Story: The Landscaper (chapter 5)

Authors: sneekie

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Chapter 5


I rushed around all morning to get everything finished. I already had another job to go to and wanted to give myself enough time to get Judith’s stuff out. I gathered my equipment together when a pair of arms slipped around me from behind.

“Do you know it’s been 8 hours since you’ve made love to me.” remarks Judith

I couldn’t help but chuckle “I hadn’t noticed.” I lied “been too busy. So what are you the sex patrol now.” Then turned and faced her

“Yes and you are under my arrest for lack of sexual conduct towards me.”

“Oh jeez I’m guilty officer arrest me.” I played along holding out my wrists.

“Down on your knees now criminal.” She ordered.

I really didn’t have time but it was fun to play along in her fantasy. I obeyed and knelt before her

“Close your eyes.”

Which I did of course expecting something interesting, and then I was pushed backwards into the pool.

I quickly surfaced spluttering and cursing. My ears hear laughter from Judith. I put my hands on my hips in disgust

“oh that’s so mature Judith.” I growled

“Oh c’mon it’s funny.”

“Yeh well it’s not your clothes and work boots wet.”

I got out the pool and started to wring myself out. “That really spoilt it you know, here I am trying to help you and this is what I get.”

Judith’s smile dropped and she walked over “hey I’m sorry I really didn’t mean.”

I scooped her up before she could finish and threw her into the pool. When she surfaced I jumped in next to her and we splashed each other until I wedged her into a corner.

“Now that was naughty” Judith whacked my nose lightly

“Hmm yes it was.” Then leaned in and stole a kiss.

Judith’s hand wanders my body and under my shirt, she eventually found her way inside my pants

“You know I’ve always wanted to do.” Judith stopped mid sentence and shoved me away hard.

A booming voice hit my ears. “I KNEW I COULDN’T FUCKING WELL TRUST YOU.”

I turned around and looked at Judith’s girlfriend, her face contorted with rage. I backed up against Judith who was trembling severely

“You ungrateful little slut get out of that pool and get yourself inside, I will deal with you soon enough.” She ordered Judith.

“Bullshit you will.” I spat back then faced Judith

“Listen to me.” But Judith was looking at her girlfriend “hey look at me not her.” I turned her head to me. “We will leave the pool together. I will stay between you and your girlfriend she won’t do anything. Then go inside, get my keys on the table and get in my ute and wait for me.”

“What about you.” She said in a small voice


I assumed she was talking to me now but I ignored her ranting

“You wait in the ute I won’t be long, however if she comes out instead of me get the hell out and go to the police.”

“I can’t. “She whimpered

“You can….you have to.” I pleaded

We walked to the shallows and the girlfriend start to walk around the pool quickly toward us. I sprang between her and Judith “back off or I’ll finish were I left off before.” I hissed “Judith do as I told you now.”

“OH so now you listen to this fucking loser you stupid bitch. Let me guess she fucked you and promised you everything. Can she afford to give you all this huh.” And throws her arms around

“Judith please go.” I urged her desperately.

The girlfriend tried to push past but I shoved her hard. She fell back after tripping over my gardening tools.

I turned to Judith “NOW.” I yelled

She ran inside and locked the door. She picked up the keys but dropped them in a panic. “Fuck” she hissed and picked them looking over her shoulder. She ran to the front door and left getting into Max’s ute. She tried a key but it didn’t fit. She looked up still expecting to see her girlfriend and eventually started up the ute and waited hoping Max would be ok

Back at the pool I watched Judith go inside and hear the latch lock and smiled to myself. I started to turn back 

“You are never gonna hurt her again.” And caught sight of something coming at me. I put my arm up to shield and it hit my arm. I heard a crack followed by intense pain.

Stunned I cried out and stepped away from the weapon welding person.

“I will not let you take her away from me.” She swings again this time landing a sicken blow to the side of Max's head.

Judith very concerned that no one had come out creeps around the back. She was sure Max could handle this. She heard her girlfriend yell and peered slowly around the corner and sees her now ex-girlfriend swing a spade hitting Max in the side of the head.

Max went down with a thud and didn’t move. Judith put a hand over her mouth to catch her cry.

“GET UP you fucking bitch, not so tough now are you.”

Blood was seeping out onto the pavers. The angry woman was now laying into Max with her feet.

“This is what you get for fucking around with my property.” Spat the woman then landed another blow to Max’s stomach.

The ex was just about to land another kick when she was hit hard from behind and fell down, her head hitting the side of the pool instantly cracking open. Blood was now gushing into the pool.

Judith dropped the crow bar and ran to Max, blood was flowing from her head wound.

“Max c’mon fight….oh Christ.” Judith got some towels and packed them around her head then called for an ambulance.

Judith goes back to holding Max hand “Please don’t give up.”

In the distance sirens were screaming towards the carnage that was once Judith’s back yard, now a bloody mess.


“Please I need to get to the hospital” pleads Judith to the police officers

“ok I know we just need to get this right. Now your ex girlfriend threaten to assault you and assaulted your current girlfriend of which you been together for 2 days with a crowbar.”

Judith put her head in her hands in frustration “No a spade she hit Max with a spade, I hit her with a crowbar. She was going to kill her and she probably would have come after me.” Her voice breaking under the strain

“But if she’s your ex girlfriend why was she so jealous all of a sudden.”

“Because she didn’t like what we were doing in her pool I guess.”

“And you have been split up with your ex for how long.” Asked the officer curiously

“2 years.” Lied Judith

“If that is the case why do you still live here?” The other officer questioning Judith’s living arrangements.

“We always got on well together, as friends is what I mean." Stuttered Judith. "I have never seen her jealous until today and she just went psycho. Please I need to get to the hospital.” Judith close to tears

The officer satisfied his questions were answered and got another officer to take her to the hospital

Once Judith had left the officer walked over to his partner. “Well what do you think, do you believe her?”

“Guess we can’t exactly ask her side of the story.” And they watch the coroner zip up the black body bag containing Judith’s ex girlfriend


“No no no I said the pop up sprinklers go along the edge of the lawn and evenly spaced, jeez I drew you a map.” Max grumbled

“Your map isn’t clear, you can always do it yourself grumpy.” Answered back Judith

“I would if I ever get this damn plaster cast off.” Max said in frustration

Judith put her shovel down and went over to her now stressing girlfriend and stroked her face

“Hey it won’t be long sweetheart.” And gave her a reassuring hug “anyway as your new employee I guess this means you are entitled to certain perks.” Judith rubs Max's chest

“Oh am I.” Curious at where this was leading

“Uh ha” and Judith proceeded to rub the inside of Max's thighs

“Hmmm I suppose being the boss has its advantages and it has been at least 2 hours since your last sexual favour.” Max grabbed her hand to lead her inside but Judith stood her ground

“We are in the seclusion of our own yard.” She whisper

I looked around at the acres of country that was now part of our back yard.

“Mmmm yes, but I don’t know if the country is ready for my throes of passion.” And laugh at her idea

Judith taking her job seriously and unzips Max's pants, wets her finger and eases in slowly.

“Let’s find out shall we.” She says with a smile




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