Story: My Life as A Succubus (chapter 49)

Authors: Anime Lover

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Chapter 49

Title: Teacher's Like to Party Too

[Author's notes: While Lynn, Alex, Tomo and Chiyo enjoy themselves, this chapter depicts what happens around the same time with Nyamo, her calm day doesn't stay so calm when two drunk friends arrive at her door...]


Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters, Yukari and Nyamo. They belong to the anime, Azumanga Daiho. This is Just a work of fiction

- January 2008, Friday 4th -

Elsewhere while Lynn, Alex, Tomo and Chiyo occupy themselves…

Minamo Kurosawa, otherwise known as ‘Nyamo’, sits on her bed in her room, watching TV, dressed in just a blue tank-top and tan boxer shorts.

Minutes later, she hears a knocking from her apartment door, getting to her feet, Nyamo walks out of her bedroom and to the door. She didn’t have to get very close before she hears her friend, Yukari’s voice on the other side and another woman giggling.

Grabbing the doorknob, Nyamo sighs once, while she was bored, almost anytime Yukari got involved, Nyamo wished she was better off bored.

Opening the door, Nyamo saw Yukari and Naki, Yukari with her left arm draped over Naki’s shoulders, needing assistance to stand as just by looking at her, she was drunk, actually, both, Yukari and Naki were drunk, but Yukari more so.

“Heeeey Nyamo!” greets Yukari, in a drunken slur, lifting her left hand, which held a large Sake bottle.

“You have GOT to be kidding me!” replies Nyamo, in disbelief at her both of her friends state.”

“Wha’s wrong?” asks Yukari.

“What’s wrong!?” gasps Nyamo, “Do you realize what time it is!? It’s the middle of the day and your drunk, both of you are!”

“Hey, hey, you don’t know the situation.” states Naki, smiling, lifting her right index finger, soon looking at her finger as if trying to focus on it.

“Yeah! The sit’chiation.” adds Yukari.

Nyamo sighs, placing her right hand to her head. “Whatever, just come in, before you start attracting attention.”

Naki then walks into Nyamo’s apartment, carrying Yukari along, to the couch and sitting her down on it before sitting down herself.

“Thanks.” replies Naki.

“So what’s going on? Why are the two of you drunk in the middle of the day? Asks Nyamo, walking in front of the two.

Yukari quickly responds with, “We’re having a party and your invited!” before placing the bottle to her lips and lifting it,

“A party?” questions Nyamo, less than impressed, folding her arms over her chest.

Naki leans back on the couch, resting her head back with her eyes closed, lifting her right hand to her faces and pinching the bridge of her nose, as she replies, “Here’s the thing… I was at home and Yukari came over and-”

Yukari cuts Naki off though as she quickly stood, lifting the bottle and announcing, “We’re celebrating the New Year!”

“New Year has already passed, Yukari.” comments Nyamo, narrowing her eyes towards her drunk friend, “And we already had a New Year’s celebration, remimber?”

“Yeah, yeah, that fine and all…” began Yukari, “But this is a private party”

“What makes this ‘so called’ party different from the other one?” asks Nyamo, “Their was alcohol there too, which I recall you getting drunk from too.”

“’This’ party has som’in the other didn’t…” replies Yukari, grinning at her friend and partly staggering towards her and wrapping left arm around Nyamo’s neck. “Better ‘entertainment’…” she adds, placing the bottle of Sake between Nyamo’s breasts.

Nyamo’s cheeks started to redden and she tried to ignore Yukari’s quite familiar actions and looks to Naki still on the couch, who was just looking at the two.

“Hey, Aren’t you going to do something Naki? Why’d you let Yukari get like this?”

“I didn’t intend for her to get that drunk.” replies Naki, “We started drinking just a little and talking… and somehow…” she adds, lifting her hand to suggest Yukari.

“Nice job.” comments Nyamo sarcastically.

Yukari then comments, as she lowers the bottle a little and grasping the collar of Nyamo’s shirt with her index finger, “Nyamo, When was the last time you got laid?”

“W-What!?” gasps Nyamo, her face instantly reddening. “That’s none of your business!

“Hehe, that long huh?” comments Yukari.

“That’s NONE of your business!” repeats Nyamo.

“Well…” starts Yukari, tugging down on the collar of Nyamo’s shirt, revealing her white bra. “I may not have a dick, but I’m sure I could light a fire in you.”

“You’re drunk Yukari.” states Nyamo, in growing embarrassment and annoyance as she lifts her hands up to Yukari’s pulling on her shirt and pulls her friends finger from her shirt.

