Story: BOUND (chapter 4)

Authors: Handj

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Chapter 4

A/N: Oh well…what could I say, I enjoy writing this hence here is another chapter. Lol.

Unedited (as usual)


Chapter 4

(Thursday, 3 weeks after the revelation…a little later)

“Come on Kurumi-san, this will not hurt.” Sakura said to the drunk driver that was sitting on the hospital bed inside the trauma room.

“You doctors always say that! You take my shoe and be the one who hurts like this, I’ve undergone the same procedure four times now and it hurts like hell!”

Sakura frowned

“Why don’t you just use your chakra thing so this could be over already!” He shouted.

The pink haired med nin tried not to give in but Sakura thought this drunkard was too much to handle, “First, if you would just learn not to drive when you’re drunk then you would have prevented this accident from happening again, and second, your cut is too shallow it will be a waste of chakra!” she ended with a shout, “Now it’s either you cooperate or I’ll leave you with Tsunade-sama!”

The drunk driver’s eyes widened upon hearing the Hokage’s name, “Ah…”he started now with a lowered and subdued voice, “I’ll be good just don’t leave me with Hokage-sama.”

Sakura grinned, way to go Sakura “Well that and I shall report you to the police, this can’t happen again since you’re not the only one hurt every time. It is illegal to drink and drive anyway.” The chastised driver nodded meekly. “Okay, let’s start…”

Sakura was half way finish when a nurse on duty peeked in inside the trauma room, “Hey Sakura, Rock Lee is outside asking for you.” The nurse shivered, “Do you want me to make excuses for you?”

Sakura looked at the caring nurse and smiled, “No, I’m good. Please tell him I’ll be right out once I’m done with this.”

“Okay.” The nurse nod at her then left.

5 minutes later

“Sakura-chan!” Lee greeted the incoming pink haired woman.

“Hi Lee, so what brings you here?” Sakura asked before sitting beside the thick browed ninja.



“I’m actually here to say I’m sorry.” He said blushing

“Sorry…for what?” Sakura scrunched her forehead to think of something Lee did to her that he should be sorry for.

“Well…I know I’m good looking and that you’re head over heels in love with me, but I can’t be with you anymore.” He said in his usual proud self.

Nani?! Me head over heels in love with him? Where the hell did that come from? “Ah…I don’t think…” Sakura was stopped by a palm in front of her face.

“I know it’s hard to accept the fact that I’m breaking up with you…”

“What…we’re not even da-“

“And if you’ll just give me time to explain why I’m doing this…”

Sakura shook her head in defeat, “Lee you know you don’t have to explain…”

“I’m going to be Ino’s baby’s daddy, you know as well as I that it’s hard to raise a child on their own, so what way to help a needy woman like Ino but to marry her and be her baby’s father right?”

What…Lee marrying Ino? Is Ino losing her mind? Okay Kiba was creepy but at least he’s better than Lee…wait…so what happened to her and Kiba? “Isn’t Ino and Kiba together?” She asked, Oh God, why the hell am I feeling down like this?

“I thought so too, but Kiba asked her to let him be the father but Ino declined. Chouji and Sai also asked Ino but still she declined. So I’m sure Ino was just waiting for me.”

Sakura’s eyes widened, Ino declined Kiba’s offer? But… then a smile crept on her face. Sakura stood and without word left Lee.

“Oh…I didn’t mean to devastate Sakura like that.” Lee said to himself before standing up and walking out of the hospital premise.

Sakura on the other hand went straight to the office, “Kiyomi, I’m taking the afternoon off, please tell Shizune I have an emergency to attend to okay?” she said to the secretary.

“Okay, what if Shizune-san asked what the emergency is about?” Kiyomi asked.

“Tell her I told you to tell her that it’s none of her business.”

Kiyomi just shrugged her shoulders and nod. Then Sakura left hastily.


Ino frowned when a knock was heard from her door. “If it’s another offer of marriage or help raising my kid, just go away!!!” she shouted and raise the volume of her wide screened TV.

