Story: The Middleton Pact - Redux (chapter 16)

Authors: fulwiz

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Chapter 16

Title: CHAPTER 15: Truce.

The Middleton Pact - Redux

Written by fulwiz

Beta by Wirenfeldt Jr

Disclaimer: I don't own Kim Possible, Disney does. I make no money from this story. The other characters come from my own twisted mind.

Warning: This story contains explicit sexual situations, mature themes, explicit violence, death and warped philosophy.

The story is KiAnGo. (And More)

If you find any of the above offensive, please don't read further.

CHAPTER 15: Truce.

(August 27th 2007, 2:00 pm)

Kim sat in the command center alone. She'd just returned from escorting Bonnie to her waiting husband and father in law. They were both joyous and remorseful at seeing her. Triple-S was beside himself, apologizing for not considering she might not be acting normally for some reason other than just being insane.

She was staring at the large screen that showed the Council's order rescinding their previous decision about Bonnie. Wade sent them the technical specs of the chip her mother removed that very morning. He had even sent the footage of the surgery. They had unanimously decided Bonnie was acting under the influence of mind control, and was not responsible for her actions.

When Bonnie regained consciousness she was completely distraught about the some of the things she had done. Having the chip actually in her brain, acted to suppress her natural inhibitions. This made her do things she never would normally. Bonnie was greatly relieved when she was told she hadn't actually killed her husband and father in law. Other things she did appalled her. Trying to kill Kim and torturing Perkins had been the worst.

Killing Kim had been the primary order she was given after the chip had been implanted. The ones who implanted the chip expected her to act on that order first and foremost. Had they just stuck it on her forehead, like it was designed to be used, she would have done exactly that. Instead, the order become mixed with her other artificially unleashed desires.

Kim was actually relieved when Bonnie told her she still didn't like her. That meant there was no permanent damage done to her brain. She was still a bitch, but for Bonnie, that was normal. It was what Bonnie told her about who implanted the chip that made Kim begin to see a pattern. The chip had been implanted on Bonnie's honeymoon. A minor fall, caused by someone pushing her in a crowd, brought her and Junior to a hospital. It was there she had been unwittingly implanted. That tied with the information Kim got from Bortel, about who purchased the chip and when.

Bortel told them he sold the chip only two days after the Lowardian invasion. The man who purchased it was an elderly Japanese man. The name in Bortel's records meant nothing to her, it was obviously an alias. Bonnie described the same man as the one who had given her the order to kill Kim. She also described a young woman and the doctor who did the actual implanting. They told her to act normally and forget about the implanted chip. All of this pointed to a much larger scheme.

Kim brought up security footage Wade recorded the day before. It showed the construction site above the lair. She watched again, as the woman Bonnie described met with another ninja and received a note of some kind. Kim knew she was no genius like her parents or Wade. She could see the pattern though. The timing of the chips purchase, the order to kill Kim, Yori's change of heart, from indifference to being Ron's girlfriend.

It could only mean that the ninjas were after Ron. Either they wanted to convince him to use his powers for their purposes, or they wanted to somehow take his power. Kim's death sentence was obvious in this context. They obviously figured she would protect him if she could. Kim felt shame as she remembered her previous encounters with the ninjas. She had been completely taken in by their seemingly honorable nature. Only now was she realizing, she couldn't trust anyone to be always what they seemed.

Looking back, she now understood they never had been actually trying to protect and help Ron. All their training had to have been just a way to keep tabs on him. They used her and Ron as pawns against their rival for Ron's Mystical Monkey Power. They even used an innocent child in their fight against Monkey Fist and the Yono. Kim zoomed in on the video. She saw her cousin Joss standing by Ron. It wasn't surprising. Joss wanted to be a hero and she had a bit of a hero worshiping crush on Ron. A plan began to form in Kim's mind.

Another screen came to life. Wade looked out of it at her. “Hey Kim. We got a hit on the website. They won't tell me what they want. Whoever it is, will only speak to you.”

Kim's eyebrows raised. “K, Patch them through. I might as well hear what they have to say.”

She slipped on her new wrap around sunglasses. Picked up a cute little black beret, adjusting it over her horns. There was no sense letting a complete stranger know about her recent changes.

Wade nodded at her new look. “Done.”

