Story: The Middleton Pact - Redux (chapter 21)

Authors: fulwiz

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Chapter 21

Title: CHAPTER 20: Death in the Monkey Temple.

The Middleton Pact - Redux

Written by fulwiz

Beta by Wirenfeldt Jr

Disclaimer: I don't own Kim Possible, Disney does. I make no money from this story. The other characters come from my own twisted mind.

Warning: This story contains explicit sexual situations, mature themes, explicit violence, death and warped philosophy.

The story is KiAnGo. (And More)

If you find any of the above offensive, please don't read further.

CHAPTER 20: Death in the Monkey Temple.

With a look of stony concentration on his face, Wade Load watched the homemade rocket, launched by the two youngest Possibles, rise above the atmosphere. His fingers were poised over the keyboard of his main computer station in his private lab. Tapping a couple keys, he changed the view to another of the many satellites he was currently hacked into. He smiled as he watched the rocket rise above the Earth's atmosphere. As it achieved orbit, the nose of the rocket opened and disgorged three small, round, objects.

Telemetry began pouring in from the tiny satellites. His fingers began flying over the keys as he sent instructions back. They moved apart. Each on it's way to a geosynchronous position around the planet. He leaned back and grinned as he waited for them to reach their appointed positions. Never again would he have to waste the few minutes it took to hack a satellite. The tiny orbs he created, with the extra devices the ladies picked up at the annex, gave him instant worldwide access. Even better, they extended the teleporter's range worldwide.


Shego cursed under her breath as the image of Gemini faded from the screen in front of her. Not one single villain that had Henchmen, or other minions, was willing to lend any to them. Since Hench's arrest, all uncommitted Henchmen had gone into hiding. Now the plan Kim devised was coming up short in warm bodies to pull it off. Sure Kim told her GJ would be willing to provide all the help they needed, but Shego had years of distrust making her nervous.

She shook her head. In truth, it was the entire plan that worried her. Depending on Drakken and the Seniors for assistance was risky. Added to that, the things Kim wanted her to do didn't set well in her mind. There were some things she simply was not good at, and those were the very things Kim wanted of her. Shego pushed away from the console and walked out of the command center. She went in search of a very secluded, and completely private, place where she could practice unobserved.


The Seniors, father and son, stood next to the plump geneticist in her backup lair and watched with concern as the complex machine containing Bonita Senior burst into activity. Their concern was caused by the giggling that kept bubbling out of DNAmy. Senior Sr. had little choice however. He contacted the Possibles and found they were also going after the ones who caused his daughter in law so much distress. Kim Possible gladly accepted their offer of assistance.

Anne Possible even offered the use of her equipment to heal Bonita's injuries, but she refused the offer. She was willing to be a part of the Possibles plan, but she didn't want to feel more indebted to them than she already was. That left DNAmy as their only other option. She was more than willing to assist them in healing Bonita, the same way she did for Kim Possible. Still... The giggling bothered him.


Steve Barkin shaded his eyes from the early morning sunlight as he stared up at the workers adjusting lights atop a tall tower. “No, No, NO! Angle it down more. It's supposed to be pointing down here, not at Upperton!”

He was standing in a hastily built compound next to the Middleton maximum security prison. Kim put him in charge of building this receiving compound. Her instructions had been quite simple. Build an area to secure ninja prisoners. She laughed as she told him to just think of Detention from high school... As he thought it should be.

He looked around at the tall concrete walls, razor wire, and guard towers. It was almost good enough. Global Justice agents were interspersed with the workers. They were installing the security cameras, pressure, and movement sensors. He saw the young woman GJ assigned to help him on top of one of the walls. She was talking with an elderly man. Even from this distance, Steve could tell the man didn't seem to like what she was saying to him.

Steve climbed one of the construction ladders. He followed the top of the wall until he he could hear the old man.

“It's not necessary. One layer is, and always has been, more than enough!”

Candida Du frowned. “We need two layers sir. It's as simple as that.”

The old man saw Steve approach. “Mr. Barkin! Please explain to this young lady that only one layer of my laser grid is required.”

Steve smiled. “I'm afraid I must agree with Ms. Du. We really do need two layers Mr. McHenry.”

McHenry stood and pointed a finger at the larger man. “I'll have you know, nobody can get through one layer of my laser grid. Nobody!”

Steve let out a resounding laugh. “I hate to burst your bubble, but I work for a woman who has done so three times. She is more than willing to demonstrate if you need proof...”

An hour later...

Steve and Candida watched as a grumbling McHenry began the installation of a second layer.

Candida laughed as they walked towards the guard post outside the wall. “I would not have believed it myself. I thought he was going to have a coronary watching her.”

Barkin nodded. “She has been surprising me for years Ms. Du.”

She smiled up at him. “Please, call me Candy.”