“Ino it’s me Sakura!” Ino smiled and turned down the volume before she stood up and open the door.

“Oh thank God it’s you!” Ino said with obvious relief, “Did you by any chance saw Lee on your way here?”

Sakura smiled and shook her head no, “So he came here already huh?? He was fast.” Sakura said taking a large bottle of peanut butter in her bag and handing it to Ino.

“Oh! Thank you Sakura!” The taller, blonde woman said. She reached for the bottle, took it then she too took Sakura’s wrist and hauled her inside, “Let’s get comfortable here inside, I don’t want Lee or Sai or Kiba see me here. I was hiding from them.”

Sakura’s brows met, “If you’re hiding, why did you scream to the world when I knocked at your door?” she asked bewildered.

Ino smiled, “Would you believe that Lee believed me when I shouted at him that I was not here?”

Sakura smiled. She then followed the blonde woman to her living room and looked around, “Wow your place is way bigger than my apartment. Nice one Ino.” She said.

Ino winked and smiled at Sakura, “Well…you know I do make a lot from the shop, but it’s not enough to buy me this crib.” Ino run her hand on the backrest of the large green couch, “My dad bought this from a friend of his who migrated to America, he was meaning to sell this but when I told him about my plan of buying an apartment, he gave me this.” She smiled, I got three bedrooms here, one with full bath, the other two has to share a full bath that’s located at the hall at the second floor.” Ino took a deep breath, “It’s your first time to come here ne?”

Sakura nodded.

“Do you want a tour?”

“Is that alright with you? You won’t think it’s an invasion of your privacy?” Sakura asked worried

“Nah, I invited you in right?” Ino once again reached for Sakura’s hand and pulled her along for the house tour.

The whole time Ino was showing her the house, their hands were held together, and Sakura wasn’t listening to Ino anymore as her eyes were locked on their hands. Her mind ran miles away, imagining her and Ino together: shopping, watching movie, sleeping…bathing…oh-oh, this is getting bad… Sakura thought as she returned to the present only to find Ino looking at her intently. “What?”

“Where were you?”


“You zoned out on me, and I bet you didn’t hear any of the things I’ve said.”

Sakura has the decency to blush, “Well…I got pre occupied, that’s all.”

Ino smiled at Sakura looking shy, just like the way she was when they first met, “its okay Sakura,” She said and once again pulled the pink haired woman to follow her. They returned to the living room and sat at the couch, “So what were you pre occupied with?”

Sakura’s blush deepened when she remember where her mind travelled earlier, “Lots…of…things…yeah lots.” She said but Ino was not convinced, “Really!”

“Okay I believe you.” Ino said, then she looked at Sakura, “So why did you come here?”


“Sakura, you didn’t come here just to give me another bottle of peanut butter, plus I know that you are supposed to be in the hospital, so why did you take the afternoon off and decided to spend it with me?” Ino said smiling and deep inside she was exhilarated.


Ino waited and her eyes wandered to the box Sakura was taking from her bag, “What’s that?”

Sakura smiled, “Well…I know that you still have three days before you come to the hospital to do the detailed pregnancy test, so…” Sakura was fidgeting.

“Is that a pregnancy kit?” Ino got nervous when Sakura nodded her head, “How…how accurate is that?”

“Well, it’s not as accurate as the detailed one, but it has 95-99 percent sensitivity…”

“Which means?”

“Meaning…if this says you’re pregnant, then there’s 95-99 percent chance that you really are pregnant.”

Ino paled, “But it’s not yet four weeks…”

“You can always repeat it in three days.” Sakura noticed Ino’s paleness, “Look if you don’t want to then let’s not do it…”

Ino pursed her lips, “Will you stay here and wait for the result? I don’t want to do this alone Sakura.”

The pink haired kunoichi smiled, “Of course, I’ll be here…you don’t have to be alone.”


Ino closed her eyes as she waited for the result of the pregnancy kit, her nerves were wreaking havoc in her body and she was fidgety. She wished she had Sakura with her inside the bathroom to tell her it’s alright, but she thinks that was too much already. So after a minute she looked at the white counter and found two red strips on it.