His image disappeared, to be replaced by a figure wearing a hooded black cloak. When the figure spoke it was with a voice that was being altered somehow. “Kim Possible. I want to hire you.”

Kim studied the figure for a few seconds before replying. “What exactly is it you wish to hire me for?”

“It seems I have enemies who want me dead. I want you to stop them.”

Kim shook her head. “How do you know they are trying to kill you?”

The figure leaned back in it's chair. “Because they have tried and failed twice. I may not be so lucky a third time.”

Kim watched how the figure moved. A smile appeared on her face. “I find it hard to believe you would want to hire me, especially when you have what amounts to a small army to protect you.”

The figure stiffened. “I have no idea what you mean.”

Kim laughed. “It might also be a bit of a problem since we are technically enemies.”

The figure shook it's head. “You don't even know who I am. You don't need to. I'm willing to pay for your services. That's all that matters.”

Kim smiled. “But I do know who you are. Why don't you remove that silly robe..? Dr. Director.”

Reaching up with her left hand, Betty Director pulled off the hood and dropped the cloak. Kim saw the woman had recently been injured. Her right arm was in a sling and it looked like her hair was slightly scorched.

Betty glared at her. “How the hell did you know it was me Possible?”

Kim smirked. “I know 16 types of martial arts. Watching how people move is second nature to me. You can disguise your face and voice, but not your body language. Now, judging from your appearance, I assume you didn't just contact me to try to lure me into a trap. So what's the real sitch?”

Betty winced as she raised her right arm slightly. “I got this injury in the second attempt on my life. The first one was just a lone assassin. This time, they tried to blow up my entire home.”

Kim held up a hand. “Just who are they? And why can't you let your Global Justice agents or Team Impossible protect you?”

Betty sighed. “It's because of who is trying to kill me that I can't rely on my agents or Team Impossible. They are simply outclassed. I need someone who will do what needs to be done. I saw how you handled the situation at Bueno Nacho. You won't let them take advantage of your better nature.”

Kim snorted. “Even though I think I've just been insulted, I believe I understand what you mean. Now, why don't you tell me exactly who it is that's trying to kill you?”

Betty reached down and picked up a photograph. It showed a young man laying on a morgue table. Kim's eyes widened as she recognized him.

Betty held the picture closer. “This is the man who first attacked me. He was dressed and acted like a ninja. The attack came not long after I attempted to persuade Ron Stoppable his girlfriend was a potential danger.”

Kim clenched her hands. If she had any doubt her assumptions of the nature of the ninjas was wrong, it was gone now. “His name was Hirotaka. He was a ninja, and you are correct, Yori is a danger.”

Betty's eye widened at this information. “How did you know?”

Kim shook her head. “That's a long story. I want to ask you something. Do you remember when you told me about the Pact? About why it was first formed?”

Betty nodded. “Of course. It was because they were all scared of another Hitler coming to power...” Betty paused for a moment. “I see now. This could be just as bad.”

Kim stared into the woman's eye. “No. It's worse. These people are trying to get Ron's power. If they do, they could be more dangerous than we can even comprehend. They are not bound by the Pact. They have no qualms about killing. If they succeed, it could be disastrous for the entire world. It would not be like someone like Dementor or Drakken taking over. If one of them actually managed to, they could be reasoned with. There's no telling how bad it would be if the ninjas did.”

Betty was surprised at Kim's impassioned speech. “For someone who is supposedly evil, you sound a lot like you did as a hero.”

Kim laughed. “Don't get me wrong Betty. I'm not the hero I used to be. I like how my life is now. It's simply in my own best interests to stop them. If they take over, the freedom of my new life will be gone. I think it's time to do something drastic.”

Betty gave her a worried look. “What do you mean by drastic?”

Kim smiled and held up her copy of the Pact. “I mean we call a truce. Then, together, we address the Council in person.”

Betty as taken aback. “But that hasn't been done since...”

Kim nodded. “Since the Pact was made. It's time for another conclave.”


Anne's reddish-orange hair was was an unkempt mess. Her white lab coat was stained and smudged. There was an intense gleam in her eyes as she made adjustments to the console of the Genetic Zipper. All night she'd studied the super scientific machine. Now that Bonnie was gone from her care, she was putting it to use. Her mind boggled at the capabilities of the device. She couldn't believe all DNAmy used it for was making her weird mutations.