Yukari frowns slightly, “You don’t think I’d do it, huh? You don’t think I’d take my tongue and lick your clit nice and slow, like you like it?”

“Enough!” quickly replies Nyamo, her face a deep scarlet. “Your drunk, you need to sleep it off.”

“I’ll sleep it off with you, Just like collage.” states Yukari, grinning.

“AH!” gasps Nyamo at Yukari’s statement, making her face as red as a tomato, looking to Naki, who lowers her head from leaning back on the couch.

“What did Yukari just say?” asks Naki.

“I-It w-w-was nothing!” quickly replies Nyamo. “Yukari’s drunk, she doesn’t know what she’s saying!”

“I’m not that drunk.” comments Yukri, before looking back to Naki. “I didn’t tell you? Me and Nyamo here used to be lovers.

“That’s a LIE!” nearly screams Nyamo.

“Oh really…” states Yukari, looking back to her friend with a grin. “You want me to bring up the ‘letter’?”

“Y-You wouldn’t!?” gasps Nyamo.

“What letter?” questions Naki.

“Just a little love le-” replies Yukari, before Nyamo quickly places her left hand on Yukari’s mouth.

“You wrote Yukari a love letter?” asks Naki.

“No! Of course not!.” Quickly replies Nyamo. “Yukari doesn’t know what she’s saying!”

Nyamo’s mouth was soon plugged though with the open top of the Sake bottle in Yukari’s hand. Nyamo managed to quickly swallow a few gulps before it became too much and the liquid gushed from the sides of her mouth before she quickly toke her hand from Yukari’s mouth to remove the bottle, before choking up the remaining liquid in her mouth and falling to her hands and knees as she continued to cough.

“Don’t be such a stick in the mud Nyamo!” states Yukari, lowering herself to her knees beside Nyamo as her choking was coming to an end. “Loosen up and have fun!”

Wiping the saliva from her lips, Nyamo states, “Don’t you do that to me again.”

“Hmmm, why not, you’d get more loose if you got some of this in you, then I could start my licking-”

“No!” quickly states Nyamo, looking over to Yukari and pointing her right index finger at her. “You won’t be doing any kind of licking on me.”

“Hehe, I bet you’ll change your tune after you get some more of this in you.” states Yukari, waving the Sake bottle.

“You have to get it in me first, and that’s not going to happen.” states Nyamo.

“Silly, silly Nyamo, there’s more than one way to get drunk, I don’t have to go through the mouth.” replies Yukari, grinning.

“Huh? What are you talking about?”

Yukari then looks towards Naki, “Hey Naki, I need your help, since your less drunk than me, I need you to pin Nyamo here to the floor.”

“What!?” gasps Nyamo, quickly getting to her feet.

“Ok.” replies Naki simply, getting up to her feet.

“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! You’re going along with Yukari!?” replies Nyamo.

“Yukari just wants you to get drunk, I have no problem with that, besides, you are the only sober one here.”

“You’re crazy!” states Nyamo, before turning and heading towards her bedroom.

Naki though, chases after her, and Yukari staggering behind, taking a drink from the bottle.

Nyamo manages to reach her bedroom door before Naki caught up to her and grabbing her in a tight hug from behind.

“Hehe, a few seconds more and you would’ve been free.” teases Naki.

“Let me go!” states Nyamo, struggling in Naki’s hold.

“I will soon.” states Naki.

Yukari then nears the two, commenting, “Good, you caught’er. Since we’re already here, let’s go to her room, and pin her on her back.”

Naki did so and enters the room with Nyamo still struggling, Nyamo felt Naki’s arms release her and moves her hands to her wrist and move them behind her back, and then a tingling on her wrist, before she felt Naki’s hands move from her hands, but found her wrist bound behind her back by something.

“What the… how’d you tie my hands?”

Nyamo felt Naki’s hands on her shoulders and her whisper, “My little secret.” before pushing her down by her shoulders to her knees, then onto her stomach and roll over onto her back.

“Now what Yukari?” asks Naki, looking up to Yukari who grins down and Nyamo.

“Get near her head and lift her legs up and toward you.”


“What!?” gasps Nyamo, “What does this have to do with getting me drunk? What are you gonna do to me?”

Naki positions herself at Nyamo’s head and leans forward and grasps Nyamo’s legs under her knees and pulls up, so that Nyamo’s rear was nearly vertical.

“Perfect, just hold her like that.” states Yukari, kneeling down in front of Nyamo’s rear, only covered by the boxer shorts she wore.