“Oh Kami…”

Sakura was outside the unlocked yet closed door of the bathroom at the second floor hall when she heard a banging noise, “INO!” she opened the door to find Ino slumped, unconscious on th floor, the kit on her cold hand, “Oh God, Ino’s having Sasuke’s baby.”


Same day, 6:00 pm.

Ino opened her eyes to find herself on her couch at the living room. Looking around she found Sakura sitting on the single couch at her foot watching TV, Ino was sure the pink haired woman was not into watching since the TV was just showing some cheap infomercial. Ino lifted her body with the support of her elbows to look at the woman, “Hi,” she said smiling

Sakura turned to face and smiled, “Hi, you gave me a fright there.”

“Sorry…” Ino looked down, “So...”

“You can always repeat it on Monday, this might be a false positive result.” Sakura said trying hard to lighten the mood.

Ino looked at her contritely, “Do you think that’s a false positive result Sakura?” she asked and Sakura could not answer, “Come on, be honest with me Sakura, please?”

The pink haired med nin shook her head no.

Both women focused their eyes on the silly infomercial being shown on the TV, “So that explains my sudden craving for peanut butter huh?” Ino said breaking the silence.

Sakura smiled, “Yeah, that must be it.”

No answer

“What’s your plan now Ino?”

Ino sighed and return from lying down, “I don’t know…I’m not sure.”

Sakura looked at Ino, “Why didn’t you accept Kiba’s offer? He’s your boyfriend.”

Ino smiled, “No, not really.”

The smaller woman wanted to asked Ino what she meant but knowing that Ino was in a sticky situation , she decided to just let the phrase slip. “How about Sai? Chouji?”

Ino looked at Sakura’s green eyes, “Their offers were kind, but the reason they’re offering it is unacceptable.” Sakura frowned in reply, “They all thought I can’t take care of this baby on my own. Besides, If I do want someone’s help, it wouldn’t be from any of them.”

Sakura’s shoulders dropped, “So you really haven’t moved on and still wishing that Sasuke will come back…and now you have the edge to get him.” Sakura said.

Ino scowled at Sakura, “I said I moved on, maybe it’s you who hasn’t moved on Sakura.” Ino’s voice was bitter.

Sakura raised her hands in surrender, “Okay I’m not here to fight.” She said, “So if you moved on, why don’t you accept any offer? Okay aside from the fact that you want to prove to them that you can take care of the baby on your own?”

Ino shook her head, “I can’t marry any of them because I’m in love with someone else, and it’s not Sasuke.” Ino frowned, “Besides, after Monday, if the detailed pregnancy test comes out, I’m not even sure if I’ll be keeping this baby.”

Sakura’s eyes widened, “What? You’re planning on aborting it?”

Ino just looked at Sakura’s eyes that bears anger at the moment, “Why not? This is Sasuke’s baby and who knows what kind of a monster this one will turn to? It’s not as if he was the same Sasuke from before when he got me pregnant.” Ino shivered just thinking about the phrase, “He killed Orochimaru and it takes a monster to do that! I’ll probably do the baby good if I stopped it early on.”

Sakura deflated, Ino got a point. Sasuke is a monster and a lot of things have been done to his body by Orochimaru to be strong, and none of them knew what kind of alteration in Sasuke has been done that reached his genetic composition. “Look Ino, we could do a test to know if the baby you’re carrying is normal, if there’s no aberration. So until then, can you promise me one thing?” she asked.


“Promise me not to be drastic about your idea of abortion, give the baby a chance?”

“And if it’s a monster?”

“I don’t know…maybe we could cross the bridge when we get there.”

Ino smiled, “Cross the bridge huh…so you’ll come with me on Monday?”

“If you like…”

“I like.”

Sakura laughed and the two returned their attention on the show.

-End Chapter 4-

A/N: I’m pro life, I abhor abortion. It does not mean that because I put the abortion thing here, I’m okay with it. I’m not…it’s just needed in the story.

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