Story: BOUND (chapter 1)

Authors: Handj

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Chapter 1

Disclaimer: Do not and will never own Naruto. The title BOUND doesn’t have anything to do with the movie having the same title…this is so different!

Summary: One of Orochimaru’s illegal experiments was proven successful, but the Sannin is already dead, killed by Sasuke after avenging his family and killing his brother Itachi. WAIT! So what if Sasuke killed Orochimaru and Itachi? This doesn’t concern them! INOxSAKU

A/N: I promise myself not to write anything new, but I’m burned and I’m hoping that by writing this, my writing muses will come back to me!

As usual…Unedited.


Chapter 1

Four of the best Anbus along with Yamato and Kakashi entered the Fifth Hokage’s office. The Anbus were carrying a large wooden crate and they put it down in front of the messy desk the Hokage uses. The blonde Sannin was not in sight but her older apprentice and right hand Shizune was standing beside the table carrying a sleeping Ton-ton (?).

The dark haired woman looked at the men before her with one brow rose, “Is that all you got from there?” the men nodded, “No body? No scrolls?”

Kakashi smiled behind his mask and scratched his nape with his right hand while his left was left resting on his waist, “It seemed Sasuke burned everything. We didn’t even find Orochimaru’s body…that is if Orochimaru is really dead.” He frowned, “Where’s the Fifth?” he asked nervously.

Shizune was not able to reply when the side door where The Hokage usually rest opened and revealed a still drowsy Tsunade. The blonde woman looked at everyone in her office before her eyes darted to the large wooden box in front of her table.

“First of,” she looked at Shizune, “Why the hell is my table in a mess?” she said growling at her right hand.

Shizune smiled, “Tsunade-sama, you were the one who cause this mess and for your information…”she looked at the table then back to the older woman, “This has already improved!”

If they could, the men in the room would have sweat dropped already, but knowing what’s in store for them if they piss off their Hokage prevented them from doing so.

Tsunade frowned more then returned her gaze at the box then at the men, “This is it? I send 4 of Konoha’s best Anbus and 2 of our city’s best Jounins for this?!” she shouted that made everyone except Shizune cringed, “Is there no end in this mockery of my ability?!”

All men were sweating and it was Yamato who got the nerve to talk…back, “This is all that was left from Orochimaru’s hide out Hokage-sama, it’s not as if we slacked…” The other men in the room looked at Yamato with the intent of killing him so he stopped.

Tsunade started doing her breathing exercise. One exercise she has to master since she became Hokage of Konoha…and since she met one Uzumaki Naruto.

“Good, good…breathe in, breathe out…” Shizune encouraged her mentor and earned a death glare.

The Hokage stepped behind her desk and sat then motioned her hand for the men to open the box. One of the 4 anbus started opening it but it seemed the box was sealed using a powerful sealing technique that are used mostly by Sannins. “It won’t budge Hokage-sama…it has a seal probably…”

Tsunade frowned again but stood, stepped closer to the box and inspected it. “This must be something very important to Orochimaru for him to use such seal.” Tsunade suddenly had that evil grin on her face, “Well, what could you do? This is something only a ninja in my caliber could do.” She bragged then she smirked at her underlings before doing some signs, then she put her palm on the top of the box. A black circle made up of different kind of animals appeared, the animals were surrounded by the sun’s ray and different characters could be seen inside the circle. Then as soon as it appears, it disappeared then a loud click was heard. The Hokage smile widely then she opened the box.

Shizune’e eyes widened, “What could these bottles be for?” she asked no one in particular, then her eyes saw a small bottle that was covered by white and green scroll. “Tsunade-sama…” she called the Hokage’s attention who got her message. The blonde medical ninja took the small bottle and unwrap it. She saw a gel like substance inside that approximately amounts to 3 ml then she turned the scroll around to see some direction.

“What the hell!” The Hokage shouted.

“What?” Everyone asked excitedly

“Why the heck does Orochimaru needs a fertility serum for?!”


Unbeknown to them…one smirking dark ninja was outside spying.