Kim popped back into the lair with a frown on her face. She held her tail up in front of her face. On the tip was a small burn mark. She had not attempted going through a McHenry laser grid since she got it. The burn was small, but it reminded her to be more careful. She was about to begin her biggest mission ever. So many things could go wrong and she needed to be sure everything went as planned.

Wade's face appeared on the teleporter room's screen. “Kim, everyone's here for the planning meeting, except the Seniors. Junior called and said Bonnie was having problems figuring out what to wear. He said they would just meet us at the rendezvous.”

Kim rolled her eyes. It was so typical for Bonnie to screw everything up for some petty reason. “K, Wade. We'll just go on without them. Just send them any updates or changes in the plan as we go.”

Kim strode out of the room and down the corridor to the command center. She entered and saw Drakken and Cee-Cee were already there. She cleared her throat loudly. “If I could have everyone's attention please?” She waited until everyone had taken a seat before she continued. “This is our last chance to go over the plan together. Tomorrow the map information will be in the enemy’s hands. Once that happens, we will all need to do our parts to see everything goes properly. Remember, these people we are dealing with are killers. I want everyone to be cautious. Let's try to pull this off without any mishaps.”


(August 31st 2007, 4:52 pm)

Ron Stoppable was shaken. He was trying to hold it together for the sake of Yori and Joss. All three were slowly making their way down an ancient stone corridor. Behind them were bodies... Dead bodies. They encountered the first one, a local villager, just after entering the monkey temple. Spikes protruding from the floor impaled him so quickly, there wasn't even a look of shock or surprise in his dead eyes. Three more bodies were found as they made their way past the, now sprung, traps.

It was the last body that shook Ron the most. Never before had he seen anyone he actually knew dead. Dash DaMont was very dead. His severed head and part of a hand was all that was left. The rest had been crushed by the now closed walls of a pit trap. The hero must have managed to climb almost all the way out, but not far enough. As they'd passed, Joss and Yori were silent behind him. He could imagine the thoughts going through their minds.

All this death because the woman he once cared for coveted his power. He wanted to hate Kim for what she had become, but all he could feel was pity. Even when he killed the Lowardians, he hadn't hated them. The only thoughts he had then, were to protect Kim, and the rest of the world. Now he was trying, once again, to protect the world. Only this time it was from Kim Possible.

He jumped when a hand touched his shoulder. His heart raced as he turned to see Yori with a finger across her lips. With her other hand, she motioned towards the end of the corridor ahead of them.

She leaned in close to his ear, and whispered. “Do you hear?”

Ron listened. For a moment he heard nothing. Then he heard it. A high pitched keening. Almost as if someone were crying in the distance. Hesitantly, he motioned them forward. Deep in his heart he hoped it wasn't someone dying in another trap. They neared the end of the corridor, and saw it opened into a larger area. The ceiling was very tall and dome shaped. Spikes, like carved stone lances, seemed to hang from almost every inch of it.

The vast chamber ahead of them was roughly circular. The floor sloped, bowl shaped, down toward the center. At the very lowest point was a large, rock carved, pedestal. It was empty. Ron could see the idol they came to save laying on the floor next to it. Ron's breath caught in his throat as he moved further inside the chamber. Now he could see, on the other side of the pedestal, there were two people in the chamber.

There was no mistaking the black and green dressed woman, Shego. Fear gripped Ron when he realized she was kneeling on the floor crying. He moved a little further, just enough to see the other person clearly. There, in front of Shego, lay the impaled body of Kim Possible. As they also moved further into the chamber, both Yori and Joss gasped at the horrific sight.

A stone spike had obviously plunged down from the ceiling, it's sharpened point going right through Kim's chest, pinning her body to the stone floor. Blood pooled around her, and was splattered across her wife's face and body. Once bright green eyes, now containing no hint of life, stared at the ceiling far above.

The chamber burst into light as Shego lifted her head and saw them. The flames on her hands sent flickers of green dancing across the walls. She let out a scream that threatened to deafen them. Her bloody face twisted into a visage of loathing and hatred. “You! You fucking heroes! It's all your fault! You murdered her!”

Ron was stunned by the distraught woman's outburst. He could only watch as Yori pushed her way in front of him. She yelled at the villain. “This was her own doing! She had no right to attempt to take what belonged to another.”

Shego let out another scream. This was followed by blasts of green flame that sped directly towards them. Ron shoved Yori to the side and jumped in the opposite direction. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Joss retreating back down the passageway. The bolts of fire blasted holes in the walls where they had, only moments before, been standing. Ron began summoning up his Mystical Monkey Power as he ran around the edge of the room. All thoughts of Kim laying there dead were replaced by an undeniable realization, their lives were now very much in danger.