Nyamo soon gasps as she feels and sees Yukari pull her underwear from her rear and down her legs, revealing Nyamo’s clenched anus and mildly pubed labia.

“AHHHH! Yukari what are you doing!?”

After taking another swig of the Sake, Yukari, sticks her right index finger into her mouth briefly before sticking it squarely into Nyamo’s anus to the second knuckle, causing Nyamo to gasp out again.

“What the HELL Yukari!? Take you’re finger out of my a*s!”

Yukari did the exact opposite though, digging her finger in as far as it could go, causing Nyamo to groan, before she began to retreat her finger, then insert it again, repeating this action slowly over and over.

“Did you know Nyamo…” states Yukari. “If you pour alcohol into the rectum, you can get drunk really, really quick? You just can‘t get that nice taste.”

Nyamo gasps in realization, “You wouldn’t dare!”

“Hehe…” chuckles Yukari, before removing her finger from Nyamo’s rear and placing the edge of the open end of the bottle to Nyamo’s anus, “Bottoms up, literally…” she adds, before upturning the bottle and pushing down on it, easily inserting it into her friends rear, who gasps out again as she felt the liquid empting into her rectum.

“Ahhh! Yukari pull it out! This isn’t funny!”

“Hehe, you’re a*s is pretty thirsty Nyamo.” comments Yukari.

“Does that really work?” Asks Naki.

“Yeah.” replies Yukari, ignoring Nyamo’s pleas for her to pull the rapidly empting bottle out of her rear. “Som’thin to do with the alchol getting absorbed directly into the blood or som’thin. All I know is, you can get sh*t-faced without ever getting your face involved, hehe…”

The bottle hadn’t even finished empting yet before Nyamo felt funny, dizzy, she knew this feeling… seeing her head turn left and right slowly, Yukari grins…

“Hehe, See? Nyamo’s already feeling it…” states Yukari, placing her left hand on Nyamo’s right cheek of her rear. “Nice and calm…”

“Wow, I might have to try that sometimes.” states Naki.

“Don’t do it with a full bottle though.” warns Yukari. “I heard you can die from having too much go up you a*s.”

“What?” asks Nyamo, in a drunken, lethargic slur.

“Not to worry Nyamo.” states Yukari, smiling down at her friends face and slapping her rear once, “Not much was left in this bottle… oh, looks like it’s empty…” she adds, looking to the now empty bottle and pulling it from Nyamo’s rear, the hole gaping slightly for a few moment’s before it’s clenches closed.

“Now, now that you nice and wasted, what do you have to say to me giving your clit a licking, hmm Nyamo?”

Wasted indeed, Nyamo seemed to be only partly aware of where she was.

“Hehe, maybe it was too much.” comments Naki, smiling. “She looks like she could be fu*ked and not even be aware of it.”

“That’s no good…” states Yukari, before sticking her right index and middle finger’s into Nyamo’s warm slit, thrusting them in and out a few times, the only reaction she got from Nyamo was some unintelligent attempt at speech. “It’s no fun if she too wasted to even feel anything. I wasted all that Sake up Nyamo’s a*s for nothing.”

Naki then grins, “Wait a second, maybe you didn’t; With Nyamo like this, she can’t fight back, do you know if she has a camera somewhere?”

“Ohh… I see what your getting at!” states Yukari, grinning. “We can do stuff to her, record it and show it to her when she sobers up! Oh, A already have an idea of what to had her do first, keep her butt up in the air like that, I think Nyamo has a camera around here somewhere.”


Yukari got to her feet and began searching Nyamo’s bedroom, quickly finding a disposable camera.

“Ohh, this is perfect, When Nyamo goes to get the photos, she’ll be so embarrassed!” states Yukari as she walks towards Nyamo. “Ok, take her underwear off and put her legs down, the Sake come out of her a*s.”

“Heh, I’ll try to remimber never getting wasted when drinking with you…” comments Naki, reaching to Nyamo’s underwear and pulling them from her legs…

- a few days later -

Nyamo currently visit’s a local drug store and picks up a small envelope of pictures, noticing the young girl behind the counter looking at her funny, Nyamo questions, “What?”

The girl blushes slightly and walks away.

“What’s with her…” comments Nyamo, looking puzzled at the girl walking away, before she began walking towards the front doors of the store, opening the envelope and upon removing the first picture, Nyamo immediately stops in her tracks, her face reddening in both embarrassment and anger…

“That Yukari…IS SO DEAD!”


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