Story: Fires of Sigil (chapter 3)

Authors: Crimsonlotus`

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Chapter 3

When Fia awoke and inhaled the aroma of hot herbal tea and fried cinnamon dough, she was immediately convinced that she had died during the night and passed on to some more pleasant place. Still, the abandoned doorway where she had curled up for the night was as cold, stiff and damp as ever. She shifted on the stony surface, rubbed her eyes and turned towards the emerging light that flooded the deserted Sigil alleyway.

"Morning, morning, morning!" A high, musical voice chimed. It was familiar.

Fia sighed and her fiery red gaze turned to meet Shesayne's elfin form, wreathed in a battered old overcoat. "Ah -- the lost one," Fia mused.

"Name's Shesayne. Sorry I didn't introduce myself properly last time." the half-elf corrected, settling by Fia's side. "And here's breakfast."

Fia blinked once: earthenware mug full of boiling hot tea, freshly fried dough balls still sizzling in oil. She drained the steaming mug in a single draught and began devouring the dough balls.

Shesayne stared in wonder, for the copper-skinned girl seemed impervious to heat. "You're a fire genasi, right?"

Fia nodded, still far too busy reveling in the hot, syrupy oil flowing down her throat.

"Y'know," the half-elf continued, her voice tinged with bitterness, "there are far too many halfbreeds like me or you on the streets of this city. It's like no-one wants us, which is strange, 'cause, if they didn't want us, the decent thing to do would be to just stop fucking people from other races."

Fia paused. "People are selfish, Shesayne. They desire. And when their desire fades, the child is unfortunately still there." She wiped some of the soot off her face, if only to make herself more presentable. By night, she tended magical fires she conjured up herself and charged small fees to passers-by who needed a moment of warmth. But the fire burned the decaying wood and streaming dust on Sigil's streets. Not that soot and ash bothered Fia. They comforted her, for they were the children of her element. Her only refuge.

"I'll agree people are selfish. I was selfish with Astrid and that's why I'm here. I've got to thank you for reminding me that she's waiting for me to become a better lover and that as long as she's around, I can't afford to be selfish. It just wouldn't be right to wallow in your own misery when those you love need you."

"Well, I take it we are even then -- thank you for breakfast. It isn't usually the best meal of the day for me." Fia forced herself to smile.

"Hey, Fia, I've been thinking -- we have this couch and -- "

Fia shook her head. "No charity. I can take care of myself." She spread her fingers and a sheet of flame manifested around her hand.

"Figured you might say that, but since you probably know a thing or two 'bout magic, maybe you could see if you can give Astrid a hand with her work -- y'know, make sure she repairs stuff faster which means more money for the rent which would mean you'd be making yourself useful, so you'd kind of be earning a roof of your head."

Something lit up in Fia's normally cold, sharply pretty countenance. "Magic, you say -- " the prospect of actually dedicating her mastery of flame to something organised and creative was tempting in the extreme. She had sometimes dreamed of training at a mage's academy, but in most such places, the fact that she was genasi was enough to disbar her, let alone her financial straits. Her long fingers played trailed wishfully, simulating the motions of an enchantment. Fiery motes and trails of smoke and radiant energy sparkled in the air. Fia allowed herself to dream: if only she could put order to her raw magical talent.

"Yep, so what d'you say?" Shesayne rubbed her hands together. Her breath misted in the cold air. It was still freezing. 

"As long as you're certain I won't be an inconvenience -- "

"'Course not." Shesayne replied, dragging Fia to her feet. As always, she not exactly thought the plan through, or even consulted Astrid. But she had always taken pride in being a spontaneous girl. "Now c'mon, you need a bath. Ever been to the Great Gymnasium?"

"No -- is the water hot?" Fia asked, not quite certain why she was letting herself be pulled through the streets by a hyperactive half-elf.

"Yeah, they have this pool where the water is near boiling and infused with sulphur -- " 

Fia's heart skipped a beat. That was a bath worth running for.

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