Story: Moments of Weakness (chapter 2)

Authors: sneekie

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Chapter 2

Later in the week Jo sneeked Darien into her room while her father was working downstairs on his new project

The following week Jo snuck Darien into her room while her Dad was working downstairs on his new project, and her mom out doing shopping.

“Are you sure about this?” asked Darien nervously as she removed her clothes.

“Relax, Mum will be out for ages, on one of her shopping trips”

“I think she knows about us….”

Jo laughed sceptical, “Mum doesn’t know a thing, now will you stop worrying”

They fell onto the bed together and kissed, rubbing against each other’s naked body vigorously. Their hands were feeling and fondling each other. In no time, Darien moved down between Jo’s legs and starts lapping her up.

Dianne arrived home early and caught up with her husband, “what you think about this dress for Jo…for her birthday.”

Todd looks it over and raises an eyebrow, “it’s lovely…and expensive”

“Oh Todd, she’s our only child and if I want to spoil her, I will. So, is she home yet?”

“Hmmm don’t think so, and if she is, I haven’t seen her”

Dianne walks upstairs and decides to put the dress in Jo’s room as a surprise, and when she opened the room the sight she saw in front of her burned into her head, scathing her eyes. Her daughter naked on the bed, legs resting over Darien as she was down between her legs”

Jo squealed and pulled the sheet up to cover herself. Darien stood up and froze, waiting for the parental explosion, not even bothering to cover herself up.

“Mum…you should have knocked” squealed Jo embarrassed.

Dianne had trouble forming a sentence then immediately turns her attention to Darien “I suggest you get dressed and leave immediately young lady”

Darien dressed and as she when to leave. Dianne trying to control her temper pulled out some tissues from the box and gave it to Darien “wipe your face” Darien grabbed tissues and ran out.

Dianne turned her attention to Jo who was now crying no doubt from combination of embarrassment and fear.

Dianne sat on edge of her daughter’s bed not sure what to say

“Mum…. I’m sorry please don’t hate me…. Don’t tell Dad…. We were just fooling around” tears flowed out of her daughters eyes.

Dianne looked at her daughter “fooling around…back in my day fooling around was first base grope…not…going…down…eh”


“Josephine, what in the world...”

“Don’t hate me…please” Jo sobs louder.

“Honey I don’t hate you…calm down. I am not going to tell your father…Yet.”

Dianne hugged her daughter trying to sooth her “look this is hard for me too, no mother wants to see their child having…” Dianne shook her head stopping herself, “how long has this been going on?” She said instead, afraid of the answer

“It was my first time”

“Did she force you?” she asked slightly louder, anger rising within Dianne again.

“Mum no…it was consensual, I’m not gay…I still like guys we were just fooling around”

Dianne groans “are you having sex with boys too?”


Dianne breathed sigh of relief.

“But I was going to ask if I could go on the pill”

“God I knew this day was coming…” Dianne still holding her daughter “you are only 16…I think you are too young to be having sex. I know you are not a child anymore Jo, but you’re not an adult yet either and baby your body is still going through many changes.”

“Mum I understand…Please trust me.”

Dianne sighs and a smile starts to appear “this is why I wanted you to study with the door open”

“will you knock in the future?” Jo asked

Dianne was surprised at the boldness of her daughter. “Well if you want to study with the door closed and you wish for your parents to knock…then I suggest you talk to your father about that”

Jo groans exaggeratedly “he is going to want to know why”

Dianne kissed her daughter “exactly…..” she smiled and left her daughter’s room, leaving her to think about the consequences.

One part of Dianne was angry at Darien for taking away her daughter’s innocence and another side she was glad it was a girl this time. She was dreading the boyfriend stage to come. Either way her husband was not ready to know his baby girl was sexually active.

It was the day before Jo’s 17th birthday. Dianne was putting on the finishing touches to the cake when she heard knock at the back door. She opened it and was surprised to see Darien standing there sheepishly.

“Jo is not here” growled Dianne unwelcomely.

“Umm I know… I…ah…thought you might want the pool cleaned before tomorrow night.” Darien’s head still bowed, eyes not making contact with Dianne’s.

“I don’t think…”

And also to apologise for the other day.” She quickly added “I’m so sorry, it was my fault so if you want to yell at someone then.” Darien head remained down in submission.

“Darien, please take a seat” Dianne said, stepping aside to let the young girl in, closing the back door quietly and following her into the kitchen.

Darien came in and sat at the dinner table quietly.

“I’m not going to have a parental attack at you Darien. I don’t think it’s going to achieve anything, it’s certainly not going to change the outcome. What you must understand Josephine is my baby and I’m very, very protective of her. Although she will be 17 tomorrow, it’s not going to matter if she’s 17, 27, 57 she is always going to be my baby. Seeing you steal her innocence away breaks my heart because it something that should be shared with”

Darien grits her teeth angrily, finally getting the courage to glare at Dianne full on the face, “yeah I know…between a man and a woman…”

Dianne senses Darien’s change of mood and touched her hand to make Darien calm down.

