Story: Affairs of the Heart (chapter 4)

Authors: sneekie

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Chapter 4

Hen’s night and the night before Sarah’s wedding (in the past)

Lennie, Serena and few other of Sarah’s friends were at a bar drinking and getting drunk. Serena and Lennie had already forked out for a male stripper. He was dressed in a police uniform and hand cuffed one of Sarah’s hands while her other got to feel and fondle everything including his hidden package.

“Yeah, you go girl!” yells Serena also getting involved.

“Grab on honey, it will be the last one you get” hooted Lennie.

The night eventually finished up. Lennie and Sarah shared a taxi home. “I’m so nervous Lennie, what if…”

“What if, what if…. It doesn’t matter… it’s what’s now… he loves you…there is no what ifs.”

Taxi pulls up outside Lennie’s apartment and she gives him extra money to get Sarah home. “See you tomorrow honey” and kisses her on the cheek.

Lennie turned TV on and opened bottle of beer. Her eyes were just closing when knock at her door. She opens it and surprised “Sarah, what’s wrong?”

She flittered around the apartment in a panic state “oh Lennie, what if I’m not sure… how do I really know?”

“You know he is the one?”

“No Lennie, what if I’m like my parents… you know…gay”

Lennie closed her eyes and smiled “because darling you would have known by now”

“yeah.. Well I am attracted to some women, what I mean is some girls are really-, well I wonder what it would be like...”

Lennie drinks her beer “sweetheart this is a conversation you should be having with your parents”

“Oh god no, they wouldn’t understand”

Lennie spat her drink out in disbelief “they’re gay, of course they would.”

“But not... not like you Lennie” she said in a soft tone.

Lennie put the bottle on the table; fumbling and it fell over spilling its contents. She quickly picked it up, and did not like where this conversation has heading.

“You know it is sooo late and” yawns exaggeratedly and stretches her arms up “I need sleep and so do you because tomorrow you are getting married, to my brother…. who loves you soooo much….. really he does.” Lennie goes to her door ready to open it and show her guest out

“Lennie do you want me to marry your brother only to break his heart because I could be gay? I mean he’s going to want to know why you didn’t pick up on it before we exchanged vows...”

Lennie dropped her head and groans

Back at psychiatrist rooms

“Lennie-” spoke the psychiatrist

Back in Lennie’s apartment (past)

“Lennie I need to know, and you are the only one I can trust. The only one I know who wouldn’t tell Josh or my parents is you”

Back at the psychiatrist (present)

“My god you didn’t fall for that?” Asked Phillipa in awe.

Lennie offered no confirmation.

Back in the apartment (in past)

Lennie latched onto Sarah as they commenced her search for the truth as well as the big O. Lennie pushes Sarah onto the bed and stripped her naked along with herself. There bodies moved together, they touched and tasted. Lennie was gentle, taking her time. Told her how beautiful she was and that she would love nothing better than to help her explore her sexuality. She made love to Sarah for over an hour. Their groans and moans filled the room as climax after climax was achieved. When it was over Sarah got up and dressed with little words spoken.

“so……what do you think?” asked Lennie.

“Well I thought lesbian sex was a little rougher, you know, the pin me down and ride me type.”

Lennie was astounded “I was trying to be gentle”

“yeh well I hope you’re don’t treat all your women like that.” Sarah goes to the door.

“huh… so what is the answer”

“Well I’m still not sure, and please don’t be offended but I felt nothing from you. Maybe I’m just not attracted to you. See you tomorrow Lennie. Oh and please-”

“Yeah yeah don’t say anything to your mums and Josh… trust me I now that line off by heart.”

Sarah left.

Back at the psychiatrist (present)

Lennie looked at Phillipa who was laughing loudly. She grabbed a tissue to wipe her eyes “oh god so she still wasn’t sure if she was gay, and so basically you didn’t do her any favours”

Lennie clicked her tongue “yeh well I guess you could see it like that”

Phillipa gains her composure “I gather that’s not the explosion that wiped out Japan”

“no… are you done laughing at me doc?”

Phillipa whispered to herself ‘probably not’ and cleared her throat “please Lennie, by all means continue.”

Wedding day (in the past)

Lennie & Serena were showing people to their seats. Lennie was constantly playing with her shirt as if too tight around her neck. Serena came over concerned.

“Hey, you ok? you look kinda pale”

“Yeah…. I guess”

“Well stop playing with your shirt, and stop fidgeting.”

They were disturbed by Josh who also was in a panic “I need to talk to you”

“ok” said Serena.

“no….” nods to Lennie “you” a little gruffer.

Lennie swallowed nervously and walked off with Josh to a vacant room in the church.

Lennie’s head was hurting, and was now beginning feeling physically ill. She was sure Sarah had told Josh and now.

“Lennie, I don’t think I want to go through with it”

“It’s just nerves Josh” pats his back, relieved that it wasn’t what she thought he was going to say.

“No… it’s not”

“Baby brother…. I understand it’s a big step…. And-”

“What happen at the hen’s night last night?”

“ummm the usual, stripper, drinks and home”

“Did…. did she go home with the stripper?” asked Josh.

“What…. hell no… Josh I put her in the taxi myself and paid for it.” Lennie voice panicky “I sent her straight home”

“Well I don’t think she went straight home, I think… she was with someone last night”

Lennie offered up nothing.

“Last night my mobile rang and it was Sarah… well I thought and when I answered it …. Well…I heard groans”

“Groans” Lennie feeling ill again.

“You know…. As in the doing it type”

Lennie taps brother “look the stripper was hot and probably got her all worked up. I bet she went home, got out that new dildo Serena and I gave her as a pre-wedding present and well…. relieved her nerves and tension. That is what you heard dear brother.” Laughs Lennie “now come on, let go”

“No Lennie, there were groans from two people. I heard them, moaning…. kissing and I knew two people were involved. I can’t…. believe…. I need to know”

“Josh…. Stop it, you are over reacting” Lennie feeling the situation getting way out of hand.

“No… I want to know. I need to know’ he storms off.

“Oh fuck” Lennie strides out after him. He walked past the gathering people fast with Lennie in tow. Serena noticed something was up and went after them both.

Josh bursts into the room where Sarah was.

Lennie followed and stopped suddenly after seeing Sarah, Laura and Kate “shit” she was then knocked from behind when Serena bumped into her.

“Hey what’s’ going on” whispers Serena.

“Sarah I can’t believe you cheated on me last night. On the eve our wedding for christ sake.”

Sarah looked like she was going to burst in tears and looked directly at Lennie

Back in psychiatrist room (present)

“The bomb dropped” said Phillips

Lennie displayed with animated hands and the sounds of explosion.

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