Ron knew from experience how dangerous Shego was. His only hope was to keep her attention on himself. Neither Joss or Yori stood a chance if the grief crazed woman were to hit them with her green fire. He could see Shego's wild green eyes as they followed him around the room. His power surged up and the blue glow of his magical power began to surround his body. It coursed through him, filling him with ancient magic. He stopped and turned to face her directly. Hoping his power would be enough he faced the one villain that, if truth were to be told, ever really and deeply scared him. Blasts of fire immediately threw him back into the cavern wall.

He was unburned, but felt like he had been hit by a train. Searching around, he saw Yori was headed back towards the passage, with something clutched in her arms. He pushed himself away from the wall and started towards Shego. The blue glow of his MMP began to take on the form of a monkey as the level of his power increased. He knew he had to stop the insane villain, here and now. Apparently, she saw his intent. He could see fear replacing the anger in her eyes.

She desperately shot blasts up towards the ceiling. Dozens of the hanging spikes were loosened. They came hurtling towards the floor directly between them.

He began to hear an ominous rumbling from all around the chamber. It sounded like the entire place was about to cave in due to her wanton destruction.

Shego bolted away from him. trying to make a break for the passage that was the only exit.

He leaped into the air. He knew he had to try to stop her, but she made it to the passage before he landed. Fear for Yori and Joss surged through him as he ran after her. The rumbling noise, coming from behind him, was getting louder.

It seemed like he ran forever, even though it was only a few seconds. He raced forward at a speed only his magic could grant him, but could no longer see Shego ahead of him. Suddenly he saw Yori crouched in the passage ahead of him. She was leaning over Joss, who was laying very still, on the floor. He stumbled to a stop. His power faded as he looked down. Fear gripped his throat. A ragged gasp from Joss washed the fear away. He knelt down beside her, relief etched on his features. She was trying to sit up, but Yori was trying to keep her still.

Yori glanced at Ron. “The evil woman hit her as she ran by us.”

Joss coughed. “I'm just fine, winded is all.”

Ron wanted to let her rest, but he could hear the sound from behind growing even louder. “Come on. We got to get out before the whole place comes down around our ears!”

He and Yori each grabbed one of Joss's arms apiece, and pulled her along. Time seemed to speed up as they raced back towards the entrance. In what seemed like just moments, they were back outside and headed away from the temple as fast as they could go. There was no sign of Shego anywhere. Ron was thankful of that. They slowed and headed for a clearing where a GJ helicopter waited. As they climbed aboard Ron envisioned his once best friend dead in the depths of the temple. Ron felt tears begin to well in his eyes.

The three sat quietly as the helicopter lifted off. Both Yori and Joss were holding Ron as the tears flowed down his face. Kim was dead. The thought played over and over in his mind. Deep inside, he really had hoped he could someday get her to renounce evil and return to good where she belonged. That last slender hope was now gone.

Yori tried to cheer him by showing that she had managed to retrieve the idol, but it was no use.

Ron didn't speak again until they were back in Middleton. As they approached the main entrance of their new headquarters, he said. “I need to be alone for a while.”

He went through the door. Soon he was in the quarters that he and Yori shared. She had respected his wishes and not followed. He sat on the bed. The tears began anew. He felt a gentle touch on his shoulder.

Rufus scrambled up onto his shoulder. He sat next to his friend's head, and asked. “What's wrong?”

Ron sniffed. “Oh little buddy. It's Kim. She... She's Dead!”

The two of them cried long into the night.


Yori took the young girl to her room. She offered words of comfort, but Joss simply ignored her. She left the child and made her way down to the very bowels of the building. The further she went, the less she was able to hold back her joy at seeing Kim Possible dead. She was almost laughing, as she opened the door to a maintenance area. Inside was stashed the communications gear she needed to contact her Clan.

Quickly, she assembled the innocuous looking parts into a functional whole. She then sent the contact signal.

The voice of her master spoke from the device. “What news do you have child?”

Yori let pride tinge her voice. “I have the final piece. The plan nears success!”

Her master's voice showed surprise. “You were not hindered by our enemies?”

A gleeful grin crossed her face. “They attempted to take the idol before we arrived. Their failure was glorious to behold! I have seen, with my own eyes, the death of Kim Possible!”

Her joy was echoed in her master's voice. “This is wonderful news! She was truly the only one I had concern about. With her out of our way, we can now proceed to the final stage of the plan. I will call all of our people home to partake in the sharing of power. Bring Stoppable as quickly as you can.”

Yori bowed her head. “It shall be done. What should I do about the girl?”

He replied. “Bring her with you. She shall be the first of many who shall bow to our new order.”

Yori grinned as she imagined the tall girl shackled and enslaved. “I obey.”

As quickly as she assembled it, she took the communication device apart, and stashed the pieces away. She made her way back up to the top of the towering building.

Yori's mind was so intent on the plan, she never noticed the smiling figure that watched her every move from the shadows.

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