Story: I'll Always Be With You (chapter 5)

Authors: thedarkworld

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Chapter 5

Title: Arrival In The East

Celestia looked up in awe at the Castle of the East. Surrounded by mist, its spires pointed upwards, as if piercing Nature’s shroud. Yet it was plain, built for defense, and Celestia couldn’t help but find it ugly compared to the great Spire of Navarre.

The carriage rolled on over a drawbridge and through the castle town. Celestia looked out at the humans going about their everyday business and envied the simplicity of their lives. They would never have to think about the kind of choices she had been forced to make.

When the carriage came to a stop, Celestia felt as though she were still moving. They had travelled for weeks across the plains, and Celestia felt a deep sense of anticipation now that she was finally here. What would her new life be like? On the other hand, she resented herself for even wondering. Soon she would find a way to return to her old life, and she must reject all the things that Prince Argall was trying to force onto her. She would not become a human. She was a proud Elf, promised to Ravanna, and she must hold on to that precious love until the time when Ravanna came to rescue her.

The door of the carriage opened, and Prince Argall offered his hand to Celestia. She accepted wordlessly, and stepped down. When she looked up, all eyes were upon her. Ladies in waiting to simple maids looked upon her in awe. She was captured in their stare for a moment, trapped on the spot, before breaking free and striding across the courtyard, wanting to escape their stares.

Entering the castle via a side door, Celestia raced through hallways, quickly becoming lost in the labyrinth of similar corridors. Everything was dark and lifeless, cold stone looking the same whichever way she turned. Eventually she stopped, leaning up against one of the cold stone walls. Across the hall was a painting of some bloody war scene, glorifying death and pain. Celestia looked away from it. She hated this place with all her heart, everything about the humans and everything they stood for. Sliding down the wall, she gave into despair and thought of all she had lost. Her home, her family, her people, Ravanna... Were they all dead now, because of the prince she had allowed herself to marry? Would she forever be a prisoner here, made to pay for one mistake forever?

“Lady... Celestia?” A voice echoed down the hall. Celestia looked up to see a brown haired woman standing there. She wiped her eyes quickly, wanting to hide the evidence that she’d been crying. She didn’t want these humans to see her weakness. No, if she was going to be here, she would not break and be their slave. She would stand tall and proud, the perfect example of her race. She pulled herself to her feet quickly.

“Yes, that’s me. Who are you?” she asked. She knew she must look ridiculous, that red blotches no doubt stained her face, but if the woman saw, she did not mention it.

“I’m Nina,” the woman said, “I’m a servant here. Everybody is looking for you, Lady Celestia. The Prince is very worried, and the King is hoping to see you...”

“I didn’t mean to cause a fuss,” Celestia said, “I just... I’m not used to so many people. These last few weeks have been so different for me.”

“Yes, I suppose they have,” Nina said, “I would love to hear about the Elven lands someday.” She looked down at the floor suddenly, “Not that I would ever ask you to tell me, my lady! I didn’t mean to ask such a thing!”

“Why would I mind if you asked?” Celestia asked, “I would love to speak of my homeland. I love my people and my home.”

“Yes, but I am just a lowly servant. It is not my place to ask you for anything, my lady.” Nina responded.

“I will tell you, when we have the time,” Celestia said, “It’s a promise. Now, Nina, could you please guide me to where I am supposed to be?”


The King’s gaze burrowed into Celestia’s skull as she kneeled before him.

“Hmm. She is adequate,” she heard him say, “I hope what you say is true, Argall. If I must bear this... blood in the heirs, I want something back for it.”

“The East will last forever, led by a King who will be half-human, half-Elven. Many sages have spoken of such unions. Although they are rare, records show such people live to be at least two-hundred years old. Some live to five-hundred years or more. Either way, the East’s future will be secured.” Prince Argall spoke in front of the guards and Celestia, and Celestia felt enraged. She felt like a piece of meat, a vehicle by which to bear heirs to a kingdom she had no stake in.

When they left, Argall pulled her aside, “It seems he has accepted you,” he said, “Go back to your room. This servant will take you there. He gestured to Nina. She has been selected to be your personal maid. I will visit you later.”

Celestia felt her stomach turn at the thought, and put it aside as she followed Nina to her chambers.


Weeks turned to months and the seasons changed before Ravanna reached the East. Her clothes were ragged and she was hungry, having only been able to eat what she had been able to catch. Yet she felt a deep sensation of joy rise within her as she saw the great castle town looming before her. Celestia was close again, within reach, a tangible thing again instead of just a dream.

Eyes were upon her as she walked the streets of the town, for Elves were seldom seen outside their homeland. Ravanna raised the hood of her ragged cloak and cursed herself for not having thought of it earlier, but it had been a long time since she had seen people and she had not known how the humans would react to her presence.

Unable to rent a room in any inn, she slept in a dingy alleyway behind some crates, vowing in the morning to find her beloved Celestia. She knew it would not be that easy, that she could not just take Celestia’s hand and run with her into the wilderness, for Celestia was a princess now, and months had passed since they had last met. How much would she have changed? Would she have accepted her new life, and not want to return?

Ravanna rested her head on a bag of sand, uncertainty and doubt making her already empty stomach feel like a void.

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