Story: To Catch A Killer (chapter 5)

Authors: Ororo

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Chapter 5

Title: National Security

[Author's notes: A/N: In case anyone missed it, this is a femslash story. Main characters are Elisa/Fox. Story doesn't follow canon and neither do the characters. This is a WIP so constructive criticism is welcome and so are suggestions but flames that are emailed to me or posted as "reviews" on will be extinguished.

A special thanks to Darkwoofe for taking the time to beta this chapter.]

Disclaimer: No money made from this fic. No copyright infringement intended. All characters, except MJ, Larissa & other OC, belong to Disney and Co.


Elisa stared up at the glass structure. At one time, it had been the tallest building in New York, but with new companies like Xanatos Enterprises and Nightstone Unlimited coming onto the scene Cyberbiotics had given up that title. Many still considered it an architectural achievement. The tinted glass changed color throughout the day, going from black in the early morning and afternoon, when the sun was brightest, to silver in the evening. And at night the tint vanished, allowing passersby to watch automated robots performing security duties.

"You coming?" Matt asked, standing on the first of the steps that would take them up to the atrium.

She wanted to say "no", but Captain Chavez had pulled them from the SVU task force for this case. She only told them it may involve "national security." Elisa got out of the car, and reluctantly followed her partner.

At the top of the steps, moving sidewalks carried them into the building. Elisa tried to relax as they passed through a body scanner, but she jumped when flashing red lights started going off.

"Weapons alert! Weapons alert!" an automated voice announced. Steel doors slammed shut, trapping Elisa and Matt inside. A camera came out of the ceiling, pointing down at them. Elisa could hear a low humming coming from the newly emerged camera.

She looked closely at the camera and could see a pen shaped object protruding from it. Seconds later two red beams shined on both her and Matt's chests. Elisa threw her hands up, realizing it was a weapon. "NYPD!" she shouted.


Elisa and Matt were escorted into Fox's office, where the red head had her back to them, staring out the glass wall behind her desk. "Have a seat, detectives," she invited, not turning around. Elisa and Matt remained standing.

"Is that security system legal? Somebody could get killed trying to get in here," Matt stated. Once their badges had been scanned and their identities confirmed, the security system had released them, but they had to agree to an escort before being allowed on the top floor of Cyberbiotics.

Fox turned around to look at her guest for the first time since they entered her office. Her thick red hair was silken and parted down the middle, her eyes partially hidden behind the curtain red. The tailored white pantsuit she wore accentuated every curve. Elisa couldn't help but realize that, no matter where or when she saw her, the red head was always well put together.

Fox smiled at Matt, glancing briefly at Elisa before answering. "That's the point, Detective, keeping uninvited guests out at all costs."

Matt looked at Elisa. "You called us, remember? Maybe next time we could get a little better treatment," Matt replied.

Fox nodded, "Now that you're identity has been verified, you won't have any future incidents." That seemed to pacify Matt. Elisa remained quiet, embarrassed about her behavior from the previous night. Fox's gaze slid to Elisa. "I hope you weren't as traumatized by my security system as your partner." She teased.

Matt huffed. "Not," he muttered, sullenly.

Fox smirked at the other red head, before returning her focus to Elisa. She could feel Fox's scrutiny. Somehow, even when they weren't alone, Elisa felt as if she had Fox's undivided attention.

"I've arranged a meeting, tonight with Demona to discuss Delilah" Fox said.

Elisa didn't bother to hide her skepticism, "I don't think Demona will be all that interested in helping Delilah."

Fox arched an eyebrow at her, "You thought the same about me...and you were wrong,” she replied in a calm voice.

Elisa pulled her pen and writing pad out of her jacket. She really didn't want to discuss Delilah and Goliath in front of Matt, so decided to get down to business. "Captain Chavez said something was stolen from Cyberbiotics last night. Can you give us the details?" she asked.

Fox unbuttoned her jacket and draped it over her desk chair. The top three buttons on her silk shirt were undone, offering up a glimpse of her nicely rounded breasts; Matt let out a low whistle. Elisa glared at her partner. He shrugged, not looking the least bit repentent. Fox heard the whistle but chose to ignore it. It was Elisa's reaction intrigued her. She couldn't tell if the brunette was offended or jealous. She punched some numbers on her computer keyboard, and an entire wall opened, revealing another room.

"This building is so cool," Matt enthused. He walked to the threshold of the other room and then suddenly stopped, glancing back at Fox. "Is it safe to go in there?" he asked.

She answered in an amused tone, "Yes, Detective." Matt continued inside. "I've deactivated the death ray." The policeman froze.

