Story: To The Arms Of The Sea [Re-write] (chapter 4)

Authors: Kara_Urquhart

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Chapter 4

[Author's notes: I am so sorry, andother short chapter.]

“Didn’t no one e’er teach yeh  tha yer not to lay a hand on a lady?” The woman who held him was tall with long, curly red hair and crystal green eyes. She had a distinctly Irish accent and a powerful air hung about her like some exotic perfume. She had a hold of the owner’s wrist and an angry expression. There was a slightly shorter woman next to her who looked just as mad, but had startlingly purple eyes.


“Get yer bloody ‘and off me!” Jack said twisting away. The woman just stood, glareing with a look that would send many a grown man running for the hills, hands on hip. Their clothes identified her and her partner as pirates, and the shorter one growled at the man, “An jest who do yeh think yer talkin to?”


“A couple o bloody pirates,” He said and took hold of Illiana, “Now leave ‘er to me and get out of me tavern.”

 "Yer talking to more than jest yer common pirate yeh discustin' sack of flesh!" The woman said with a glare. 

“And, though I’d like no’in be’er than the live this pigsty,” The Irish one said, spiting at his feet. “I’s not leaven withou’ ‘er”


When the landlord refused she simply drew her sword. “I’s en excellent swordsman, now, release ‘er er I swear on me life, I will slit you form navel” She pointed the sword towards his stomach, “To nose” and then flicked it to his nose. The keen blade left a thin line of blood.


“Fine,” He said his voice shook with obvious fear of the woman, “Take ‘er and get out! I don’t need that ugly tramp anyhow!”


The Irish woman took Illiana by the arm and the purple eyed woman spit on Jack and turned on heel away. Without a backward glance, Illiana was lead away, putting an end to the life in the tavern where she had spent so many years in hell, to a life of freedom that had only just begun

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