“No…. I was going to say shared between two people who love each other.”

“Oh” the last statement took her by surprise…“well it was my entire fault” continues Darien.

Dianne smirked “hmmm well I know my daughter and I doubt that very much”

Darien blushed and dropped her head. Dianne noticed tears and sighed ‘teenage years’ she thought to herself

“Look it’s ok Darien, let’s just move on from this but let me make it clear, I don’t want this to happen again”

“Please don’t tell my parents…they wouldn’t understand. They don’t believe in…I…I’m” stuttered Darien.

Dianne realized that there was something affecting Darien more. “Darien…. You can say it” squeezed her hand reassuringly “I’m not going to get upset with you”

Darien looked at her “I think I’m gay.” She spilled out quickly

Dianne already sensed this about the young girl and pulled her in for a much needed hug. Darien cried, Dianne tried to soothing the young girl, “hey it’s ok…. There is nothing to be ashamed of”

“How can you be ok with it? Why are you so different? I mean you’re as old as my folks”

Dianne sighed “hmmm”

“I mean….”

“Let just say I’m a little more open minded about certain things. Darien it’s ok, now I’m happy to talk to you about this, but at the moment I really need to finish this so…” Dianne says, motioning towards the prepared arrangements on the kitchen counter.

“Umm ok” Darien whispers, wiping her eyes. “So I’ll clean the pool?”

“That would be great.”

Darien went to leave.

“Darien….you are as normal as the next teenager regardless of race, religious or sexual preference.”

“Thanks for listening to me Mrs Marshall.”

After finishing the cake Dianne went upstairs to her bedroom. She turned on the computer to tend to her online banking and while waiting she was looking down over her pool. She could see Darien cleaning out the leaves and scrubbing the sides. Her top was off and tucked in behind her pants. She wearing a small, black sports top and it amused Dianne to see her dancing around the pool, listening to her iPod. She thought Darien was a good looking girl, except for that annoying strand of hair that would fall down over her innocent face. She felt touched that Darien was able to open up, and how sweet she looked with the tears running down her face. She watched Darien a little longer, and when she realized she was actually checking out her daughter’s girl friend, she quickly moved from the window.

She started on the computer and noticed mail in her husband’s inbox, thinking it would be more acceptances for their daughter’s party she opened it.

Darien finished with the pool went inside getting herself a drink. She put her top on and called out to Dianne. She noticed Jo’s mother’s car was still in the drive way so she made her way up the stairs. As she reached the top she could hear loud sobbing from the main bedroom.

She stood frozen in the doorway seeing Dianne collapsed on the bed crying.

“Mrs Marshall, is everything alright?” She asks dumbfounded.

Dianne surprised stood up too quickly, felt light head, her legs collapsed. Darien in two large strides caught the older woman and helped her sit down on the bed. The sobs started again and Darien not sure what to say just put her arms around and held the older woman.

“What’s the matter Mrs Marshall?” Darien even more concerned.

Dianne wiped her eyes and looked at the computer and stuttered “my husband…he’s been…oh god he’s having an affair.” She cries again.

Darien gets up and looks at the computer. An email message up ‘hey gorgeous thought you’d like a picture of our luscious night together. Looking forward to next week Holly.’

An attachment showed a photo of Mr Marshall and the woman in a sexual position.

Darien clicked it closed and shut the computer off. She faced the distraught woman and sat next to her again “I’m so sorry Mrs Marshall.”

Darien wrapped her arms around Dianne and allowed her to cry “how could he do this to me? What did I do wrong? Oh no! Jo can’t find out not on the eve of her birthday!”

Darien stroked Dianne’s hair trying to calm her down “Shhhh I won’t say anything I promise and you didn’t do anything wrong. Don’t blame yourself, he’s such a fool for not appreciating what beautiful woman you are Mrs Marshall”

Dianne touched by Darien’s sentiments “I’m sorry Darien, you don’t need to be involved” she knew she should break from Darien’s arms but didn’t.

Darien pulls back and wiped the tears from Dianne’s face, then with no warning kissed Dianne softly. Dianne didn’t move her senses numb by all that was happening. Darien held Dianne’s face and snatched her lips for a deeper kiss. Just as Dianne was about to return the intensity Darien slipped her tongue in. This broke the moment and Dianne jumped up and put hand over her mouth and gasped.

Darien got up “Oh shit I’m sorry Mrs Marshall, I don’t know what came over me…Please I’m so sorry” Darien now closed to tears, angry at ruining the moment and making matters worse.

Dianne turned her back hiding her face, “just go Darien, I can’t deal with this too.”

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