The pitch of his voice was higher than usual as Matt yelped, "The what?!"

Fox walked inside, joining him. "I'm only kidding," she said. He relaxed. "Kinda," Fox added.

Amused, Elisa walked in after them. The room was filled with weapons Elisa had never seen before. They looked like something off of Star Trek. Some were as small as a .22, while others were as large as a hand held rocket launcher.

Fox went to a wall and pointed to a medium sized weapon, "Last night a shipment of these was stolen from the docks. The laser rifle is highly classified and was being sent to the Pentagon."

Elisa stared at the weapon. The body was black, with a red stripe running down the middle. It was boxier than a standard rifle. She walked over to Fox. "How many were taken?” she asked.

The red head ran long fingers through her hair. "One hundred," Fox answered. "It has a range of over one hundred fifty yards and fires ten times faster than an automatic. In the right hands it could be used to take over a building. A hundred can change the course of a conflict.” Elisa looked up, startled by the last comment.

"You mean a war?" she clarified.

Fox reached up, taking the rifle off the wall. She stepped on a button on the floor, and a life sized dummy appeared. In the center of its chest a heart monitor beeped. She moved to the back of the room with Elisa and Matt following her. She then raised the weapon shoulder high, sighted on the target, and fired. A white energy bolt shot out into the target. The heart monitor's beep slowed down but remained steady. "That's a low discharge. It's enough to stun," Fox explained. She adjusted the weapon and fired again. This time, the heart monitor surged erratically. "That's medium. It can disable, causing you to black out." Another slight adjustment and she fired a third time. The monitor beeped, then flat-lined. "That's high and enough to cause cardiac arrest. It will kill" she told them grimly.

Elisa stared at the weapon, then at Fox. "Will you show me how to use it?" she asked. Fox moved behind Elisa, and gently wrapped her arms around the brunette, placing the rifle in Elisa's hands. Full breasts pressed into Elisa's back, causing her to tremble.

She slid her hands over Elisa's to steady her. "Don't be afraid," she whispered into the detective's ear. She stepped closer until there was no more space between them. "Touch it," she told Elisa.

Elisa allowed her fingers to glide over the sleek metal surface. It was surprisingly light weight for a weapon of its size. She found the settings, then let her fingers trail down to the trigger. "Do it slowly. Use your fingertip," Fox instructed in her ear, causing another delightful tremble to pass through Elisa. She dropped her hands to Elisa's waist. Elisa sighted on the target and pulled the trigger. The discharge caused a slight kick and she bounced into Fox causing the red head to let out a throaty groan.

Matt cleared his throat, reminding the two they weren't alone. "Ahhh, are there any built in safety features to keep just anyone from using it?" he asked as caught the ladies attention.

Fox turned the weapon over, pointing to a key pad. "Each shipment has a specific code that needs to be entered before the weapons will discharge. The codes are assigned by me or Halcyon and are sent electronically to the buyer," Fox explained.

Elisa glanced over her shoulder. "Does your husband have access to the codes?" Elisa asked. She felt Fox stiffen then pull away.

"I didn't hide them from him if that's what you want to know. But he would need my passcode in order to retrieve them, and to my knowledge, he doesn't have it," she told them.

"You sure?" Matt asked.

"You'll have to ask David," Fox said. "But I don't have any reason to suspect him."

Elisa laughed. "Right, he's such a trustworthy person we should just rule him out. Like he was honest with you about Delilah," Elisa added.

Fox stared daggers at Elisa. "Goliath came to David for help" Fox defended. "Or did your boyfriend not tell you the whole story?" she added in a snide tone. Matt looked at his partner then the business woman, noting an electrical charge that had nothing to with the weapon, filling the room."He's no longer my boyfriend!" Elisa snapped. "Unlike you I'd never be with someone who could do that!"

Fox leaned into Elisa's personal space. "That's exactly why you sleep in an empty bed. Because you're so quick to judge others. We both know you're not exactly an innocent, are you?"

Elisa didn't back down. "It's none of your business who's in my bed. But don't worry, it won't be empty long," Elisa countered.

Fox bared her teeth and growled. Matt's eyebrows disappeared into his hairline. He placed one hand on top of the other signaling for a stop. "Time out, ladies. Time out," he repeated.

Elisa roughly shoved the laser rifle into Matt's hands. "I'll be in the car," she told him, storming out.

His eyes widened when Fox turned to follow. Matt stepped in front of the red head, blocking her exit.

"Get out of my way, Detective" Fox commanded shaking with barely controlled rage.


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