“ITAI!” Sakura yelled when something pricked her arm as if a hypodermic needle was used. She looked at her now itching arm and saw a drop of blood oozing out of it. “Damn!” she looked around but found nothing that could have pricked her like this. Seeing that she bled, she just shrugged her shoulders it’s not as if I was injected with a poison! She thought then she happily went on her way.

Her brows met when of all people in Konoha, she bumped into Ino and Kiba who were holding hands.

Hmph! I can’t believe she’d replaced Sasuke with such a loser! Sakura thought as she and Ino looked each other in the eye trying to stare each other to oblivion.

Hmph! If you don’t care then I don’t care as well!!! Ino thought and her hand squeezed Kiba’s a bit tighter.

Kiba winced, “Ano….Ino my hand…”

Ino took her eyes from Sakura and smiled at Kiba sweetly, “Oh sorry darling! I was so excited I have to squeeze a bit…hard!” Ino said in a seductive voice accompanying her shock inducing sweetness before returning her glare at Sakura.

Kiba loudly swallowed some pooled saliva in his throat

Sakura frowned more, “As if! You’re not going to rile me up Ino-Pig!!! Besides…yeah! Pigs and dogs go together!” Sakura said, her face red from anger.

Ino shrugged and stepped forward, she lean on Sakura and whispered, “At least I moved on, how about you Sakura?” the blonde woman said but deep inside her she was thinking, What the hell Sakura! Just move on and forget about that Uchiha!

“Hah! I’m not that desperate!” Sakura quipped.

Ino stepped back and grin, “Really?” she said before returning by Kiba’s side and taking his hand in hers again, “Very well…” Ino shrugged again and then she tagged Kiba’s hand and walked pass Sakura, “Your loss…” Ino muttered.

Sakura followed Ino and Kiba’s retreat and when she was sure they were gone, Sakura slumped on the ground as her weakened knees gave out, “What the hell is wrong with you Sakura! You never get this bad in front of Ino! Why the hell now!” she growl scolding herself. She remained slumped on the same spot for about five minutes until she felt the strength in her legs return and then she stood up and continued walking back home…in defeat.


Kiba made a sigh of relief once they were out of Sakura’s vision then he glared at Ino, “The hell Ino! I didn’t sign up for this!”

Ino scowled at him, “For what?”

“You doing that seductive thing! I’m just human!” Kiba harrumphed then he turned his back from Ino, “And I got dog sense you know! You don’t tease men with dog sense like that.”

Ino smiled when it struck her what Kiba was talking about, “Oh…sorry about that Kiba. But you owe me and you only get to play my boyfriend when Sakura is around.”

Kiba faced Ino once again, “And again…how the hell do you know Sakura’s presence all the time?”

Ino’s face light up, “Oh that you would never understand unless you’re a girl like me.” She said then lean forward to give Kiba a kiss on his cheek.

“What the hell was that for!” Kiba shouted and was about to back away but Ino stopped him.

“Well…just in case Sakura or any of our friends suddenly appear, you’re my boyfriend so it is just right I kiss you right?” she said sweetly again.

“You’re doing that sweet thing again…”

“Sorry,” Ino said patting Kiba’s cheeks with her palms, “I’ll try not to be so sweet next time.”

Kiba frowned, “Next time? You know you’re ruining my chance with Hinata.”

Ino’s brow rose, “Ruining your chance? What chance are you talking about? Hinata will not give you any chance…Naruto already captured her heart.”

Kiba was silent, “Well a chance is still a chance.” He turned around to go home but stopped, “Until when do you plan on using me Ino?” he asked without looking at the blonde chuunin.


“Well…is not a definite answer.”

Ino smiled, “It all depends on Sakura really.”

“WHAT?!” Kiba shouted before facing Ino once again. Ino just gave Kiba her most innocent smile.


Hokage’s Office, 12:00 midnight

He was careful not to make any noise. He smiled when he saw the once sealed box, still close and was lying at the corner of the Hokage’s medium sized office. He looked around to make sure no one noticed him.

I got Sakura’s blood…all I have to do is mixed it with the gel then wait for 2hours before I mixed my blood with it.

