Story: Depression (chapter 19)

Authors: ALLjapan

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Chapter 19

I missed school the next day and Isabelle reluctantly left me sneaking in a kiss before leaving my room so that she could be in time for the bus. I was glad for the kiss and even though I had told her to go to school when Isabelles lips wrapped warmly around mine and were so soft and comforting with her arms holding me close. I almost felt like asking her to stay. But I smiled for her sake and gave her one butterfly kiss on her lips before pushing her gently away. “Go on I’ll be here when you get back its fine.”

“Alright then I’ll be back on the earliest bus okay.”

I nod my head and Isabelle goes down the stairs I follow soon after and only just catch her farewell to her father before the slam of the wooden door followed by the wire one. I cautiously make my way down to the lounge but don’t see mr. Samsa I turn around toward the kitchen and see him come out with his hands in his faded jeans pockets and a bashful expression. He raised his eyebrows at me and leant on the door frame of the hallway.

“’Mornin’ Delilah.”


“You hungry?”

I nod my head and laugh a bit. “Yeah, I didn’t feel like eating last night.

Mr. Samsa laughs in response and then heads into the kitchen “that’s understandable,” he claps his hands together rubbing them as he turns around to face me, “alrighty then Miss. Delilah! How’s bacon and eggs sound?”

I follow him into the kitchen and sit on a seat by the bench. “I wouldn’t want to be any trouble…”

“It wouldn’t be any trouble darling. You can have whatever you want alright?”

I swivel on the stool a little before saying. “Could I have toast too?”

“Bacon, eggs and toast coming right up then!” Mr. Samsa declared comically. I laugh; seeing exactly where Isabelle got her goofy humor from.

Mr. Samsa begins preparations of making the food and I keep swiveling on the chair as I lean into my hand, resting my elbow on the bench top. I think of my mum and little brother in hospital and wonder what I should do…I was ahead in my school work so I could easily go to my aunts…that would probably be the wisest decision to make. Dad was probably feeling so worried and so would my other dad…the biological one…George… They’d both expect me to be there wouldn’t they?

“What are you thinking about over there Delilah?”         

“I-I guess I’m thinking I should call my aunt today…and find out what’s going on for myself..I want to talk with her…and both of my dad’s.”

“My phone’s your phone Delilah. And the number for your aunt, your dad and George are all on the table by the couch. Your aunt actually called last night. I told her you’d call her today.” He’s buttering the toast and placing it on the plate as he says this then he makes his way to where the bacon and eggs are already basically cooked and he gives me a reassuring smile. I smile back at him and he brings the food over, he places it on the bench and passes me a knife and fork as well. “And there you go.” I half smile and poke at the eggs and let out a sigh as an overwhelming amount emotions wash over me. I bring them back in and swallow them back. Isabelles dad sees this and puts his hand on my head tussling my hair a little. “Don’t worry it will all pan out right. You just have to believe that Delilah.”

I nod my head and smile nervously nodding my head again. “I know, I’m trying to.”

“That’s good.”

Isabelles dad leaves the kitchen and I cut some of my egg, then my bacon. I eat some of the food and lick my lips happily.

After breakfast I go to the lounge after rinsing the dishes. I sit on the couch and pick up a piece of paper. It has my Aunts and my Fathers number. My Father looks like he has a new number which makes me glad that Isabelles dad wrote it down for me. He passes by heading toward the door. He does say where. I just didn’t take notice. I dial the number for my Aunt first and it rings four times before she answers.

“Alice Jennings speaking, how may I help?”

“Hello, Aunty Al. Um, it’s Delilah here.”

“Oh, Delilah! Thank heavens! How are you honey? Are you okay?”

“Yes, how’s mum…and George?”

“They’re okay honey, your dads here too, he was discharged from hospistol.”

I feel my stomach twist. “And mum? George?”

“Your mother is doing much better sweetie. And last we checked George was in sugeory. His left lung collapsed, but he’ll be okay, alright honey?”

I felt tears well in my eyes and sadness grip my chest. “Yes.” My voice is choked and I brush tears that fell from my eyes and took a breath.

“It will be okay. Now, how are you going to get up to Melbourne? Or will you stay with your friend? Her dad seems very willing to have you stay if you wish to.”

“I don’t know. I want to see mum. And George.”

“Okay sweetie. Will you take a train? Your dad will pay for the ticket.”

“I, well, I was actually going to call dad…I mean, my dad not Sam…”

“Oh, good idea he can drive you, do you think?”

I nod my head then remember I’m on the phone. “Yes. I’m going to ask him.”

“Well okay then. You ask him and give me a call back okay?”

“Yep…I’ll call him right now.”

“Okay bye sweetie.”

“Bye, I’ll call back in a moment.”

I hung up and picked up the paper with my dads number. We didn’t speak very often. He went to jail when I was younger. So I don’t have a lot of memories of him. But he was still my dad. And I know how much he wants to make up for not being here for me all those years… I dialed the number and he answered nearly right away. “Hello?”

He spoke quickly and I jumped startled. What was he doing? Sitting on the phone? “…It’s Delilah.”

“Delilah. Hi, are you alright?”

“Yeah I’m okay.” I spoke quietly while listening to his voice. I pulled my legs up onto the chair hugging them close as I shifted position. “How are you?”

“I’m…I’m alright, doing okay I guess. I’m waiting for a call from Sam. He’s meant to tell me if anything new happens from the hospital.”

“I just spoke to Aunty Al. She says that George is in surgery. His left lung collapsed and they’re awaiting a call when he gets out from surgery.”

“You mean George isn’t at the hospital?”


I hear dad mutter something from under his breath but can’t quiet catch it over the phone. He then sighs and says; “So what are you doing? Are you going to stay where you are?”

“Um, I was wondering if you could drive me down to Melbourne. I want to visit mum. And hopefully George too.”

“Of course sweety. Just organize the time okay?”

“I was thinking tomorrow morning. I want to say goodbye to Isabelle and thanks to her dad.”

“Yes, that’s fine by me, I’ll have the cars tank full ad ready to go. Do you need to drop by your house to get luggage?”


“Right then; what time should I come?”

“Nine pm would be okay with me…”

“Okay then sweety, I’ll see you then. Love you!”

“Love you dad.”

He hung up and I punched in the numbers for my aunt. It took one ring and a half to be answered and the voice behind the call was wrong. “Hello?” I heard my dads voice instead of Aunty Als and stammered a hello. “Delilah? Hey, is your dad going to drive you?”

“Yes. Well that’s good then. When are you coming? Tonight?”

“Tomorrow morning.”

“Tomorrow morning?” The repetition of the date stabbed my heart with guilt. Should I leave right away? I swallow and answer with a small yes. “Well…okay then…I’ll see you tomorrow I guess. Does George know the way?”

“I don’t know, but I do.”

“Right then. Bye.”


I put the phone away then and leaving the couch I head up to Isabelles room and hug her pillow lying on her bed; before tears overcame me and I began to cry miserably.

I couldn’t understand. Why was this happening to me?!!

[End notes: new chaptr is up! and wondering; should next chaoter be Isabelles POV??]

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