Pulling the main lever, Anne instigated her first experiment. It was, in part, based on an idea she had when she found out how the mind control chip acted on Bonnie. The mind was her bailiwick, and she wanted to see if she could duplicate the effects the chip inadvertently caused.

She smiled as the machine went to work. Who knew research could be such fun?


Deep inside the underground complex of Global Justice headquarters, Betty Director leaned back in a chair and lifted her eye patch. She was in one of the myriad laboratories where GJ funded research was performed. This lab was where some of the best scientists in the field of cybernetics conducted their experiments. After the loss of her eye, Betty allowed herself to become one of those experiments.

The orb that was nestled in her, now exposed, eyeless socket was one of their greatest triumphs. A technician leaned over her, and using a suction extractor, removed the orb. On the outside it was a smooth white plastic shell. Inside was a complex device that allowed her to 'see' video input from any outside source the orb was programmed to receive. It was this very device that had allowed her to follow the movements of the ninja that attempted to assassinate her.

It was programmed to receive video, not only from the hidden cameras in her now destroyed home, but also from any Global Justice security camera in the entire headquarters complex. The technician uncoupled the orb from it's bio-mechanical connector and took it to the lab table where a scientist was waiting to begin work on it.

Betty replaced her patch and got up. She went over to the scientist. “I want the input codes from the defunct home cameras removed and I want them replaced with the live feed from our geosynchronous surveillance satellite over Japan.”

The scientist nodded as he opened the casing and placed the device in a special computer dock. It only took a few minutes for the changes to be made.

Ten minutes later, Betty was back in her office. Standing in front of her desk was the Assistant Commander of GJ, John Viceroy. She handed him a computer disc. “Here are the security codes and contact information you will need.”

He cleared his throat as he took the disc. “Ma'am. Are you sure this is a good idea?”

She nodded. “Yes. It has to be this way. It's for the best interests of myself, and this organization, for me to absent myself for a while. I'll keep in touch, but my whereabouts must remain completely secret.”

She stood and took hold of a large travel bag. “I'll contact you when I have more information on Task Alpha.”

Without waiting for a reply, she left the room. She stopped in her receptionist's area. Making sure she was alone, she removed a note and small black box from her pocket. Both had been mysteriously found on her desk less than an hour before. She read the note once again, making sure she had the instructions correct. Grasping her bag tightly, she flicked the switch on the box.


There was a flash of orange light. It only lasted for a moment. After that, Betty found herself in complete darkness. From the glimpse she had, she knew she was in a large room filled with some kind of equipment.

From her left came a masculine voice. “Greetings Dr. Director. Welcome to our humble home.”

She had no idea who was speaking to her. It had been Kim, or maybe Shego, that she expected. “Is it usually this dark? Or did someone forget to pay the light bill?”

The voice laughed. “It's either this, or a blindfold I'm afraid. You may have a truce with the Possibles, but you can understand they don't want you knowing too much about their lair.”

Betty nodded, then caught herself, and spoke. “Yes I understand. I hope I won't have to stay in the dark the entire time I'm here though.”

He replied. “No. Just in this area. Now, if you would take my hand, I'll lead you to where you will be staying.”

She felt a large hand clasp hers. Slowly, he led her out of the room. They walked for a short distance. Suddenly, she felt the lurch of an elevator. She had to blink at the light when the elevator doors opened. His hand released hers. She turned to look at her escort. The tall red demonic man smiled at her.

She closed here eye and shook her head. When she opened her eye he was still there. “You're...”

Barry laughed, exposing his fangs. “I'm Barry, the Possible's Sidekick. Please follow me. Not all, but some will be explained soon.”

She couldn't help watching his tail sway as she followed him down a large corridor. He opened a door and she followed him inside. The room was a lounge. He gave her a nod. “I'll take my leave here. I have other duties to attend to.”

He walked back out the door, which closed with a whoosh, behind him.

She looked around the room. There was an entertainment center on one wall with a large screen. Seating scattered about. A bar area on another wall. And off to one side was a bubbling hot tub. In the tub she could see a head of dark hair, floating just above the water. She sat her bag down and walked over. The head turned, and Shego smiled at her.

Shego lifted a hand out of the water with a finger raised. “One second Doc.”