He smiled evilly.

Sneaky bastard! He knew I’m after this so he put that special seal on this box! He knew I’ll never set foot at Konoha again and that only the Hokage and that white haired perverted Sannin could open it! Bastard! He know so little of me!

Another smile before he opened the box. The smile widened almost tearing his face in half when he found what he was looking for.

There you are…

He took the bottle out of the box…


“DAMN!” he cursed as he suddenly vanished out of thin air

“I GOT A LOCK ON HIM!” One anbu who was fast on getting to the scene of the crime shouted

Tsunade was still arranging her clothes when she walked out followed by a still cranky Shizune whose night clothes were obviously re fastened hurriedly.

“I want him alive!” Tsunade shouted to her departing warriors.

Shizune looked at the older woman with her brows rose, “How the hell did you know he was coming to get that bottle?”

Tsunade smiled and shook her head, “For someone who claims to be good and intelligent…you’re one dummy!” The Hokage said before turning around to get back to bed.

“Where the hell do you think you’re going?!”

“Back to bed.”

“What? There’s an intru-“

“I know and they’ll never catch him, believe me so let’s just go back to bed.”

Shizune wasn’t moving, she was thinking about something the Hokage told her that she forgot. Her eyes widened upon remembering, “DUMMY?! I’m a DUMMY!!!”


“Go to bed yourself!” Shizune angrily said before slamming the door close



All the chuunins and jounins were alerted about the said intruder. So naturally Sakura, Ino, Tenten, Hinata and the rest of their group jumped in the chaos to subdue and arrest the said deviant.

“Let’s take different routes, we go by partners!” Neji said

“Okay!” Lee shouted and hurriedly stood beside Sakura, “I’ll go with Sakura and protect her from that evil intruder!”

Sakura just rolled her eyes and stepped away from the hyper Lee a little.

“Okay I’ll go with Hinata-chan!” Naruto said smiling at the shy woman in front of her

Kiba slumps his shoulders for saying something late then looked at Ino for salvation.

“Kiba darling, come on we’ll team up together.”

“Hai…” Kiba said unhappily.

“Hey!” Lee said grinning and patting Kiba’s shoulder a bit too hard, “You should be happy you’re going on mission with your girl friend!”Lee grinned wider, “I am!”

Sakura’s eyes rolled once again then they landed on Ino who was looking at her with a smirk. Sakura frowned and harrumphed.

“Okay enough, I’ll go with Tenten,” Neji said then looked at Chouji, Shikamaru, Sai and Shino, “Shika and Chouji will team up, Sai, Shino…you two go together.”

“Hai!” the four men answered.

“Let’s go!” Neji shouted and they all vanished.


30 minutes into the fray, Ino and Kiba went in another secluded spot with the help of Akamaru.

“Do you think Akamaru could smell who this intruder is?” Ino asked as they follow the excited mutt.

“Yeah…if there’s something the intruder has that he could smell. He could but we don’t have any. All Akamaru does is sniff off his trail.”


“At least we got an advantage.”

Kiba just nodded his head.

The two were silently following Akamaru’s lead when there was a sudden movement in front of them.

“There he is!!!” Kiba shouted and Akamaru ran. The two followed as fast as they can.


“Damn! 2 more hours!” he took out the 16 gauge syringe from his pack and aspirated the gel mixture. His concentration was on the process he was doing, “This will be faster so when the time is up all I have to do is mix this mixture with my blood and I’m all set!” he said grinning.

He was too pre occupied with what he was doing he did not saw the three coming.

He was surprised when a large white dog suddenly appeared from behind him ready to tackle him. Not wanting to hurt anyone he advanced faster only to be blocked by another ninja. He smiled and twisted his body to avoid him, syringe still in his hand, unprotected. His smile grew wide for he have evaded him but his victory was halted when he bumped into another and…


Ino was shocked when she felt pain on her lower abdomen, she looked down to see a large bored syringe sticking inside her. She then looked at the horror stricken face of the intruder…


-End Chapter 1-

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