spoke to them in a voice full of passion. “Let's do this right.” She reached up and turned Shego's head. “Shego? Do you take Anne as your wife? To have your way with? In sickness and depravity, for ever and ever?”

Shego almost choked with surprise. “Yes... Yes I do!”

Kim looked at her mother. “Mom? Will you have me as your wife? To love, fondle, and cherish? Giving yourself to my every depraved whim?”

Anne took a deep breath. “I will Kimmie, with all my heart.”

Kim kissed them both. “Then screw what the rest of the world says. I pronounce all three of us illegally and immorally wed.”

Betty got up off the bed as she watched the three women become a passionate tangle. She started to walk to the door.

Kim called out to her. “Where are you going Betty?”

Betty turned. “I thought that... Since this is now your wedding night...”

Kim smiled. “I think... If my wives are OK with it..?” She looked at Anne and Shego. Both of them nodded to her. Kim looked back at Betty. “Then it's settled. Betty? You may lick the brides.”

Betty purred as she came back into the bed. “It would be my pleasure Mistress.”


(September 3rd 2007, 4:12 am)

The pilot maneuvered the black and purple Global Justice jet in a large circle. He checked his payload monitor for the seventh time since take off. It displayed an egg shaped container strapped under the aircraft. He was noticeably worried as he checked the clock. Three more minutes until he could make the drop. There was nothing he wanted more, than to see that thing as far away from his jet as possible.


Miss Freedom turned to John Viceroy. The servos and gears of her powered armor clicked and whirred. It's dull metal encasement gave her back the shape she had in her prime. Her mechanically altered voice rasped. “You are positive this will work?”

He lowered the night vision binoculars from his eyes. “As positive as I can be of anything that was built by a supervillain.”

She looked out the window of the van, at the distant treeline. “I wish we could get closer. It's going to take us several minutes to get there after the drop.”

Viceroy shook his head. “You don't want to be closer. When that Super Electromagnetic Pulse device goes off, everything electronic in a four mile radius will cease to function. Too close and that tin can you're wearing would shut down completely.”

She sneered behind her faceplate. “I know what an EMP does. My suit is hardened against it.”

He gave a sigh. “I said super. That means it will penetrate even hardened electronics.” He checked his watch. “One minute til drop.” He clicked his headset com and spoke to the troopers stationed for the assault. “Standby. We move in on my mark.”


Halfway across the world, a scream of pain reverberated off the walls of a plush bedroom. Bonnie Senior sat up, her hands covering her bloody lips. She stared in horror at her husband. He was clasping his manhood and crying like a baby. She ran out of the room. Moments later, she returned carrying a large first aid kit.

Junior whimpered as his wife bandaged him. “My love. I never in my life thought to hear these words spoken from my lips. Please! Never let us do the oral sex again!”

Bonnie stroked her husband's brow. She had been growing to like the changes DNAmy had made to her, but maybe keeping the fangs wasn't such a good idea after all.


A dark object fell from the sky. Barely ten feet from the ground, it turned into a silent and invisible pulse of energy. In the distance, lights from multiple vehicles began closing in.


(September 3rd 2007, 4:31 am)

GJ trooper Ben Thayer, led his squad down a dark corridor. Unlike the squads led by his Commander, and the lady hero, who were headed to the control center of the complex, his was assigned to the unexciting task of checking the sleeping quarters. He shook his head as he motioned a couple of his troopers on to the next room. He knew he was getting the crap detail because of his screw up guarding the Possible house.

One of his men motioned to him from the open door. He looked in, and saw figures fast asleep in bed. His fingers tapped out a signal on his com to his commander. Moments later, his squad was joined by others.

Viceroy strode down the corridor with a smile on his lips. He motioned for the troopers to surround the bed.


Anne stirred in her sleep. She rolled over and opened her eyes. Everything was dark. As she fell back to sleep, she wondered who turned the bathroom light off.


Ron Stoppable woke with a yell. Bright lights shone in his face. All around his bed were dark figures, each and every one of them were pointing a weapon in his direction.

Joss sat up beside him, and blinked her eyes. “What's all the ruckus?”

A woman clad in metal armor clanked into the room. Her mechanically filtered voice said. “Don't move Stoppable. These troopers have orders to fire if they see so much as a flicker of blue glow.”

Ron shaded his eyes from the glare. He could see that the people surrounding him were all in GJ uniforms. “Hold on a second. Why is GJ busting into my home and threatening us? In case you don't know, we're on the same side!”

The woman's disdain carried through her helmet. “I have no doubt which side you are on. We know you are hiding Kim Possible and her fellow villains here. Tell us where she is!”

Ron began to laugh. “I don't know who you are, but I think you've made one hell of a mistake.”

Rufus poked his head out of the covers. “Yup! Big mistake!”

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