The hand disappeared under the water again. Moments later another head, this one covered in dripping wet red hair, broke the surface.

Kim Possible gasped and smiled at her wife. Shego returned the lecherous smile. “We have company.”

Kim wiped water out of her eyes and looked in Betty's direction. “Good afternoon Dr. Director.”

Betty stared into the slitted green eyes of the ex-hero. She was at a loss for words. Before she could find her voice, she heard a chuckle behind her. She turned and saw Anne Possible standing in the doorway wearing a tiny blue bikini.

Anne stifled her mirth. “You'll have to excuse the girls. They are still newlyweds you know.”

She walked across the room and began lowering herself into the hot tub.

Kim watched Betty's face. She could see the woman struggle with questions, and possibly a bit of shock, at what she just witnessed. “Betty. I think you should have a seat while I make a few things clear.”

Betty didn't even bother to look around for a chair. She just sat down on the floor beside the tub. “Alright, why don't you start with why you aren't doing something more productive. It was you that convinced me there was a real threat. Yet here I find you indulging yourselves, instead of doing something about it.”

Shego snarled. “Watch the tone cyclops...”

Kim put her hand on Shego's arm. “What my wife is trying to say is, you are in our home and we don't appreciate people riding around on their moral high horses here. You agreed that this was the safest place for you to stay for the duration of our truce. We agreed to accept you into our home to aid you, and as a sign of good faith. As to why we are indulging ourselves, it's simple, until the meeting with the Council tomorrow, we have done what we can in the way of preparations. Until we speak to the Council, we can't determine which course of action to take.”

Kim moved to snuggle close to Shego. This caused the dark haired woman's face to soften. “Look, until recently I didn't know how to relax and just let myself go. I've found out that it's made me better able to deal with the stresses of the world. It's been only one week since my entire world changed. It feels more like a year. So when I get the chance, I do what gives me pleasure.”

Betty couldn't believe she was getting a dressing down from a girl ten years her junior. The worst part was, Kim was right. She was a guest here and she knew better than to act as she had just done. She could blame her own stress, but it would not be totally true. She had jumped to the conclusion that because these people were villains, they were just hedonistic and lazy. There was resignation in her voice when she finally spoke. “I apologize. I let myself make assumptions I should not have.”

Oddly enough to Betty, it was Shego who replied. “Accepted. Everyone makes wrong assumptions sometimes. It takes a truly big person to admit it.”

Anne decided it was time for her to add some input. Her years of dealing with her bickering children gave her a perspective the younger women lacked. “What do you all say to just starting over? Just forget that in the outside world we have irreconcilable differences. We are going to be living and working together, so we might as well get along.”

Shego gave a short nod. “I can do that.”

Kim smiled and nodded

Betty let out a sigh. “Very well. I agree.”

Anne smiled. “OK then.” She turned to Betty. “You are welcome to join us if you want. I think you could use a bit of relaxation.”

Betty glanced down at her uniform. “I don't believe I brought a bathing suit.”

Kim cocked her head to the side, and smiled. “Not a problem. Neither Shego or I are wearing ours. It's so not the drama, we're all women here.”

Anne added. “I'm only wearing one because Barry was still here. He's not now, and won't be back until tomorrow morning.”

Betty looked from face to face. She decided she did need to relax. With a mental shrug, she stood up and began awkwardly disrobing.

Anne stepped out of the tub. “Let me help you.” She began removing the woman's uniform. “Is your arm broken or...?”

Betty winced a little as the older woman pulled the top part of her jumpsuit off. “It's just a sprained wrist.”

Anne nodded. “Well a little hot water won't do any harm then. I'll change the bandage later.”

Betty couldn't help but smile at the woman's caring bedside manner. “Thank You.”

In moments, Betty was completely naked. She tried not to appear embarrassed, as Anne helped her into the hot tub. As she settled into the water, she gave a long sigh.

Betty's curiosity finally got the better of her. She looked over at Kim. The girl's eyes and horns begged the question. “Do you mind if I ask what happened to you?”

Kim thought for a moment. She decided that it would not do any harm for Betty to know. She stood up in the tub and lifted her tail out of the water. She giggled as Betty gasped in surprise.

Kim sat back down. “Let's just say, things got a little out of hand at our welcoming party. It happened like this...”

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